
The Pope meets with Maltese altar boys

  • B’tifkira tal-qaddis San Ġwann Maria Vianney, il-Papa Franġisku ltaqa’ ma’ grupp ta’ abbatini Maltin li telgħu jservu fil-Vatikan, ħadilhom b’idhom u talab magħhom. Wara li ttieħed ir-ritratt ta’ tifkira, il-Papa staqsa lill-abbatini jekk humiex jieklu tajjeb. Abbati minnhom qallu: “U kif!”
    L-abbatini offrew donazzjoni sabiħa għall-fond tal-karità tal-Papa. Magħha kien hemm offerta oħra ta’ kappillan.
    Iż-żjara tal-Abbatini fil-Vatikan kienet organizzata minn Dun Frans Bonnici, bl-assistenza ta’ Keith Tabone…

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Bishop Giovanni Cefai visits Malta

  • Nhar il‑Ġimgħa, 9 ta’ Awwissu 2019, jasal Malta mill‑Perù l‑Isqof Giovanni Cefai, l‑ewwel isqof Malti tas‑Soċjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl (MSSP). Din hi l‑ewwel żjara tiegħu f’Malta minn meta fit‑3 ta’ April li għadda l‑Papa Franġisku ħatru Isqof tal‑Prelatura Territorjali l‑ġdida ta’ Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, fil‑Perù.

    Fil‑bidu taż‑żjara tiegħu f’Malta, is‑Sibt, 10 ta’ Awwissu fl‑10:00 a.m., l‑Isqof Cefai ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa quddiem l‑inkwatru tal‑Madonna ta’ Pompej li jinsab fil‑Knisja tal‑Ġiżwiti, il‑Belt Valletta…

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Letter from Pope Francis to priests on the 160th anniversary from the death of the Curé d’Ars

  • Pope Francis sent a letter today to priests on the occasion of the 160th anniversary from the death of the saintly Curé d’Ars, patron saint of priests, whose liturgical memory we celebrate today.

  • To my Brother Priests.

    Dear Brothers,

    A hundred and sixty years have passed since the death of the holy Curé of Ars, whom Pope Pius XI proposed as the patron of parish priests throughout the world…

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Watch: The first anniversary of the episcopal ordination of Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

  • Bħal-lum sena, 4 ta’ Awwissu 2018, Mons. Joseph Galea-Curmi ġie kkonsagrat Isqof mill-Arċisqof ta’ Malta, Charles J. Scicluna, fil-Katidral ta’ San Pawl, l-Imdina.

    L-Isqof Galea-Curmi għażel il-motto: Ngħożżu l‑ħajja bl‑imħabba.

    “Il‑ħajja umana hi għażiża għax hija don ta’ Alla mogħtija lilna biex inħarsuha u nipproteġuha. Għalhekk ngħożżuha mill‑ewwel mument tat‑tnissil tagħha meta hi diġà ħajja umana, sat‑tmiem naturali tagħha…

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Donation of shares to Dar tal-Providenza and Caritas Malta

  •  L-intraprenditur Paul Gauci offra 750,000 f’ishma lil Caritas Malta kif ukoll lid-Dar tal-Providenza 75% tal-ishma tiegħu minn PG plc, li jfisser li ż-żewġ entitajiet mhux biss se jirċievu l-valur tal-kapital f’ishma, imma wkoll żewġ dividendi fis-sena, skont il-prestazzjoni tal-kumpanija.

    Għalkemm Caritas Malta u d-Dar tal-Providenza diġà jirċievu legati b’mod regolari, din id-donazzjoni hija kkunsidrata ogħla, peress li se tagħtihom iċ-ċans li jippjanaw bil-quddiem, xi ħaġa li normalment hija ferm diffiċli għall-entitajiet li jibbażaw ħafna l-ħidma tagħhom fuq ġbir ta’ fondi. 

    “Xtaqt li nagħtihom siġra, siġra li tagħti l-frott kull sena,” spjega s-Sur Gauci mdawwar b’familtu, li kollha kienu b’appoġġ għal din id-donazzjoni…

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Pope urges families build a better future through stronger prayer life

  • Pope Francis has asked families to set aside time to pray both individually and together as a family.

    His prayer intention for the month of August invites people to pray that “families, through their life of prayer and love, become ever more clearly schools of true human development.”

    At the start of each month, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network releases a short video of the pope offering his specific prayer intention at

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Vatican City to implement system for reporting abuse

  • Vatican City State is to implement a system for reporting crimes and cases of negligence regarding the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults by the end of the year.

    The Cardinal Vicar of Vatican City State announced Tuesday that “a public, permanent, and easily accessible system for reporting crimes and negligence in the area of child abuse and vulnerable adults” will be put in place by the end of the year…

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Season of Creation 2019 – The Network of Life

Joint Statement by the Presidents of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and of the Conferences of European Churches (CEC)

  • Since it has become a fruitful tradition between the Christian Churches in Europe – the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and the Conferences of European Churches (CEC) – they are uniting once again this year in one voice to re-affirm responsibility for creation and issue an invitation to prayer.

    The Season of Creation, from 1 September until 4 October, is a special period in the liturgical calendars of an increasing number of Churches in Europe…

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2018 Financial Report of the Archdiocese of Malta: Substantial increase in subsidies for the Church homes for the elderly

  • In 2018 the Archdiocese of Malta, that includes more than 100 entities and employs more than 1,200 people, registered a marginal deficit of €137,000. In the previous year, the Archdiocese had registered a surplus of €370,000.

    This was announced during a press conference at Dar Ġesù Nazzarenu in Żejtun, where works are being carried out so that the shelter for victims of domestic violence run by the Church, is transferred from Dar Qalb ta’ Ġesù to this residence…

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Pope John Paul I’s childhood home open to visitors

  • At 5pm on Friday, August 2, the first visitors will be welcomed into the Alpine home where Albino Luciani grew up.

    The village where he was born, in the magnificent Dolomite Mountains, 976 meters above sea level, is called Canale d’Agordo. It was once an economic hub for the entire Biois Valley thanks to mining and forging activities…

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