
The environment: one step forward, two steps back

Il‑Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent (KA) tinnota b’sodisfazzjon l‑approvazzjoni ta’ mozzjoni mill‑Parlament Malti li tiddikjara emerġenza fil‑klima.

Is‑sodisfazzjon tal‑KA għall‑pass li ħadet l‑ogħla istituzzjoni ta’ pajjiżna b’din id‑deċiżjoni ttappan bil‑kbir meta lbieraħ tħabbret id‑deċiżjoni li l‑Awtorità tal‑Ippjanar approvat applikazzjoni biex binja mitluqa fuq art barra ż‑żoni tal‑iżvilupp ġewwa l‑Qala Għawdex tinbidel f’villa moderna. Il‑KA ttenni li deċiżjonijiet bħal dawn juru insensitività kbira min‑naħa tal‑awtorijiet għall‑wirt naturali tal‑gżejjer tagħna u għal serħan il‑moħħ tal‑Maltin u l‑Għawdxin kollha, u tqisha bħala qabża lura mill‑aħbar tajba li kellna għaxart ijiem ilu… Read more »

Ir-riforma dwar it-traffikar uman u l-prostituzzjoni

The Archdiocese of Malta, through the Justice & Peace Commission of and Caritas Malta, have participated in the presentation of a joint submission to the Maltese Government, on the proposed reform for the legalisation of prostitution and human trafficking.

The joint submission, endorsed by several organisations, speaks of three main goals that are complementary and cannot be enacted separately, essential for the human dignity of the victims to be safeguarded. 

  • To decriminalise those who are prostituted ‑ Conscious of the fact that most sex workers are caught up in prostitution against their will and are the main victims of a broken system which enslaves them.  They should not be criminalised or victimised further for the abuse they endure…
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Pope urges Iraqis to pursue dialogue, as hundreds killed in protests

Pope Francis appeals to all citizens of Iraq to pursue the path of dialogue and reconciliation in search of solutions, after nearly a week of renewed anti-government protests that have left hundreds of people dead.

At least 250 people have died throughout Iraq in connection with massive anti-government protests during the month of October.

On Monday, masked gunmen murdered 18 protesters and wounded over 800 others in the Shiite holy city of Karbala… Read more »

Inclusivity also means accepting the genius hidden in the sensitivity of people with autism

L-inawgurazzjoni mill-Arċisqof Chares J. Scicluna ta’ proġett ġdid fil-Mużew tal-Katidral tal-Imdina li permezz tiegħu l-mużew issa huwa ‘autism friendly’. Dan huwa l‑ewwel proġett tax‑xorta tiegħu f’Malta li sar bil‑għan li l‑mużew ikun aċċessibbli għal persuni bl‑awtiżmu.L‑Arċisqof u l‑Ministru għall‑Edukazzjoni Evarist Bartolo indirizzaw il‑konferenza tal‑aħbarijiet u qassmu ċ-ċertifikati lill-impjegati li ngħataw it-taħriġ meħtieġ biex jassistu aħjar lil persuni bl-awtiżmu. Tħabbar ukoll li l-mużew ser ikun miftuħ għall-ħinijiet itwal f’ġranet partikolari speċifikament għal dawn il-viżitaturi…. Read more »

90th anniversary of the Catholic Action in Malta: ŻAK reunion

In February 2020 the Catholic Action will be celebrating its 90th anniversary of its official initiation in Malta. A number of events to celebrate this anniversary till October 2020. As part of these celebrations, a reunion was organised for those who were members prior to 2010, on Saturday 19th October.

This activity was organised at ŻAK House in Birkirkara. Restructuring and renovation of ŻAK House commenced at the end 2010 and were finished by the end of 2013… Read more »

Exhibition of photographs by Cardinal Prospero Grech

The President and Mrs Vella preside over the inauguration of the exhibition of photography by Cardinal Prospero Grech – San Anton Palace

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever – an exhibiton of photographs taken by Cardinal Prospero Grech is currently being held at Sant’Anton Palace under the patronage of President George Vella. The exhibition, which will run for fifteen days, was inaugurated yesterday and brings together an evocative selection of works produced by the Cardinal over a span of time, featuring a diverse array of subjects… Read more »

All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day

Nhar il-Ġimgħa, l‑1 ta’ Novembru 2019, l‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil‑festa tal‑Qaddisin Kollha, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta, fis-6:00 p.m. Din il‑festa tiġi ċċelebrata mill‑Knisja Universali biex l‑Insara jagħtu ġieħ lill‑Qaddisin kollha waqt li jħabirku biex jimxu fuq l‑eżempju tagħhom.

Is-Sibt, 2 ta’ Novembru, Jum it‑Tifkira tal‑Mejtin Kollha, l‑Arċisqof ser jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil‑Knisja taċ‑Ċimiterju tal‑Addolorata, Raħal Ġdid. Il‑Quddiesa tibda fl‑10:00 a.m… Read more »

A school on Four Wheels

In September 1982, the Christian Brothers created the first mobile school to assist in educating nomad children. Today there are about thirty such schools, and they travel all over France.

The idea for these mobile schools came from Brother Camille Véger. In 1979, he read a letter sent by Father André Barthélémy, who was the National Chaplain for Gypsies at the time, to the Superior of the Lasallian Fathers in France, calling for volunteers to “educate young gypsies of the Parisian suburbs who are poorly prepared for the rapid changes of today’s world”… Read more »

A new publication by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

On Thursday 31st October a new publication by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna entitled Religion and the 1921 Malta Constitution, Genesis and Implications will be launchedThe book launch will take place at The Curia in Floriana at 7pm.

In this book, the Archbishop researches the origin and subsequent discussions held at the beginning of the 20th century in order for the Catholic religion to be integrated in Maltese law… Read more »