Message by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

Corruption involves the abuse of entrusted power for private gain by individuals or institutions in the public and private sectors.It comes in many shapes and forms, such as bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks, double dealing, money laundering and fraud.

Pope Francis has consistently addressed the issue of corruption, accentuating its destructive impact on individuals and society. He describes corruption as a “grave sin” that not only harms personal integrity but also threatens the very foundations of social life. His remarks on the subject often highlight the spiritual, ethical, and societal impacts of corruption, emphasising how it distorts justice, undermines trust in institutions, leading to cynicism among citizens, and harms the most vulnerable. Corruption is a pervasive evil that can infiltrate various aspects of daily life, leading to a culture where people justify their unethical behaviour, and dishonesty becomes normalised and accepted.

Francis highlights the need for a conversion of heart among those involved in corrupt practices. He calls on individuals, particularly those in positions of power, to recognise the gravity of their actions and seek redemption. The Pope warns against the illusion that wealth and power can bring happiness, stating that money does not bring us happiness and that the pursuit of riches often leads to violence and moral decay. He urges those engaged in corruption to change their lives, reminding them that they will ultimately face God’s judgment, from which no one can escape.

What is needed is a comprehensive approach to reform, beginning with personal conversion and extending to societal structures. Pope Francis also emphasises the communal responsibility to combat corruption. He advocates for transparency, loyalty, and the courage to denounce wrongdoing. He warns that if corruption is not openly challenged, it can ensnare everyone, leading to a collective complicity that ultimately destroys societal integrity. This call to action is rooted in the belief that all have a role to play in fostering a culture of honesty and accountability.

The Pope encourages the faithful to engage actively in political and social issues, for the common good and the protection of the vulnerable. This honest engagement in politics, despite its challenges, is viewed as a noble vocation aimed at serving society.

The commitment of Pope Francis to transparency is reflected in the Holy See’s adherence to international standards against corruption. In recent years, he has implemented measures to ensure accountability in the management of public finances within the Vatican, recognising that corruption can be present in various forms in the same Church structures. This stance underscores the Church’s dedication to combating corruption within its own ranks and also in the broader society.

Pope Francis’s teaching on corruption is particularly relevant to us living in a society which, in many instances, seems rotten to the core. The Pope calls for a collective effort to foster integrity, transparency, and accountability, urging individuals to confront corruption in their lives and communities. By promoting a culture of honesty and service to the common good, the Pope envisions a society where the values of love and justice prevail over greed and corruption. This vision is a call to action for all of us, and also a reminder of the transformative power of faith in addressing the moral challenges of contemporary life.

✠ Joseph Galea-Curmi 
    Auxiliary Bishop of Malta

This article was first published on The Sunday Times of Malta on 22nd September 2024.