Papal Visit

Luminous Kindness – Official publication commemorating Pope’s visit launched

An official publication commemorating Pope Francis’s Apostolic Journey to Malta through a series of evocative photographs and text has been launched by Archbishop Charles Scicluna.

Published by Beacon Media – the Church media group that owns Newsbook, 103 Malta’s Heart and Media Centre – the 168-page book entitled Luminous Kindness also features all the speeches and prayers made during the Pope’s visit to a number of locations in Malta and Gozo, on April 2 and 3… Read more »

Appreciation message by Pope Francis to the Archbishop

Traduzzjoni għall-Malti

Lill-Għażiż Ħija
Mons. Charles Jude Scicluna
Arċisqof ta’ Malta u President tal-Konferenza Episkopali Maltija

Lura mill-Vjaġġ Appostoliku, nixtieq nirringrazzjak tal-impenn kbir waqt it-tħejjijiet taż-Żjara tiegħi. Insellem ukoll lis-saċerdoti, lir-reliġjużi rġiel u nisa, u l-lajċi li ħadmu flimkien.

Grazzi tal-merħba sabiħa, tal-ospitalità u tal-ġenerożità. Ngħożż l-umanità u l-umoriżmu tiegħek, kif ukoll l-imħabba li wrejtuni f’dawn il-jiem mimlija b’tant ferħ. 

Nittama li l-Mulej jagħtikom id-don tal-vokazzjonijiet u jippremjakom għall-kura li tagħtu bi mħabba lis-saċerdoti anzjani… Read more »

The children will never forget this and neither will I! – Pope Francis in Gozo

Bishop Teuma reveals what the Pope told him in Gozo

L-Isqof Anton Teuma jiżvela dak li qallu l-Papa f’Għawdex

Fil-ħin li l-Papa Franġisku kien akkumpanjat mill-Isqof Anton Teuma tul iż-żjara tiegħu f’Għawdex, huma kellhom diskursati profondi flimkien. Fil-fatt wara ż-żjara l-Isqof t’Għawdex beda jikteb dak li qallu għax “dak il-kliem ma jridx jintilef”.

F’intervista mal-Editur ta’ Newsbook, Kevin Papagiorcopulo, l-Isqof Teuma jirrakkonta li kien mal-Papa mix-xatt sa ta’ Pinu u lura sax-Xatt… Read more »

The joy of Pope Francis – The Archbishop

Pontiff reminded us that Easter is the light glowing softly in the darkness

Article by Archbishop Charles Scicluna

As Pope Francis bade farewell to a relatively long queue of staffers and guests at the Apostolic Nunciature in Rabat towards the end of his two-day trip to Malta, he turned to me and said with a characteristic twinkle in his eye: “Questo congedo è stato più lungo di quello de La Traviata” (this farewell is longer than the one in La Traviata)… Read more »

May the message of Pope Francis sink deep into our hearts – Bishop Galea-Curmi

Five important takeaways from his address at the Presidential Palace

Article by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

We have welcomed Pope Francis with a warm heart. His loving presence in Malta was surely the first important message to us all. He radiated compassion, kindness and joy wherever he went, even though at times he had to struggle to walk because of leg pain.

He also had some important words to share with us… Read more »

The Pope to Jesuits in Malta: A smaller Church may lose many privileges, but it becomes more humble and more authentic

  The Apostolic Nunciature, Rabat

Pope Francis during his meeting with Maltese Jesuits (Photo: Vatican Media)

Pope Francis’ 36th Apostolic Journey abroad saw him visit the Mediterranean island of Malta from 2 – 3 April. The two-day trip, themed “They showed us unusual kindness” drew attention to the plight of migrants who cross the Mediterranean, and promoted evangelization in the country.

Among the activities on the Holy Father’s schedule during the trip was a meeting with the members of the Society of Jesus in the country, who assembled at the Nunciature on the morning of 3 April… Read more »

Pope Francis’ prayer to Our Lady of Mellieħa

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Omm Verġni tal-Verb Inkarnat,
Omm Alla meqjuma għal sekli sħaħ
f’dan il-post qaddis.
Ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ Maltin resqu lejk u talbuk;
hawn sabu s-serħan, il-faraġ u l-ħarsien.

Verġni Omm,
kun għalina Omm it-Tenerezza
li tilqa’ lil kulħadd bħala wlied il-Missier
u twassalhom għat-tgħannieqa tal-Ħniena mill-aktar ħelwa.

Verġni Omm,
kun għalina Omm il-Viċinanza
li tersaq biex tiltaqa’ ma’ kull persuna li qed tbati u togħtor,
u twassalha għall-fejqan tal-ġisem u tar-ruħ… Read more »

Statement by the Bishops of Malta and Gozo

L‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex jirringrazzjaw minn qalbhom lill‑poplu Malti u Għawdxi għall‑merħba mimlija ferħ, għożża u fidi li taw lill‑Qdusija Tiegħu l‑Papa Franġisku f’din “l‑art imdawla”, kif għoġbu jsejjaħ lil pajjiżna.

L‑Arċisqof ta’ Malta Charles Jude Scicluna, l‑Isqof ta’ Għawdex Anton Teuma u l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi qalu li dawn kienu jumejn li nisslu f’qalbna ferħ u paċi, u li saħħew fina l‑fiduċja li bħala pajjiż nistgħu nagħtu kontribut biex jilma l‑wiċċ sabiħ tal‑bniedem… Read more »

Pope Francis blesses Malta through the intercession of St Paul upon his departure

Telegram from Pope Francis before his departure from Malta

  Malta International Airport, Gudja

Immediately after the departure of the flight from Malta, his Holiness Pope Francis had the following telegram sent to the President of Malta, H.E. George William Vella:

His Excellency George Vella
President of Malta

As I depart from Malta on my return to Rome, I express anew my deep gratitude to your excellency, the civil authorities and all the Maltese people for the heartfelt kindness and hospitality shown to me during my visit… Read more »