
Pope Francis sets off on his 31st Apostolic Journey abroad

  • This morning the Pope left Rome on Wednesday for Maputo, Mozambique, in the evening, where he will be officially welcomed. He will spend Thursday and Friday in Maputo.

    On Friday afternoon, he will fly to Antananarivo, Madagascar, where he will stay until Sunday evening.

    Monday morning, Pope Francis will travel to Port Louis, Mauritius, for the conclusion of his Apostolic Journey…

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Commencement of the Ordinary General Chapter of the Order of St Augustine in Rome

  • Il-Ħadd l-1 ta’ Settembru ngħata bidu għall-Kapitlu Ġenerali Ordinarju 2019 tal-Ordni Agostinjana permezz ta’ quddiesa fil-Bażilika ta’ Santu Wistin Ruma. Dan ser ikun il-186 Kapitlu Ġenerali u ser jinżamm fil-kurja Ġenerali tal-Ordni biswit il-pjazza ta’ San Pietru.

    Fl-ewwel jum tal-Kapitlu l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna li anima waħda mill-ewwel sessjonijiet fejn kellem lill-Kapitulari dwar il-protokoll li jipproteġi n-nies vulnerabbli f’kull ċirkoskrizzjoni tal-Ordni madwar id-dinja…

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Mgr Antoine Camilleri appointed titular archbishop and apostolic nuncio

  • Pope Francis appointed Monsignor Antoine Camilleri as titular archbishop of Skálholt, in Iceland, and at the same time entrusted with the office of Apostolic Nuncio. Camilleri has been serving up until now as Undersecretary for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State. 

    Born in Sliema (Malta) on 20 August 1965, Camilleri was ordained a priest on 5 July 1991 and incardinated in Malta…

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The Maltese bishops congratulate Archbishop-elect Antoine Camilleri

  • Il‑Konferenza Episkopali Maltija tifraħ lill‑Monsinjur Antoine Camilleri għall‑ħatra tiegħu mill‑Papa Franġisku bħala Arċisqof titulari ta’ Skálholt u Nunzju Appostoliku. L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, l‑Isqof Mario Grech u l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi, miġburin waqt laqgħa tal‑Konferenza Episkopali, laqgħu din l‑aħbar u wegħdu t‑talb tal‑Knisja f’Malta u Għawdex għal din il‑missjoni ġdida fdata lill‑Monsinjur Camilleri. 

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Pope to oncologists: cancer treatment must be personalized

Pope Francis meets members of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology

  • The Italian Association of Medical Oncology was founded in 1973. It is one of many such associations around the world, all dedicated to the treatment of cancer, and to providing medical care to people diagnosed with the disease.

    In his address, Pope Francis praised the Association for “encouraging research and prevention, working to improve diagnosis and treatment, and developing numerous initiatives to update and train doctors and other operators in the oncology sector”…

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Pope announces 13 new Cardinals for the missionary Church

  • At the Angelus Pope Francis reads the names of those prelates who will receive the red hat on October 5th, the vigil of the Amazon Synod.

    After reciting the Angelus in St Peter’s Square on Sunday, Pope Francis announced a consistory to be held on 5 October for the nomination of 10 new Cardinals. He said that the places where these new Cardinals come from express the missionary vocation of the Church as she continues to announce the merciful love of God to every person on earth…

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Another group of Maltese altar boys meet the Pope

  • Il-Papa laqa’ t-tielet grupp ta’ abbatini Maltin quddiem ir-Residenza ta’ Santa Marta, ilbieraħ, l-1 ta’ Settembru.

    Il-Papa dar mal-grupp kollu u ħadilhom b’idhom. F’dak il-ħin Dun Frans Bonnici staqsa lill-Papa biex jagħti parir lill-abbatini. U wieġbu: “Ma tasalx filgħaxija li ma tgħidx Ave Maria”.

    Iż-żjara tal-Abbatini fil-Vatikan kienet organizzata minn Dun Frans Bonnici, Dun Stephen Magro, Jean-Claude Schembri u Keith Tabone…

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OWLS Training Course organized by ŻAK

  • A group of 15 young people coming from Malta, Romania and Italy met for a 4-day training course intended to help them in their involvement in youth work. During their daily life, these participants dedicate a number of hours every week to facilitate and organise activities in the youth groups they lead in their respective countries. These young leaders, all leaders within the Catholic Action, constantly seek further training so that they can provide a better service to the young people…

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The episcopacy of Bishop Giovanni Cefai will be based on love, mercy and humility

  • Il-Ġimgħa 30 ta’ Awwissu 2019, waslet fi tmiemha l-viżta pastorali ta’ Mons. Giovanni Cefai MSSP, permezz taċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ Quddiesa Pontifikali b’konċelebrazzjoni mal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. L-Isqof Għawdxi, li nħatar Isqof tal-Prelatura Territorjali l-ġdida ta’ Santiago Apóstol de Huancané, fil-Perù iktar kmieni din is-sena, spjega kif din il-viżta se takkumpanjah għal ħafna żmien minħabba li ħass u għex l-imħabba tal-poplu Malti u Għawdxi…

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Opening of the 2019 Season of Creation

  • Il‑Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent ser tiftaħ ix‑Xahar tal‑Ħolqien biċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ Quddiesa kif ukoll taħdita fix‑Xgħajra. It‑taħdita mill‑Prof. Carmel Agius ser tkun dwar is‑seħer tal‑ħajja f’qiegħ il‑baħar tax‑Xgħajra u r‑rabta li dan għandu man‑nies tal‑lokal. Din l‑attività ser issir f’Dawret ix‑Xatt, ix‑Xgħajra stess, nhar it‑Tlieta 3 ta’ Settembru fis‑6:30pm. Kulħadd huwa mistieden jattendi.

    Ta’ kull sena, bejn l‑1 ta’ Settembru u l‑4 ta’ Ottubru, ix‑Xahar tal‑Ħolqien jistedinna biex bħala familja waħda nfittxu li flimkien insaħħu r‑relazzjoni tagħna ma’ xulxin, mal‑ħolqien u mal‑Ħallieq…

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