
New delegates for Religious Education and for Catechesis

Dun Carl-Mario Sultana Delegat ġdid għall-Edukazzjoni Reliġjuża

Il‑Konferenza Episkopali Maltija ħatret lil Dun Dr Carl‑Mario Sultana bħala Delegat għall‑Edukazzjoni Reliġjuża.

Dun Dr Carl‑Mario Sultana studja fl‑Università ta’ Malta u fl‑Università Pontifiċja Salesjana f’Ruma fejn speċjaliżża fil‑Pastorali maż‑Żgħażagħ u l‑Kateketika. Huwa lettur anzjan fil‑Fakultà tat‑Teoloġija fi ħdan l‑Università ta’ Malta u ilu jgħallem l‑Edukazzjoni Reliġjuża u l‑Kateketika mill‑2007. Fl‑2017 nħatar Kap tad‑Dipartiment tat‑Teoloġija Pastorali, Liturġija u Liġi Kanonika fl‑istess Fakultà… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: See and have compassion like the Good Samaritan

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno!

The Gospel of today’s Liturgy recounts the parable of the Good Samaritan (cf. Lk 10:25-37) – we all know it. In the backdrop is the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Jericho along which lies a man who had been beaten badly and robbed by brigands. A priest passing by sees him but does not stop; he keeps on going… Read more »

Appeal for the donation of cars for Fondazzjoni Sebħ

Fondazzjoni Sebħ has appealed for the donation of family cars to transport children and women residing at their shelters to extra-curricular activities, appointments, and other errands.

This church organisation currently runs 4 homes for children and young people, located in Ħamrun, Ħaż-Żabbar and Żurrieq and offers a secure environment for a loving upbringing. Fondazzjoni Sebħ also runs a second-stage shelter that welcomes women and children who have experienced forms of violence including domestic violence and human trafficking, as well as forced prostitution and abortion… Read more »

No to higher ideological barriers and polarisation, we must work for more unity among Europeans – COMECE

Statement by COMECE on European Parliament resolution on abortion

Fr Manuel Barrios Prieto (Photo: COMECE) In a statement released on today Friday 8 July 2022, Fr Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), regrets the adoption of a new resolution on abortion by the European Parliament. 

According to Fr Barrios Prieto, the resolution – entitle “US Supreme Court decision to overturn abortion rights in the United States and the need to safeguard abortion rights and Women’s health in the EU” – paves the way for a deviation from universally recognised human rights and misrepresents the tragedy of abortion for mothers in difficulties… Read more »

Archbishop Joseph Spiteri appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Mexico

The Holy Father has appointed Archbishop Joseph Spiteri, Titular Archbishop of Serta and presently Apostolic Nuncio in Lebanon, as the new Apostolic Nuncio for the Holy See to Mexico.

Mgr Joseph Spiteri was born in Sliema in 1959 and ordained to the priesthood in 1984. After pursuing his studies in Canon Law, he joined the Holy See’s diplomatic service, working in Panama, Iraq, Mexico, Portugal, Greece and Venezuela… Read more »

IVF Amendments: “Suffering is not eliminated by eliminating lives” – Life Network

Ritratt: Vladimir Zuhovitsky  (Unsplash)

Il-Life Network Foundation, li hija għaqda mhux governattiva favur il-ħajja, qalet li t-tbatija ma teliminahiex billi telimina l-ħajjiet.

L-NGO qalet dan fuq Facebook b’referenza għall-emendi fil-liġi tal-IVF li jinkludu t-test ġenetiku li jsir fuq l-embrijun. Dan wara li l-Parlament approva it-tielet qari tal-abbozz ta’ liġi dwar l-IVF b’66 voti favur u 3 voti kontra.

L-NGO qalet li hawn ħafna nies li qed jgħixu tbatija kbira u “aħna rridu nkunu hemm għalihom u magħhom”… Read more »


The Marriage Office at the Archbishop’s Curia is currently closed. It will reopen on Monday, 11th July 2022. For more information send an email to [email protected].

A gentle reminder that the Tribunal of First Instance is currently closed and will reopen on Saturday, 9th July 2022. The Regional Tribunal of Appeal is open. Read more »

Pope Francis says he will appoint women to the Dicastery for Bishops

Pope Francis with Sister Raffaella Petrini, F.S.E., the Secretary General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State

Pope Francis has announced his intention to appoint two women to the Dicastery of Bishops, who will therefore be involved in the process of choosing new bishops.

The Pope made the remarks in an interview with Reuters Senior Correspondent Philip Pullella, in response to questions about the presence of women in the Vatican; the new Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium, which reforms the Curia; and about which Dicasteries (Vatican offices) could be entrusted to a lay man or woman in the future… Read more »

A new book about Lourdes full of information and experiences

A new publication that explores every facet of this unique spiritual experience

Pass, Pass f’Lourdes u fil-madwar – ġabra ta’ tagħrif u esperjenzi is the name of a new book, written and published by Michael Caruana, that entails every aspect of the spiritual experience. A quaint old town tucked away in the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains and which, over the years, has won worldwide renown for its aura of mysticism. A place where the impossible becomes possible through the power of prayer… Read more »

Miraculous icon of Our Lady of Damascus restored

  The Greek-Catholic Church, Valletta

On Thursday 30th June 2022, the restored miraculous icon of Our Lady of Damascus was officially inaugurated at the Greek-Catholic church in Valletta. The conservation and restoration project, which took about three years to conclude, was successfully carried out by the firm Atelier del Restauro (Malta).

This was a very delicate task, given the icon is around one thousand years old and needed a lot of consolidation… Read more »