
Catholics, Jews and Muslims: no to euthanasia and assisted suicide ‘with no exceptions’

Representatives of Abrahamic monotheistic religions who signed the declaration on end-of-life issues.

“Euthanasia and assisted suicide are morally and inherently wrong and should be forbidden without exceptions. Any pressure or deliberate actions that might lead patients to end their lives are categorically rejected.” It’s the “key point” of the “Joint Declaration of Abrahamic religions on End-of-Life issues.” The document, solemnly signed this morning by Jewish, Catholic and Muslim representatives in the Vatican, is the culmination of an initiative coordinated by the Pontifical Academy for Life and supported on behalf of the Jewish world by Rabbi Avraham Steinberg from the Israeli National Bioethics Council and Rabbi David Rosen; by Sheikh Bin Bayyah, president of the Muslim Forum for Peace and by Samsul Anwar, President of the Central Committee of the Indonesian Muhammadiyah, representing the Muslim world.”

The document – which the religious representatives handed over to Pope Francis – was drafted by a joint inter-religious group… Read more »

Adolescents in Fgura and Ħamrun parishes receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

Nhar is-Sibt 26 u l-Ħadd 27 ta’ Ottubru l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna amministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma lil adolexxenti tal-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu tal-Fgura. B’kollox kien hemm 60 tifel u 40 tifla.

Il-Ħadd l-Arċisqof amministra s-Sagrament lil 19-il adolexxent fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Kunċizzjoni, il-Ħamrun – tmien bniet u 11-il tifel.


Waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Griżma tal-Isqof fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, il-Fgura L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma mill-Parroċċa tal-Fgura s-Sibt L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma mill-Parroċċa tal-Fgura s-Sibt L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma mill-Parroċċa tal-Fgura l-Ħadd L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma mill-Parroċċa tal-Fgura l-Ħadd Waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Griżma tal-Isqof fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Kunċiżżjoni, il-Ħamrun L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma mill-Parroċċa tal-Ħamrun il-Ħadd L-adolexxenti li rċevew il-Griżma mill-Parroċċa tal-Ħamrun il-Ħadd

Aktar ritratti >> Read more »

Adolescents in Mosta and Gwardamanġa parishes receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

Bejn nhar is-Sibt 26 ta’ Ottubru u l-għada l-Ħadd l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi amministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma lil 138 adolexxent fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Santa Marija Assunta, il-Mosta. Is-Sibt 37 tifel u 41 tifla rċevew dawn is-Sagrament waqt li l-Ħadd 32 tifel u 28 tifla rċevew is-Sagrament tal-Griżma.

Il-Ħadd 27 ta’ Ottubru l-Isqof amministra s-Sagrament tal-Griżma lil 18-il adolexxent mill-Knisja tal-Madonna ta’ Fatima fi Gwardamanġa – seba’ bniet u 11-il tifel… Read more »

Bishop Joe’s Podcasts (2)

L-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi jitkellem dwar: l-amministrazzjoni tal-Griżma tal-Isqof, ix-Xahar Straordinarju tal-Missjoni, il-Viżta Pastorali li l-Isqof Galea-Curmi ser jagħmel fil-parroċċa tal-Imsida, bejn il-15 u l-24 ta’ Novembru.

Din l-intervista xxandret fuq 103, fis-27 ta’ Ottubru 2019 Read more »

COMECE 2019: Isqfijiet Ewropej isejħu għal tranżizzjoni inklussiva u ġusta li twassal għal ekoloġija integrali

On 23-25 October 2019 delegates of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union gathered in Brussels for the COMECE Autumn 2019 Assembly. The meeting was dedicated to post-EU elections challenges and, in particular, to ecological policies centered on persons, families and communities.

In the context of the renewed European institutions, Bishops discussed priorities of the incoming European Commission in dialogue with an EU representative… Read more »

Archbishop’s Vlog: Against violence!

L-avvenimenti ta’ dawn l-aħħar jiem għandhom ikunu okkażjoni għalina l-Maltin u l-Għawdxin biex nieqfu u naħsbu tajjeb ħafna dwar x’qed jiġri madwarna. Ħadd mhu lest jiġġustifika l-vjolenza, tkun minn fejn tkun ġejja, la vjolenzja fiżika fuq in-nies u l-patrimonju, u wisq inqas kliem ta’ mibegħda li jagħmel ħsara mhux biss lill-proxxmu tagħna imma anki lil min jagħmlu. Jekk aħna rridu niżirgħu xi żerriegħa, hemm bżonn tkun żerriegħa ta’ paċi, mhux ta’ mibegħda għax iż-żerriegħa tal-mibegħda tkisser lilna nfusna qabel xejn… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Church must always be open, expansive, welcoming

In his catechesis at the Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis reflects on how the first Christians resolve their differences at the “Council of Jerusalem”, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis began his catechesis by saying that the Book of Acts recounts the long journey of the Word of God. “This journey”, said the Pope, began after a “strong persecution”… Read more »

Temporary transfer of the Diocesan Archives documents

Id-dokumenti maħżuna f’kaxxi biex jittieħdu fil-faċilità li se taħżinhom temporanjament

L-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta għaddejja bil-proġett għall-arkivju l-ġdid fil-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana. Dan qed isir b’kofinanzjament minn fondi tal-Unjoni Ewropea (Fond Ewropew tal-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2014-2020).

Il-proġett jinsab fil-fażi inizjali tiegħu. F’dawn il-jiem, numru ta’ dokumenti qed jinħarġu mill-Kurja sakemm jiġi rranġat il-post li ser jilqa’ l-arkivju l-ġdid. Dawn qed jittieħdu f’faċilità apposta li tassigura l-aħjar ambjent fejn dawn id-dokumenti storiċi jinżammu b’mod temporanju… Read more »

Amazon Synod Briefing: Role of women, inculturation, synodality

The role of women; inculturation; and synodality were some of the key topics highlighted at Wednesdays’ press briefing for the Synod on the Amazon.

At the beginning of the briefing, the Prefect for the Dicastery for Communication, Dr Paolo Ruffini briefly reviewed the process for producing the Synod’s final document. Jesuit Father Giacomo Costa noted that the final document will be entrusted to the Holy Father, who will provide guidance for the Church going forward… Read more »

Peace, Justice and Truth after the Fall of the Iron Curtain

Final Statement of the International Workshop of the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions, 11-14 October 2019, Bratislava/Slovakia

  Bratislava, Slovakia

With the fall of the iron curtain we believed that freedom was achieved. 30 years later we see that freedom, justice and reconciliation involve more than removing iron curtains. We now realise freedom is a never-ending project upon which we must work everyday.

We have learned that listening to the stories, especially the painful stories, of those who have suffered and taken risks, is the starting point for freedom… Read more »