
Pope at Angelus: ‘God teaches us true freedom and responsibility’

Pope Francis waves to crowds gathered in St Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis reflects on the Gospel reading for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, which deals with the fulfilment of the Law.

Pope Francis on Sunday told the faithful that God came into the world to give us His Grace so we can do His will, and he explained that through His law, Jesus teaches us true freedom and responsibility… Read more »

St Paul’s Shipwreck in Malta celebrated in Rome

  Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, Rome

Nhar it-Tlieta, 11 ta’ Frar 2020 ġiet ċelebrata l-Festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ San Pawl f’Malta permezzz ta’ Quddiesa solenni fil-Knisja ta’ Santa Maria fi Trasportina ta’ Via della Conciliazione presjeduta minn Patri Karmelitan Michael Farrugia. Miegħu kkonċelebraw 12-il saċerdot Malti. Għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni attendew l-Ambaxxatur Malti għall-istat Taljan Joseph Cuschieri, l-istaff tal-Ambaxxata Maltija f’Ruma u komunità mdaqqsa ta’ Maltin li jgħixu Ruma.  Read more »

#90YearsofService from Catholic Action in Malta

During the month of February, ŻAK (the youth section of the Catholic Action) is organising a number of events titled #90YearsofService. This campaign is part of the 90th anniversary celebrations which commemorate the setting up the Catholic Action in Malta. This event will bring together a large number of young people who will be carrying out some form of voluntary work, with other people in need or to improve society or the environment we are living in… Read more »

Querida Amazonía: the Pope’s Exhortation for a Church with an Amazonian face

  The Vatican

Pope Francis greets an indigenous woman in Puerto Maldonado, Peru

The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on the Amazon Region has been published. The document traces new paths of evangelization and care for the environment and the poor. Pope Francis hopes for a new missionary thrust, and encourages the role of the laity within the ecclesial community.

“The beloved Amazon region stands before the world in all its splendour, its drama and its mystery.” Thus begins the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Querida AmazoníaRead more »

Pope at General Audience: Sorrow is rooted in love for God

  The Vatican

Pope Francis at the weekly general audience at the Vatican, 12.01.2020

At the General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis continues his catechesis on the Beatitudes. This week, he reflects on the second Beatitude: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”. Below is the official English-language summary:

Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Beatitudes, we now turn to the second proclamation: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Mt 5:4).  Such mourning – described by the desert Fathers with the Greek word “penthos” – is more than mere grief: it is an interior sorrow that can open us to an authentic relationship with the Lord and with each other.  The Bible speaks of two types of such sorrow.  The first is the pain we feel when faced with the suffering or death of our brothers and sisters.  The second involves mourning for sin.  Both are grounded in loving concern for others, but above all in love for God.  Sorrow for sin – as seen in Saint Peter’s tears after his betrayal of Jesus – comes as a gift of the Holy Spirit the Comforter.  Let us continually ask for the grace to grieve for our sins and to be open to the healing grace of the Spirit, so that we can comfort others with the same consolation that we ourselves have received… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Church hears the cry of marginalized and poor

Pope Francis during his Sunday Angelus in St Peter’s Square  (Vatican Media)

In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis urges Catholics to dispel the darkness lurking in society, and says the Church cannot abandon her mission of evangelisation and service.

Pope Francis reflected on Jesus’ call in the day’s Gospel (Mt 5:13-16) for His disciples to be salt and light.

Jesus’ use of symbolic language, said the Pope, lays out criteria for how the Lord’s disciples are to live their mission in the world… Read more »

Apostolic Journey by Pope Francis to Malta

Announcement of the Apostolic Journey by His Holiness Pope Francis to Malta

  The Collegiate Parish Church of St Paul's Shipwreck

Welcoming the invitation of the President of the Republic of Malta, the Authorities and the Catholic Church of the Country, His Holiness Pope Francis will make an Apostolic Journey to Malta and Gozo on 31st May 2020.

The programme of the journey will be published at a later stage. Read more »

Official logo of the Apostolic Journey to Malta Official Announcement of the Apostolic Journey to Malta …

Liturgical celebrations of the feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck begin

  The Collegiate Parish Church of St Paul's Shipwreck, Valletta

L‑Arċisqof  Charles J. Scicluna mexxa t-Traslazzjoni Solenni tar-Relikwa u l-Ewwel Għasar Solenni, lejlet il-festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ Missierna San Pawl, nhar il-Ħadd 9 ta’ Frar 2020, fil-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu, il-Belt Valletta.

Għada t-Tnejn 10 ta’ Frar, l-Arċisqof se jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil-festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ Missierna San Pawl, fil-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu, il-Belt Valletta. Il-Quddiesa tibda fid-9am u se tixxandar liveRead more »

Live: Mass on the feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck

The Collegiate Parish Church of St Paul's Shipwreck

Nhar it-Tnejn 10 ta’ Frar, l-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Pontifikal Solenni fil-festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ Missierna San Pawl, fil-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ San Pawl Nawfragu, il-Belt Valletta. Il-Quddiesa tibda fid-9am. Read more »

This Tuesday: Mass on the occasion of the World Day of the Sick

  St Theresa Sanctuary, Birkirkara

Nhar it-Tlieta 11 ta’ Frar 2020, madwar id-dinja ser jiġi ċċelebrat il-Jum Dinji tal-Morda, li twaqqaf minn San Ġwanni Pawlu II 28 sena ilu. Kull 11 ta’ Frar titfakkar ukoll l-ewwel dehra tal-Madonna f’Lourdes.

Jum il-Morda ser jiġi ċċelebrat b’Quddiesa fis-Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża, Birkirkara. Il-Quddiesa ser tibda fl-10am u ser titmexxa mill-Isqof Awżiljerju Joseph Galea-Curmi.  Jikkonċelebra Dun Joseph Mizzi, il-kappillan tal-għaqda djoċesana għat-trasport tal-morda f’Lourdes (UMTAL) u s-saċerdoti kollha li jaħdmu fl-isptarijiet u l-homes Read more »