Archbishop Charles Scicluna will preside over the closing of the diocesan inquiries into the lives of Servants of God, Henry and Inez Casolani, on Friday, 5th July 2024, at St Augustine Church, Valletta. The celebration will begin at 6:15pm with the closing rite of the inquiries, followed by a Thanksgiving Mass which will be broadcast on and Newsbook Malta. Henry and Inez Casolani are exemplary models of Servants of God in marriage, family and everyday life.

The process for their beatification and canonisation started in 2015 with the establishment of a tribunal. Over the past eight years, numerous witnesses have been heard and extensive documentation has been collected regarding the couple’s holy lives, their reputation for holiness and the wonders attributed to them.

Servants of God Henry and Inez Casolani

Henry Casolani was born in Valletta on the 25th November 1917. Obedience, humility, and charity were Henry’s defining characteristics. He was a draughtsman and created a workplace environment imbued with the spirit of the Gospel. Known to many as “the apostle of peace,” Henry faced much discouragement and tribulation which he united with Jesus’ passion. Notably, he experienced an inexplicable healing of his sight through the intercession of Blessed Sister Maria Adeodata Pisani. Henry Casolani passed away on the 29th December 1999.

Inez Casolani was born in Cospicua on the 11th October 1915. She was a teacher who upon her marriage dedicated herself to her family and helping those in need, including the sick in hospitals. From a young age, she spent an hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday evening. Inez’s spirituality was founded on four pillars: prayer, reading God’s word, mortification and charity. Through a holy relic of St George Preca, Inez Casolani recovered from a severe fever. Inez Casolani passed away on the 13th July 1992.

The Casolani couple married in 1944 at St Augustine’s Church in Valletta. They lived their day-to-day married life extraordinarily well. They had one daughter, Cecilia Mary, who joined the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition at the age of 19. Last year, work began on transferring their remains to St Augustine’s Church in Valletta for public veneration.