
October: Extraordinary Mission Month

Ta’ kull sena, ix-xahar ta’ Ottubru jkun kollu kemm hu ddedikat għall-missjoni. Papa Franġisku ddikjara x-xahar ta’ Ottubru ta’ din is-sena biex ikun ix-Xahar Straordinarju tal-Missjoni (EMM2019). Dan għaliex din is-sena taħbat il-100 sena mit-tagħlim ta’ Papa Benedittu XV dwar il-missjoni. Ser ikun xahar speċjali ta’ talb u azzjoni, xahar li jsejħilna lkoll biex inġeddu l-impenn missjunarju tagħna biex inxerrdu l-Bxara t-Tajba ta’ Ġesù Kristu mal-proxxmu kollu… Read more »

Adolescents from Marsaxlokk and Ħaż-Żebbuġ parishes receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

  Marsaxlokk, Ħaż-Żebbuġ

Nhar is-Sibt 12 ta’ Ottubru l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna amministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma lil 37 adolexxent fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Madonna ta’ Pompeii, Marsaxlokk – 16 bniet u 21 tifel. 
L-għada l-Ħadd 13 ta’ Novembru l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi amministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma lil 110 adolexxent fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Filippu ta’ Agira, Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Filgħodu s-sagrament ingħata lil 55 tifel u waranofsinhar lil 55 tifla.

Uħud mill-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma tal-Isqof f’Marsaxlokk L-adoloxxenti subien li rċevew il-Griżma f’Ħaż-Żebbuġ L-adoloxxenti bniet li rċevew il-Griżma f’Ħaż-Żebbuġ Read more »

COMECE Assembly to focus on EU ecological policies centred on persons, families and communities

Malta will be represented by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

General view of the meeting

Delegates of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union will gather in Brussels on 23-25 October 2019 to participate in the Autumn 2019 COMECE Assembly, with the participation of H. Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J., President of COMECE. Malta will be represented by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi.

In the context of the renewed European institutions, EU Bishops will engage with EU officials reflecting on post-EU elections challenges, both from the institutional and policy levels… Read more »

Celebrations on the anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Avertan Fenech

Patri Avertan

Ta’ kull sena l-Ordni Karmelitan jorganizza programm ta’ ċelebrazzjonijiet fl-anniversarju mill-mewt tal-Qaddej ta’ Alla tal-Patri Karmelitan Avertan Fenech. DIn is-sena jagħlaq 76 sena mejjet.Fl-2017 l-Arċidjoċesi fetħet l-Inkjesta Djoċesana, li ntemmet b’suċċess u ġiet validata unanimament mill-Kongregazzjoni tal-Qaddisin, għall-beatifikazzjoni ta’ dan il-patri. Mill-inkjesta ħarġu b’mod konvinċenti u ċar li l-provi tal-ħajja tal-virtù, il-fama tal-qdusija, u l-fama tal-għeġubijiet ta’ Patri Avertan. Għaldaqstant il-Kongregazzjoni tal-Qaddisin tat l-approvazzjoni għall-ħidma tal-Positio li fiha l-Karmelitani jridu jippruvaw li l-qaddej ta’ Alla għex il-virtujiet erojċi, li l-fama tal-qdusija ħarġet spontanja mill-poplu ta’ Alla sa mill-mewt tiegħu, u li minn mewtu sal-lum igawdi fama ta’ interċessur quddiem Alla u tawmaturgu.Il-ħidma fuq il-Positio ma waqfitx għal dawn l-aħħar sentejn u waslet fil-punt li tiġi sottomessa lir-Relatur Mons… Read more »

Daniel Darmanin elected in the executive committee of Justice and Peace Europe

The European Conference of Justice and Peace Commissions (Justice and Peace Europe) held its 2019 International Workshop and General Assembly from 11 – 14 October in Bratislava. Delegates from 21 Justice and Peace Commissions were present in the capital of Bratislava. Very well prepared by the Slovak Justice and Peace Commission, the International Workshop dealt with Challenges for Solidarity – Living together in Europe thirty years after the fall of the Iron CurtainRead more »

Adolescents from Birkirkara and Ta’ Xbiex parishes receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

Nhar il-Ħadd 20 ta’ Ottubru l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi amministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma lil 34 adolexxent. Filgħodu ngħata lil 24 l-adoloxxent fil-Knisja ta’ San Ġużepp Ħaddiem, Birkirkara – 10 subien u 14-il tifla. Waranofsinhar ingħata lil sitt subien u erba’ bniet fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Ġwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex.

L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma f’Birkirkara L-adoloxxenti li rċevew il-Griżma f’Ta’ Xbiex Read more »

‘Click to Pray eRosary’ – wearable smart device to pray the rosary for peace

  • In the middle of the Extraordinary Missionary Month of October, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network launched the “Click To Pray eRosary” at a press conference in the Vatican on October 15. October is also the month of the Rosary.

    What is it?

    The Click To Pray eRosary is an interactive, smart and app-driven wearable device that serves as a tool for learning how to pray the rosary for peace in the world…

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Message by Archbishop Scicluna on the second anniversary of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia

  • On the second anniversary of the brutal assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, we pray for her eternal rest and for the gift of justice which serves each and everyone their due. We pray that those investigating her untimely death bring the executors and all persons involved to justice. We therefore pray for the gifts of prudence and wisdom but also for the gifts of integrity and courage…

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Amazon Synod Briefing: Migration and Inculturation

  • The Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communications, Dr Paolo Ruffini, opened the briefing by announcing the four members named by the Pope to the Commission responsible for drafting the final document of the Synod. They are: Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Archbishop Edmundo Ponciano Valenzuela Mellid, and Fr Rossano Sala.

    Summary by Dr Ruffini

    Dr Ruffini went on to summarize the topics that emerged during the morning’s 11th General Congregation…

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Synod Day 7: Appreciating the charism of the laity, distancing ourselves from clericalism

  • During the 10th General Congregation which took place on the afternoon of 14 October, the participants in the Special Amazon Synod continued their work. In addition to Pope Francis, there were 177 Synod Fathers present, as well as other auditors, experts and invited guests.

    Rethinking ministry in the Church in the light of the parameters of synodality so that the Church might be more and more formed by the Word of God was defined as one of the challenges of the Church in the Amazon region…

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