Catholics, Jews and Muslims: no to euthanasia and assisted suicide ‘with no exceptions’
29/10/2019Representatives of Abrahamic monotheistic religions who signed the declaration on end-of-life issues.
“Euthanasia and assisted suicide are morally and inherently wrong and should be forbidden without exceptions. Any pressure or deliberate actions that might lead patients to end their lives are categorically rejected.” It’s the “key point” of the “Joint Declaration of Abrahamic religions on End-of-Life issues.” The document, solemnly signed this morning by Jewish, Catholic and Muslim representatives in the Vatican, is the culmination of an initiative coordinated by the Pontifical Academy for Life and supported on behalf of the Jewish world by Rabbi Avraham Steinberg from the Israeli National Bioethics Council and Rabbi David Rosen; by Sheikh Bin Bayyah, president of the Muslim Forum for Peace and by Samsul Anwar, President of the Central Committee of the Indonesian Muhammadiyah, representing the Muslim world.”
The document – which the religious representatives handed over to Pope Francis – was drafted by a joint inter-religious group… Read more »