
Protecting your health and that of others

Il‑Knisja f’Malta tfakkar fl‑importanza li jiġu osservati l‑miżuri ta’ prevenzjoni ta’ tixrid tal‑imxija tal‑COVID‑19. Filwaqt li jibqgħu japplikaw il‑miżuri tad‑distanza soċjali, it‑teħid tat‑temperatura u miżuri oħra, kull min jattendi għall‑Quddies għandu r‑responsabbiltà li jilbes maskra jew visor. Dawn il‑miżuri huma konformi mal‑obbligi stipulati mill‑Awtoritajiet tas‑Saħħa dwar il‑postijiet ta’ qima, li ġew aġġornati l‑Ġimgħa 7 ta’ Awwissu 2020.

L‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex ifakkru fir‑responsabbiltà kbira li nsegwu bir‑reqqa l‑miżuri għall‑ħarsien tas‑saħħa u tal‑ħajja, kemm tagħna kif ukoll tal‑oħrajn… Read more »

12 people graduate from Caritas rehabilitation programme

12-il persuna, 11-il raġel u mara, huma l-gradwati ta’ din is-sena ta’ Caritas Malta li temmu l-programm ta’ rijabilitazzjoni mid-droga. Fosthom hemm żewġ persuni mill-Prison Inmates Programme.

Iċ-ċerimonja saret fil-knisja tal-Bon Konsill f’Paceville, b’quddiesa mmexxija minn Mons. Victor Grech flimkien ma’ Mons. Charles Cordina u Fr Hilary Tagliaferro. Monsinjur Grech esprima li l-gradwazzjoni u l-għoti taċ-ċertifikati ma jbiddlu xejn fil-persuna li għamlet dan il-vjaġġ: “Importanti li nifhmu li rridu nibqgħu ninbidlu kuljum u nkunu kapaċi nagħmlu dan billi ngħarfu li aħna dgħajfa”… Read more »

2019 Financial Report: A surplus which helped balance out the negative impact of the pandemic

In 2019 the Archdiocese of Malta, which includes more than 100 entities and employs more than 1,300 people, registered a surplus of €3.5million, as opposed to a deficit of €137,000 the previous year. This result includes a one-off donation of €2.4 million in shares given to Dar tal-Providenza and Caritas Malta.

This was announced by the Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese, Michael Pace Ross, during a press conference at the Archbishop’s Curia… Read more »

Pope launches new series of catechesis on Church’s social teaching

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

The pandemic continues to cause deep wounds, exposing our vulnerability. On every continent there are many who have died, many are ill. Many people and many families are living a time of uncertainty because of socio-economic problems which especially affect the poorest.

Thus, we must keep our gaze firmly fixed on Jesus (see Heb 12:2): in the midst of this pandemic, our eyes on Jesus; and with this faith embrace the hope of the Kingdom of God that Jesus Himself brings us (see Mk 1:5; Mt 4:17; CCC 2816)… Read more »

New temporary office for Caritas Malta

Caritas Malta tħabbar li l-uffiċċju ċentrali u amministrattiv tagħha, kif ukoll is-servizzi ġeneriċi ta’ assistenza soċjali (mhux residenzjali), imxew mill-binja tal-Kurja tal-Arċisqof fil-Furjana għall-uffiċċju temporanju f’Santa Venera.

Dan l-uffiċċju ċentrali u amministrattiv se jservi sakemm is-sena d-dieħla, Caritas Malta tkun qed tiftaħ iċ-ċentru l-ġdid tal-komunità fil-Blata l-Bajda.

L-indirizz il-ġdid ta’ Caritas Malta huwa: 219, Triq il-Parilja Santa Venera u n-numru ta’ kuntatt huwa 21331000… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Eucharist provides strength to care for others

Dear brothers and sisters, good day!

This Sunday’s Gospel presents to us the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves (see Mt 14,13-21). The scene takes place in a deserted place, where Jesus had retired with His disciples. But the people found Him so as to listen to Him and to be healed: indeed, His words and His gestures restore and bring hope… Read more »

Statement by the Bishops of Malta and Gozo on pilgrimages

After taking note of and following the public indications given by the competent health authorities, the Bishops of Malta and Gozo have decided that no other pilgrimages will take place this year.

✠ Charles Jude Scicluna
    Archbishop of Malta
President of the Maltese Episcopal Conference

✠ Mario Grech
    Apostolic Administrator of Gozo

✠ Joseph Galea-Curmi 
    Auxiliary Bishop of Malta

✠ Anton Teuma
    Bishop-elect of Gozo Read more »

Applications for two vacant places in Year One Primary Church schools

The Church Schools Admissions Board wishes to inform the general public that there are two vacant places for statemented students in Year One Church Schools.

St Francis School in Cospicua has a vacancy for one statemented boy with full-time one-to-one LSE support. St Benild’s School in Tas-Sliema has a vacant place for one statemented boy with shared LSE support. St Benild’s School is willing to consider the application of a statemented boy with full-time one-to-one LSE support for this vacant post if the boy’s brother is already registered at St Benild’s… Read more »

Liturgical celebrations by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna in August 2020

Matul ix‑xahar ta’ Awwissu, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna ser ikompli jiċċelebra Quddies matul il‑ġimgħa kif ukoll nhar ta’ Ħadd. Dawn iċ‑ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi qed jixxandru fuq TVM2, u

Il‑Quddies organizzat mill‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta qed jixxandar:

  • Mit‑Tnejn sas‑Sibt fid‑9:30 a.m. mill‑Kappella tal‑Madonna ta’ Manresa, fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof, il‑Furjana. Wara l‑Quddiesa tingħad it‑talba tar‑Rużarju. Dan il‑ħin ta’ talb jiġi mtenni fuq TVM2 fil‑5:30 p.m…
  • Read more »