
Archbishop calls for compassion amid rising tensions over immigration

Video: Miguela Xuereb

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has made a heartfelt appeal for empathy towards immigrants in Malta, urging citizens to remember their own history of emigration.

His comments, made during an interview on RTK103’s Għal Kulħadd ma’ Christine Delicata, come at a time of growing racial tensions and controversial government policies targeting foreign workers.

“Remember the Maltese emigrants when we welcome immigrants to Malta,” Archbishop Scicluna said, drawing on his personal experience as the child of immigrants in Canada… Read more »

The Pope writes a letter on how literature educates the heart and mind

Ktieb tajjeb jiftaħ il-moħħ, iqanqal il-qalb, u jippreparana għall-ħajja, jikteb il-Papa Franġisku f’ittra lil dawk li qed jitħejjew għas-saċerdozju, waqt li jżid li l-operaturi pastorali u l-Insara kollha japprezzaw “il-qari ta’ rumanzi u poeżiji bħala parti mit-triq tal-maturità personali”.

B’din l-ittra tiegħu fuq ir-rwol tal-letteratura fil-formazzjoni, miktuba fis-17 ta’ Lulju u ppubblikata l-Ħadd, il-Papa Franġisku jixtieq iħeġġeġ għal “imħabba ġdida għall-qari” u fuq kollox “jipproponi bidla radikali fir-rotta” tat-tħejjija tal-kandidati għas-saċerdozju, biex jingħata iktar lok għall-qari ta’ opri letterarji… Read more »

Conversations on the Church in Malta’s role continue

All Catholics are invited

Following the positive response in July, the Church in Malta is inviting all Catholics in Malta to participate in one or more of the spiritual conversations that will be held this August.

As we journey throughout the year dedicated to the theme “Church that Goes Forth”, a series of spiritual conversations are being organised within the synodal process for ecclesial renewal One Church, One JourneyRead more »

Archdiocese increases subsidies to its entities by 33%

Il-Kċina ta’ Marta providing 1,200 meals weekly

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

The Archdiocese of Malta increased subsidies to its children’s homes by €180,000, despite registering an overall shortfall of €325,000.

Speaking at a press conference to present the financial report of the Archdiocese of Malta for 2023, Administrative Secretary Michael Pace Ross said the Archdiocese has been making every effort to help families and individuals seeking assistance, and various initiatives are underway aimed at furthering the Church’s mission… Read more »

Jubilee 2025: Holy Doors will be opened only in the Papal Basilicas of Rome

Photo: Agenzia ANSA

TEST – In view of the approaching start of the Jubilee 2025, the question has recently been raised as to whether it would be possible to provide for the configuration and opening of the Holy Door in Cathedral Churches, International and National Shrines, as well as in other particularly significant places of worship.

In this regard, while respecting the most sensitive consideration of the pastoral and devotional motivations that may have suggested such a laudable aspiration, it is nevertheless deemed necessary to recall the precise indications established by the Holy Father in the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee 2025, Spes non confundit, which indicates as the Holy Door that of Saint Peter’s Basilica and the other three Papal Basilicas, namely Saint John Lateran, Saint Mary Major and Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls (cf… Read more »

Missionary experience for SDC candidates

On August 4 2024, a group of SDC Candidates together with their Director and Superior Joseph Mercieca began a missionary experience in the SDC Centres of Julio C Tello and Puente Piedra in Peru. This missionary exposure is fundamental in their formation in the SDC vocation. Let us accompany them with our prayers so that it will be an enriching experience that helps them grow spiritually and in their zeal of spreading the Gospel in the world! … Read more »

Archbishop: Embrace the spirit of festa season by funding meals for those in need

Archbishop Scicluna visits Il-Kċina ta’ Marta at the Archbishop’s Seminary in Tal-Virtù

As Malta enters its vibrant Festa season, Archbishop Charles Scicluna has called on the public to extend their generosity beyond their immediate circles. In a heartfelt tweet, the Archbishop encouraged Maltese citizens to “invite as many brothers and sisters to join at our tables” by supporting LOOP’s Il-Kċina ta’ Marta initiative, which provides meals to those in need… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: War is a defeat!

  St Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

Today the Gospel tells us about Jesus who, after the miracle of the loaves and fishes, invites the crowds who are looking for him to reflect on what took place to understand the meaning of it (cf. Jn 6:24-35).

They had eaten the food that was shared and seen how even with few resources all had been fed and had their fill through the generosity and courage of a young man who made available what he had with others… Read more »

Vatican condemns Paris Olympics opening ceremony skit


The Vatican has expressed deep sadness over a controversial segment in the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, which it perceived as offensive to Christians and other religious believers.

In an unusual weekend press release issued in French, the Holy See joined the chorus of voices criticising what appeared to be a parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” painting… Read more »

Pope thanks circus workers for the smiles they bring to people’s faces

  Ostia, Italy

Pope Francis took a break from his July “summer vacation” to spend the afternoon of Wednesday 31 July visiting with workers and those who offer pastoral assistance to them at a historic amusement park just about an hour southwest of Rome. Travelling to the Luna Park of Ostia Lido, the Pope gave them his warm wishes and support, saying he wished to personally express his gratitude as they help bring smiles on the faces of people… Read more »