Press Releases

Ordination of four new deacons

This Saturday, 13th April 2024, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will ordain four new deacons. The four deacons are seminarian Matthew Sammut from the Parish of the Resurrection of Christ in Pembroke; Johan Bugeja, Salesian of Don Bosco; and two students from the Institute for World Evangelisation – ICPE Mission: Tian Ci Shawn Dominic Wong from Singapore and Jerome Savioraj Barnabas from India.

The Mass will be celebrated at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta and broadcast live on and more »

Maltese Bishops congratulate Bishop-Elect Henry Joseph Balzan

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, Bishop Anton Teuma and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi joyfully welcome the appointment by Pope Francis of Mgr Henry Joseph Balzan as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of La Serena, in Chile. The Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo are united in prayer for the Bishop-elect so that the Lord will help him in this new mission.

Mgr Henry Joseph Balzan, a priest of the Archdiocese of Malta, was born on 1 November 1963 in Ħamrun… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations by Archbishop Charles Scicluna in April 2024

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ April, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq,, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta.

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna se jiċċelebra l‑quddies f’dawn il‑ġranet:

L-Erbgħa 3 ta’ April, fid‑9:30am, l-Arċisqof imexxi l-pellegrinaġġ ta’ San Girgor fiż-Żejtun… Read more »

The Archbishop baptises 14 adults from seven different countries

This evening, during the Solemn Vigil of the Resurrection of our Lord at St John’s Co‑Cathedral, Archbishop Charles Scicluna will administer the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion) to 14 catechumens, who, as adults, have chosen the Christian path. These 14 adults, who will tonight become new members of the Catholic Church through these sacraments, hail from Albania, China, Colombia, India, Malta, Mauritius, and the United Kingdom… Read more »

The Archbishop emphasises the key role of Holy Communion ministers within the Church

Archbishop Charles Scicluna expressed his profound gratitude to the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for their unwavering dedication and service within the parishes and broader communities. His acknowledgment came on Holy Thursday, a significant day commemorating Jesus Christ’s institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist during the Last Supper.

In a letter addressed to all ministers responsible for administering Holy Communion within the Archdiocese of Malta, Archbishop Scicluna highlighted the important role these ministers play in the Church… Read more »

New parish priests for Mqabba, Kalkara and Tal-Ibraġ; and parish administrator for Balluta

Kappillan ġdid għall-parroċċa tal-Imqabba Dun Blake Camilleri

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna qed jafda l‑ħidma pastorali tal‑parroċċa ta’ Santa Marija fl‑Imqabba f’idejn Dun Blake Camilleri bħala l‑kappillan ta’ din il‑parroċċa. Mons. Arċisqof jirringrazzja lil Dun John Philip Curmi tal‑ħidma tiegħu bħala kappillan f’din il‑parroċċa għal dawn l‑aħħar 10 snin.

Dun Blake Camilleri twieled fit‑8 ta’ Mejju 1984. Beda l‑mixja għas‑saċerdozju fis‑Seminarju Maġġuri tal‑Arċisqof f’Tal‑Virtù fir‑Rabat u studja fil‑Fakultà tat‑Teoloġija fl‑Università ta’ Malta minn fejn iggradwa fil‑Filosofija u t‑Teoloġija… Read more »

Statement by the Ecclesiastical Tribunal on false allegations by Prof. Simon Mercieca

We refer to a blogpost by Simon Mercieca put up on his website on 5 March, 2024, entitled “Il-Kurja ser tippubblika l-annullament ta’ Jason Azzopardi kif kienet għamlet b’ta’ Alfred Sant meta għaddietu lil Daphne Caruana Galizia ħalli tumiljah?”

Once again, Professor Mercieca is making serious and harmful allegations against the Ecclesiastical Tribunal and the President of the Regional Tribunal of Second Instance, Mgr Joseph Bajada, which are false and require clarification… Read more »

The Archbishop urges MCESD to prevent anyone from feeling like a second-class citizen

Archbishop Charles Scicluna and Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi with MCESD social partners and members of the Justice and Peace Commission. Photo: Archdiocese of Malta – Ian Noel Pace

Archbishop Charles Scicluna urged the importance of including non-Maltese residents in decision-making, strongly advocating against treating them as second-class citizens.

He expressed this view during a meeting at the Archbishop’s Curia, attended by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi, and also involved the participation of the Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue, the Hon… Read more »

Archdiocese condemns defamatory remarks about Ecclesiastical Tribunal

Reference is made to a blogpost by Simon Mercieca entitled “Jason Azzopardi jingħata l-annullament taż-żwieġ mit-tribunal tal-Knisja”.

Within the blogpost, Simon Mercieca makes several incorrect and defamatory remarks in relation to members of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, in particular the President of the Regional Tribunal of Second Instance, Mgr Joseph Bajada.

Among others, Simon Mercieca alleges that Mgr Bajada influenced a decision to grant Dr Azzopardi an annulment due to Mgr Bajada’s association with Dr Azzopardi in other matters… Read more »

New Parish Priests’ Council 2024-2026

Mix-xellug: Dun Evan Caruana, Dun Franco Fenech, Dun Albert Buhagiar Dun Bastjan Caruana, Dun Reuben Micallef, l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna, l-Isqof Joseph Galea-Curmi, Dun Daniel Cardona, Dun Karm Farrugia u Dun Robin Camilleri.

Il‑Kulleġġ tal‑Kappillani tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta ħatar Kunsill ġdid tal‑Kappillani għas‑snin 2024‑2026 u li se jkun magħmul minn tmien kappillani.

Fl‑ewwel laqgħa tal‑Kunsill tal‑Kulleġġ tal‑Kappillani, l‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta awguraw lill‑membri l‑ġodda sabiex il‑ħidma tagħhom tħalli l‑frott mixtieq fil‑parroċċi u fil‑Knisja f’Malta… Read more »