
Talks on the Jubilee of Hope

Organised by the Parish Church of St. Mary, Birkirkara

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace

Il-Parroċċa ta’ Santa Marija f’Birkirkara se torganizza żewġ taħdidiet informattivi u ispirazzjonali dwar il-Ġublew tat-Tama.

It-taħdidiet se jsiru nhar il-Ġimgħa, 10 u 17 ta’ Jannar, fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Santa Marija f’Birkirkara, fis-6:30pm. Dawn se jkunu mmexxija minn Dun Sinclair Bugeja u se jiffokaw fuq is-Sena tal-Ġublew kif ukoll fuq il-kunċett tat-tama fil-Bibbja.

Din hija opportunità ideali biex wieħed jirrifletti fuq is-sinifikat profond tat-tama Nisranija u jagħmel esperjenza spiritwali fil-qalb tas-Sena tal-Ġublew… Read more »

Pope Francis appoints woman to lead Vatican Dicastery for the first time

Sr. Simona Brambilla (Image: Vatican News)

Għall-ewwel darba fl-istorja tal-Knisja, il-Papa Franġisku ħatar mara li se tkun fit-tmun ta’ Dekasteru fil-Vatikan. Sor Simona Brambilla se tkun qiegħda taqdi l-irwol ta’ Prefett tad-Dekasteru tal-Istituti tal-Ħajja Kkonsagrata u s-Soċjetajiet tal-Ħajja Appostolika flimkien mal-Kardinal Ángel Fernández Artime li se jkun qed jassistiha bħala Pro-Prefett.

Is-soru ta’ 59 sena li hija membru tas-Sorijiet Missjunarji tal-Konsolata u serviet ta’ Superjura Ġenerali tal-istess Kongregazzjoni bejn l-2011 u l-2023, ilha segretarja tad-dipartiment tal-Vatikan għall-ħajja reliġjuża u kkonsagrata minn Ottubru tal-2023… Read more »

Get-together for SDC Candidates

The SDC candidates, together with their curators, gathered at St Michael School on Saturday, 4 January 2025, for their annual get-together held at the beginning of each year. The candidates took the initiative to organise this event themselves.

In the school chapel, they reflected on the boundless love God has for humanity, a love that they are called to mirror in love towards themselves, and ultimately, in acts of love towards others… Read more »

Feast of the love of Christ – The Archbishop

Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Għadna kemm smajna x-xandira tad-data tal-Għid, li se jaħbat fl-20 ta’ April li ġej. Din hija tradizzjoni antika ħafna li f’din il-festa tal-Epifanija jitħabbar jum kbir fil-kalendarju tal-qima tal-Knisja, jum Ħadd il-Għid il-Kbir.

Marbuta miegħu hemm il-bidu tar-Randan, il-festa l-kbira tal-Għid il-Ħamsin, ħamsin jum wara l-Għid, u festi oħra kbar marbutin magħhom. Imma fuq kollox hemm ukoll it-tħabbira li kull nhar ta’ Ħadd, aħna qed niċċelebraw il-Misteru tal-Mewt u l-Qawmien ta’ Ġesù mill-imwiet, wara kollox kif nagħmlu f’kull quddiesa li niċċelebraw… Read more »

Visit by the Three Wise Men at Id-Dar tal-Providenza on their way to Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem

On Saturday, 4th January, the residents of Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi enjoyed a special visit from the Three Wise Men as they made their way to the Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem nativity village. The residents also posed for a photo with the Magi at the chapel.  They also visited the President of Malta at San Anton Palace, residents of Korradino Correctional Facility in Paola and St George and St Sebastian Parishes in Ħal Qormi… Read more »

You gave each other a sign of love – The Archbishop

Mass for couples married in 2024

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

“Qum! Ħa jiddi wiċċek! Id-dawl tiegħek wasal! Jiddi fuqek sebħ il-Mulej!” (Iż 60:1). Din il-festa tal-Epifanija hi wieħed mill-mumenti importanti fil-festi tal-Milied, li jikkonkludu bil-festa tal-magħmudija tal-Mulej. Imma hi festa ta’ dawl. Il-Mulej jiddi bħala dawl mhux biss fil-ħolqien fis-sinjal tal-kewkba; imma jiġi preżentat lilna lkoll il-ġnus, bħala dawl ta’ ħajjitna. Il-profeta Iżaija, meta jitkellem fuq id-dawl, qed jitkellem fuq l-esperjenza tal-imħabba ta’ Alla u tal-ħniena tiegħu.   

“Qum! … Read more »

Festa ta’ Ġenerożità raises €1,540,278 for Id-Dar tal-Providenza

For the people of Malta and Gozo, the first day of the year was again a show of generosity towards Id-Dar tal-Providenza, an expression of solidarity by donating €1,540,278 during Festa ta’ Ġenerożità.

This marathon also ushered in a special year for the Home because it happens to be the 60th anniversary of its founding. During all these years the Home offered permanent residency to 270 persons with disability as well as many others who needed respite services… Read more »

Jubilee Year churches in Malta designated for plenary indulgences announced

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has announced the list of sacred churches in Malta linked to the granting of the plenary indulgence during this Jubilee Year dedicated to the virtue of hope.

In the words of Pope Francis, plenary indulgence offer the faithful the opportunity to rediscover “the unlimited nature of God’s mercy.” Also through visits to these sacred places, “we allow the Lord to erase our sins, to heal our hearts, to raise us up, to embrace us and to reveal to us his tender and compassionate (Spes Non Confundit, 23)… Read more »

The Pope: May 2025 be a year of true peace that goes beyond quibbling over the details of agreements and human compromises

Message of Pope Francis for the 58th World Day of Peace

Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace

I. Listening to the plea of an endangered humanity

1. At the dawn of this New Year given to us by our heavenly Father, a year of Jubilee in the spirit of hope, I offer heartfelt good wishes of peace to every man and woman. I think especially of those who feel downtrodden, burdened by their past mistakes, oppressed by the judgment of others and incapable of perceiving even a glimmer of hope for their own lives… Read more »