
Pope at Angelus encourages young people to be witnesses of hope

  The Vatican

Pope Francis, Palm Sunday  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis greets the faithful following his Palm Sunday Mass and Angelus and prays for the sick and their families, and all those who self-sacrificingly care for them.

Pope Francis ended his Palm Sunday Angelus by greeting the faithful “taking part through the means of social communication”. In particular, he said, “my thoughts go out to the young people all over the world”, who are living today’s Diocesan World Youth Day “in an unprecedented way”… Read more »

Pope’s Holy Week message: ‘Creativity of love can overcome isolation’

  The Vatican

Pope Francis sends a video message as Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Holy Week in an unusual manner due to the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.

“This evening I have the chance to enter your homes in a different way than usual.”

That was how Pope Francis opened his video message sent on Friday ahead of Holy Week 2020… Read more »

The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

  Church of St Mary of Jesus (Ta' Ġieżu), Valletta

Il-Kurċifiss mirakoluż

Illum, 3 ta’ April 2020, Jum id‑Duluri, fuq talba tal‑Arċisqof il‑quddies ser jixxandar mill‑Knisja ta’ Ġieżu, il‑Belt Valletta, fejn jinsabu meqjuma x‑xbihat devoti tal‑Kurċifiss mirakoluż u tad‑Duluri li s‑soltu toħroġ f’pellegrinaġġ mat‑toroq tal‑Belt.

Il‑Quddiesa tad‑9:30am, segwita mit‑talba tar‑Rużarju, se titmexxa mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi. Il‑Quddiesa tal‑5:30pm, li wkoll se tkun segwita mit‑talba tar‑Rużarju, se titmexxa mill‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna,.

L‑Insara huma mistiedna jingħaqdu fit‑talb mal‑Isqfijiet waqt il‑Quddies li ser jixxandar fuq TVM2, NET, ONE, Xejk, u more »

Covid-19: “Let us remain united” – EU Christian leaders call for unity and solidarity

Joint Statement of the Presidents of COMECE and CEC

The COVID-19 pandemic and its dire consequences have hit Europe and the entire world
with full strength. Putting to the test every person, family, and community, the present crisis
has exposed the vulnerabilities and apparent certainties of our politics, economics and

Nevertheless, these trying times are also allowing us to re-discover our common humanity as brothers and sisters. We think of the many people who are sowing hope every day by exercising charity and solidarity… Read more »

Message of encouragement by the Archbishop to all those working at Mater Dei Hospital

Message by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

It is a privilege for me to address all the staff at Mater Dei hospital, the administration of the hospital, but also the doctors and consultants, the nurses and medical staff who are doing a wonderful job in a very difficult time.

I understand that these are extraordinary times that demand so much from each and every one of you… Read more »

Pope at Audience: a pure heart sees God

  The Vatican

Pope Francis during his weekly General Audience  (Photo: Vatican Media)

Pope Francis focuses the catechesis of his General Audience on the sixth Beatitude, which promises that those with a pure heart will see God.

The sixth Beatitude promises that those with a pure heart will see God. Pope Francis began his catechesis explaining that anyone who seeks the face of God shows the desire for a “personal relationship” with Him… Read more »

Live: Participation Ballot of Primary 1 girls – 2020 Entry, 2 April 9:30am

Il-Ħamis 2 ta’ April 2020, tista’ ssegwi live t-tlugħ tal-polza ta’ parteċipazzjoni għall-Primarja 1 tal-bniet fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja. Il-polza tibda fid-9:30am.

Il-filmati tal-poloz jibqgħu aċċessibbli online anki wara li tispiċċa x-xandira tagħhom. Ir-riżultati tal-poloz jittellgħu online l-għada ta’ kull polza, fuq il‑paġna tal‑Iskejjel tal‑Knisja.

Għal iktar tagħrif il-pubbliku jista’ jibgħat email fuq [email protected] jew iċempel fuq 7999 0224… Read more »

Live: Participation Ballot of Form 1 girls and boys – 2020 Entry, 1 April, 9:30am

Għada l-Erbgħa 1 ta’ April 2020, tista’ ssegwi live t-tlugħ tal-polza ta’ parteċipazzjoni għall-Form 1 tal-bniet u s-subien fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja. Il-polza tal-bniet tibda fid-9:30am u tas-subien issir eżatt warajha fl-10:30am, jew xħin tispiċċa l-polza tal-bniet jekk din tkun għadha ma spiċċatx sa dak il-ħin.

Il-filmati tal-poloz jibqgħu aċċessibbli online anki wara li tispiċċa x-xandira tagħhom. Ir-riżultati tal-poloz jittellgħu online l-għada ta’ kull polza, fuq il‑paġna tal‑Iskejjel tal‑KnisjaRead more »

New dates for Church Schools ballots

All ballots will be transmitted live

The Church Schools Admissions Office is announcing a new schedule for the Church Schools admission ballots. All ballots will be streamed live on from a studio with the least possible people, which means no parents will be allowed to attend, due to the restrictions which are currently in place as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. A notary will be present throughout the ballot process… Read more »

ŻAK House becomes a home for six hospital workers

  ŻAK House, Birkirkara

L-Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija (AKM) laqgħet fiż-ŻAK House f’Birkirkara (post attrezzat għall-gruppi ta’ żgħażagħ biex jorganizzaw live-ins u skambji), sitt ħaddiema tal-isptar, mingħajr ħlas, sabiex ikunu jistgħu jipproteġu l-familji u qraba tagħhom li jgħixu fi djarhom matul din is-sitwazzjoni diffiċli.

Għal żewġ radjografi, żewġ fiżjoterapisti, infermiera u tabib, bħalissa ż-ŻAK House saret ir-residenza permanenti tagħhom. Ma kinitx deċiżjoni faċli għalihom li jitilqu u jħallu lill-familji tagħhom warajhom, b’xi wħud anke jħallu tfal żgħar warajhom mingħajr ma jafu meta ser jerġgħu jgħannquhom.  Iżda ma kellhomx għażla oħra… Read more »