
Pope at Mass prays for politicians

  Casa Santa Marta, the Vatican

At Mass on Monday at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis prayed for all the men and women who have a vocation to political life and, in his homily, reflects on being born again of the Spirit.

After celebrating the Mass yesterday, Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Saxon District, Pope Francis resumed Masses at the Casa Santa Marta on Monday… Read more »

Caritas Malta helping the most vulnerable during COVID-19

Caritas Malta mħassba dwar realtà ta’ persuni li bħalissa qed isofru konsegwenzi soċjali u ekonomiċi minħabba l-Covid-19 u li għandhom bżonn għajnuna urġenti.

Permezz ta’ persuni li qed iċemplu fuq linji ta’ Caritas li nfetħu apposta, kif ukoll tal-ħidma mill-qrib ma’ NGOs u l-kapillani fil-parroċċi, Caritas Malta qed tiltaqa’ dejjem iktar ma’ realtajiet ta’ gruppi ta’ nies vulnerabbli li huma l-aktar f’riskju matul din il-kriżi:

  • Dawk li diġà kellhom dħul baxx qabel il-pandemija;
  • Anzjani li jgħixu weħidhom, li kellhom xi għajnuna minn ġirien jew servizzi fid-dar li issa ma jistgħux jingħataw;
  • Ġenituri bi tfal b’diżabbiltà, speċjalment dawk severi li wkoll naqsilhom ir-respite peress li waqqfu l-iskejjel;
  • Dawk il-Maltin jew barranin li diġà sfaw bla saqaf u anki ma jistgħux jaċċessaw xelters minħabba restrizzjonijiet;
  • Barranin li tilfu x-xogħol jew naqsulhom is-sigħat ta’ xogħol u mhux intitolati għall-benefiċċji ta’ nuqqas ta’ impjieg jew sussidju fuq il-kera…
  • Read more »

Sunday Mass in English

As from tomorrow, 19th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, the Archdiocese of Malta will introduce a televised Sunday Mass in English. This initiative is being taken in collaboration with PBS.

Holy Mass will be broadcast on the Archdiocese of Malta website at 10:30am and on TVM2 at 6:30pm. Archbishop Charles Scicluna will celebrate Mass from the church of the Franciscan Friars, which is dedicated to St Francis, in Hamrun… Read more »

Private pilgrimage of St Gregory by the Archbishop


Illum, 15 ta’ April 2020 l-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna għamel b’mod privat il-pellegrinaġġ ta’ San Girgor, mill-Kappella ta’ San Klement fejn għamel mument ta’ talb, sal-Knisja ta’ San Girgor, iż-Żejtun, fejn l-Arċisqof ta wkoll il-barka.

Dan il-pellegrinaġġ is-soltu jsir ta’ kull sena l-Erbgħa fuq l-Għid il-Kbir tal-Mulej u f’ċirkustanzi normali jattendu għadd kbir ta’ nies, fosthom il-Kapitlu tal-Katidral u l-fratellanzi. Il-purċissjoni kienet bdiet issir fl-1543, ftit snin qabel l-Assedju l-Kbir, bħala talba lil Alla biex issaltan il-paċi fost in-nazzjonijiet Ewropej fi żmien ta’ periklu kbir… Read more »

Pope at Audience: True peacemakers always seek reconciliation

  The Vatican

Pope Francis during the weekly General Audience  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis dedicates his catechesis during his Wednesday General Audience to the seventh beatitude, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God”.

True inner tranquility flows from “the peace of Christ that comes from His Cross and generates humanity anew.”

Thosewere the Pope’s words on Wednesday during his Weekly General Audience livestreamed from the Vatican Library… Read more »

Pope acknowleges womens’ contributions during Covid-19 pandemic

  The Vatican

Pope Francis during the Regina Caeli message in the library of the Apostolic Palace  (Vatican Media)

In his remarks after the recitation of the Regina Caeli, the Pope reflected on the contribution women are giving today during the coronavirus pandemic.

After reciting the Regina Caeli in the library of the Apostolic Palace on the Monday after Easter, Pope Francis continued reflecting on how women are contributing during the coronavirus crisis… Read more »

The Archbishop blesses our Country


Illum l-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna ħareġ fuq it-taraġ tal-Kurja tal-Arċisqof, il-Furjana b’Ġesù Ekwaristija biex ibierek lill-Pajjiż. Dan seħħ dalgħodu fi tmiem il-Quddiesa tal-Għid tal-Qawmien tal-Mulej mill-Imwiet, 12 ta’ April 2020.


Nitolbuk Mulej tbierek ‘il pajjiżna,
il-morda tagħna u ‘l kull min qed jieħu ħsiebhom,
u lilna tagħtina d-dehen u s-saħħa u l-qalb kbira
biex nagħmlu dak kollu li nistgħu biex din il-burraxka tgħaddi minn fuqna kemm jista’ jkun malajr… Read more »