Pope Francis

Pope at Audience: “Consolation is an interior movement that touches our depths”

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We continue the catechesis on the discernment of spirits and how to discern them when they take place in our hearts and in our souls. After having considered several aspects of desolation – that darkness in the soul – today let us talk about consolation – which is light in the soul and another important element in discernment, which is not to be taken for granted, because it can lend itself to misunderstandings… Read more »

Pope at Audience: “Read what happens and then make decisions”

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and welcome!

Today, let us resume the catecheses on the theme of discernment. We have seen how important it is to read what stirs within us, so as not to make hasty decisions, spurred by the emotion of the moment, only to regret them when it is too late. That is, to read what happens and then make decisions… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: God’s love is faithful, it is persevering, it never changes

  St Peter's Square, the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno, blessed Sunday!

Today’s Gospel takes us to Jerusalem, in the most sacred place: the temple. There, around Jesus, some people speak about the magnificence of that grandiose building, “adorned with costly stones” (Lk 21:5). But the Lord states, “there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down” (Lk 21:6)… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Dialogue, encounter and journey even in Islamic countries

  The Vatican

Catechesis – The Apostolic Journey to the Kingdom of Bahrein

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

It’s a bit cold, isn’t it? But it’s beautiful.

Before beginning to speak about what I have prepared, I would like to draw attention to these two children who have come up here. They did not ask permission. They did not say, “I am afraid”… Read more »

“We welcome them, accompany them and integrate them” – The Pope on immigrants

Il-Papa Franġisku qal li hemm erba’ passi li għandhom jittieħdu mal-immigranti:”nilqgħuhom, nakkumpanjawhom, nippromwovuhom u nintegrawhom”. Fil-kummenti tiegħu mal-ġurnalisti abbord it-titjira papali li kienet se tieħdu lura l-Vatikan mill-Bahrain, il-Papa qal li l-kwistjoni tal-migrazzjoni teħtieġ soluzzjonijiet konkreti.

Mistoqsi dwar il-grupp ta’ elf persuna li ġew salvati mill-NGOs imma ma tħallewx jiżbarkaw fl-Italja, hu appella biex kull persuna li tkun qed tfittex l-ażil tiġi milqugħha, akkumpanjata, promossa u integrata fis-soċjetà rispettiva tagħha biex verament tħossha sigura filwaqt li appella lill-Unjoni Ewropea biex tikkordina aħjar il-wasliet ta’ dawn il-persuni fost l-Istati Membri… Read more »

Pope at Audience encourages us to learn how to read sadness

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Catechesis on Discernment. 7. The subject of discernment. Desolation 

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Discernment, as we have seen in the previous catecheses, is not primarily a logical procedure; it is based on actions, and actions also have an affective connotation, which must be acknowledged, because God speaks to the heart. Let us then enter into the first affective mode, an object of discernment: desolationRead more »

Pope at Audience: Grumbling stops desire from growing

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Catechesis on Discernment: 5. The elements of discernment. The desire

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In these catecheses on discernment we are reviewing the elements of discernment. After prayer, one element, and self-knowledge, another element, that is, praying and knowing oneself, today I would like to talk about another indispensable, so to speak, “ingredient”: today I would like to talk about desireRead more »

Pope at Angelus prays for an end to the threat of nuclear warfare

Holy Mass and canonization: Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and Artemide Zatti

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

As Jesus was walking along, ten lepers met him and cried out: “Have mercy on us!” (Lk 17:13).  All ten were healed, yet only one of them returned to thank Jesus.  He was a Samaritan, a kind of heretic for the Jewish people. At the beginning, they were walking together, but then the Samaritan left the others and turned back, “praising God with a loud voice” (v… Read more »

Pope at Audience: An examination of conscience helps us see our heart

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Let us continue to explore the theme of discernment. Last time we considered prayer, understood as familiarity and confidence with God, as its indispensable element. Prayer, not like parrots. No: prayer as familiarity and confidence with God; prayer of the sons of the Father; prayer with an open heart. We saw this in the last CatechesisRead more »

Pope at Angelus: How much blood must still flow for us to realize that war is never a solution, only destruction?

  St Peter's Square at the Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The course of the war in Ukraine has become so serious, devastating and threatening, as to cause great concern. Therefore, today I would like to devote the entire reflection before the Angelus to this. Indeed, this terrible and inconceivable wound to humanity, instead of healing, continues to shed even more blood, risking to spread further… Read more »