
Live: Handing over ceremony of Adelaide Cini Institute to Hospice Malta

  • L-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jgħaddi formalment l-Istitut Adelaide Cini f’Sta Venera lil Hospice Malta, għat-twaqqif ta’ kumpless ta’ kura paljattiva bl-isem ta’ St Michael Hospice. Iċ-ċerimonja tibda
    fl-10:30 a.m.
  • L-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil-festa ta’ San Mikiel Arkanġlu, fl-Istitut Adelaide Cini, Sta Venera. Il-Quddiesa tibda fil-11:00 a.m.
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The Archbishop’s Palace opens its doors for Notte Bianca

  • The Archbishop’s Palace in Valletta will be opening its doors again for Notte Bianca 2019, on Saturday 5th October. On the day, visitors will be able to visit various rooms in the palace, including the piano nobile which includes the throne room, the 18th century library and the garden. The palace is situated at the lower part of Archbishop Street next to Independence Square…

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Talitha Kum: 10 years of hard work against human trafficking

  • Talitha Kum’s General Assembly takes place from 21 to 27 September. It sees the participation of 86 delegates from 48 different nations and aims to present the work the sisters are doing in different countries and discuss how to implement new strategies in the fight against human trafficking and slavery.

    A special award will be given to 10 sisters who in recent years have distinguished themselves for their commitment to the cause and have been instrumental in supporting anti-trafficking networks in different countries

    Talitha Kum is a project of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), in collaboration with the Union of Superiors General (USG)…

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Mgħammdin u Mibgħutin – a new book for the Extraordinary Missionary Month

  • Mgħammdin u Mibgħutin: riflessjonijiet ta’ Papa Franġisku għal matul ix-Xahar Missjunarju Straordinarju huwa ktejjeb żgħir b’bosta riflessjonijiet li Papa Franġisku għamel f’dawn l-aħħar snin fuq din it-tema. Paġna wara l-oħra dan il-ktejjeb joffri riflessjoni qasira, kif ukoll it-talba għal matul dan ix-xahar u numru ta’ sentenzi ta’ Ġesù, waħda għal kull ġimgħa, biex jakkumpanjaw lill-qarrej matul dan ix-xahar straordinarju…

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Priest’s murder latest violent attack against Church personnel in Brazil’s capital

  • A Polish-born priest was murdered in the Brazilian capital on Sept. 21, after he was attacked by robbers.

    Father Kazimierz Wojno was inspecting the construction of a catechetical center near his rectory in Brasília when four men jumped the wall and took him and a parish employee as hostages. His body was found a few hours later with his feet and hands still tied up and wire wrapped around his neck…

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A Church that looks forward – lecture by Discern

  • Discern, the Institute for Research of the Signs of the Times, will be holding the Gaudium et Spes Lecture 2019 on the theme ‘A Church that looks forward’.

    The guest speaker will be David McLoughlin, Emeritus Fellow of Christian Theology at Newman University, who will look at the Church in the context of the culture wars in many countries today…

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Pope Francis sends video message to UN Climate Action Summit

  • Pope Francis sends a video message to participants at the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019, taking place in New York on September 23.

    The full text of the Holy Father’s message is below: 

    Greetings to participants at the UN Climate Action Summit 2019.

    I would like to thank the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr António Guterres, for convening this meeting and for drawing the attention of Heads of State and Government – and of the entire international community and world public opinion – to one of the most serious and worrying phenomena of our time: climate change…

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Updated: Statement on Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona

  • Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona O.P. was discharged from hospital this evening.


    Earlier: Today, 23rd September 2019, in the afternoon, Archbishop Emeritus Paul Cremona O.P. felt unwell and was taken to hospital where he is being kept for observation.

    Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna visited and wished Mgr Cremona a speedy recovery and promised him the prayers of the Church in Malta at this time…

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True respect and genuine care for all Creation

Synopsis of the Statement by the Church Environment Commission (KA)

  • In a statement issued on the occasion of this year’s Season of Creation (1st September – 4th October), the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA) highlights a number of examples of greenwashing which have characterized the local scenario throughout the 16 years it has been set up. Greenwashing is the practice of making unsubstantiated or misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a project in order to make it appear more environmentally friendly than it really is…

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