Press Releases

New candidate for priesthood

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Andrè Psaila, seminarista fil-ħames sena ta’ preparazzjoni fis-Seminarju, se jitlob lill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna biex jaċċettah bħala kandidat għall-Ordinazzjoni Djakonali u Saċerdotali. Din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni se ssir fil-festa tal-Kunċizzjoni, nhar il-Ħadd, 8 ta’ Diċembru 2024, waqt il-quddiesa fit-Tieni Ħadd tal-Avvent.

Il-quddiesa tibda fid-9:30am u se tixxandar fuq TVM,, Newsbook Malta u Radju RTK 103.

Andrè Psaila mill-Parroċċa ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid, se jistqarr pubblikament ir-rieda tiegħu li joffri lilu nnifsu lill-Knisja biex iservi bħala saċerdot… Read more »

Launch of Beyond GDP II: the hidden struggles of third-country nationals in Malta

Photo: Nicolai Borg

The Justice and Peace Commission of the Archdiocese of Malta has published its latest report, Beyond GDP II: Third-Country Nationals in Malta: Sharing in our economic future or serving labour market interests? The report is released amidst evolving migration policies and an increasing reliance on third-country nationals (TCNs) as a key part of the Maltese economy.

Malta’s unique context marked by an ageing population, low fertility rates, labour shortages and a drive for higher GDP growth — underscores the indispensable contributions of TCNs… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Scicluna in December 2024

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Diċembru, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq, Newsbook Malta, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta… Read more »

Diocesan celebrations for the feast of Christ the King

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Nhar il‑Ħadd li ġej il‑Knisja f’Malta se tiċċelebra l‑festa ta’ Kristu Re. B’rabta ma’ din il‑festa tant sinifikanti għall‑Knisja Kattolika, fil‑jiem li ġejjin il‑Knisja f’Malta se tiċċelebra tliet ċelebrazzjonijiet djoċesani importanti. Din is‑sena l‑Assemblea Djoċesana se terġa’ ssir fuq jumejn waqt li l‑Jum Dinji taż‑Żgħażagħ se jiġi ċċelebrat waqt l-attività ‘Żgħażagħ ta’ Tama’.

L‑Assemblea Djoċesana

Nhar il-Ħamis u l-Ġimgħa 21 u 22 ta’ Novembru 2024 fis-6pm, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta se tlaqqa’ l‑Assemblea Djoċesana, li se tkun ippreseduta mill‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna… Read more »

1,817 vacant places for students in Church Schools

The Admission Regulations for Church Schools in Malta and Gozo for the scholastic year 2025-2026 have been published on the website of the Archdiocese of Malta

There will be a total of 1,817 vacant places for students (1,577 in Malta and 240 in Gozo). All applications will be accepted online. Applications for ‘Criteria 1’ for Malta and Gozo are to be submitted between 21st and 28th November 2024.  ‘Late applications’ will be accepted between 5th and 12th December.  Applications for ‘Other Applicants’ can be submitted between 4th and 13th February 2025… Read more »

Archbishop establishes new Vicariate for Pastoral Coordination

Fr Andrè Zaffarese

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has announced the creation of an Episcopal Vicariate for Pastoral Coordination, aimed at ensuring the Church’s vision and priorities are effectively implemented.

Fr Andrè Zaffarese, 41, has been appointed to this role following last month’s Bishops’ Synod, where Pope Francis emphasised the significance of synodality in the Church’s mission and community life.

The Vicariate will be responsible for assisting the Bishops in coordinating the Archdiocese’s pastoral life and work, in collaboration with the Archbishop’s other vicars and delegates, each of whom addresses various facets of the Church’s mission and needs… Read more »

The Villa Rosa project prioritises individual needs over community wellbeing

The Church’s Environment Commission strongly disagrees with the proposed amendments to the local plans that would allow for a massive construction project at Villa Rosa in St Julian’s.

This project, which includes a 34‑story tower and two additional towers of 27 stories, clearly shows that proper consideration has not been given to the impact on the surrounding communities, including increased traffic, visual impact, and reduced access to sunlight due to the shadows it will cast… Read more »

Church publishes new Safeguarding Policy for protection of minors and vulnerable adults

A new Safeguarding Policy setting higher standards for Church entities and placing the welfare of alleged victims at the centre of investigations has been published by the Church in Malta and Gozo.

The new policy, establishing safeguarding standards that all Church entities are expected to uphold and formalising safeguarding structures for handling allegations made against clerics and lay people, has been signed off by Archbishop Charles J… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations of Archbishop Charles Scicluna in November 2024

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Novembru, l‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta xxandar il‑quddiesa kuljum fid‑9:30am fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta. Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt tixxandar it‑talba tar‑rużarju fuq, Newsbook Malta, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, il‑quddiesa tixxandar fuq TVM, u Newsbook Malta, l‑istazzjon tar‑radju RTK 103, u Facebook u YouTube tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta… Read more »

Justice and Peace Commission says budget does not go far enough to address economic hardships

The Justice and Peace Commission, within the Archdiocese of Malta, welcomes the social measures in Malta’s 2025 Budget, but believes more should be done to secure a dignified standard of living for those facing economic hardships.

The Commission also stresses the need for ongoing improvements to address the broader social needs of vulnerable groups — especially the elderly, homeless, and migrant workers — who face significant barriers daily… Read more »