The following clarification is necessary with respect to the comments passed regarding the participation of Church officials during the Seminar on Feasts organized by the Musical Society Madonna tal-Gilju, Mqabba.

At no point was any Church official invited to address the Seminar.  Mons Anton Gouder received an invitation, which included a printed programme that was already finalised.  Similar invitations were also recieved by other people and associations.

It is common knowledge that the Church is in no way distancing itself from feasts.  Moreover, it is undertaking a comprehensive exercise in order that feasts may be restored.  The Church is doing its utmost to ensure that a general consensus is reached and, as has already been announced to particular associations, agreement has been reached on all counts.  It is not prudent to comment on the progress reached on the proceedings of the discussions.

On a personal note, it was Mons Gouder’s intention to accept the invitation, but due to family exegencies, his presence was required at hospital.