
Pope at Angelus: Christians called to serve God and neighbour as Jesus

At the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis says “taking up the Cross” means imitating Jesus by expending our life in service to God and neighbour.

In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus speaks to His disciples about the mystery of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection – a teaching, Pope Francis said, that the disciples are not yet able to understand, because their faith “is still immature, and too closely tied to the mentality of the world.”

The Pope said that for Peter and the other disciples – and for us too – the Cross is seen as “a ‘stumbling block’, whereas Jesus considers the ‘stumbling block’ [to be] escaping the Cross, which would mean avoiding the Father’s will.” This, the Pope said, is why Jesus rebukes Peter so strongly, saying to him, “Get behind me, Satan!”

Becoming true disciples of Jesus

In the Gospel, Jesus then immediately explains, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

Pope Francis said that in this saying, Jesus “indicates the way of the true disciple, showing two attitudes”: renouncing oneself, which means a real conversion; and taking up one’s cross, which “is not just a matter of patiently enduring daily tribulations, but of bearing with faith and responsibility that part of toil and suffering that the struggle against evil entails.”

Participating in the salvation of the world

Focusing on the latter, the Pope said, “Thus, the task of ‘taking up the cross’ becomes participating with Christ in the salvation of the world.”

Images of the Cross should be a “sign of our desire to be united with Christ through lovingly serving our brothers and sisters, especially the littlest and the weakest,” Pope Francis said; adding, “The Cross is the holy sign of God’s love and of Jesus’s sacrifice, and is not to be reduced to a superstitious object or an ornamental necklace.”

Instead, he explained, when we look at a crucifix, we should reflect on the fact that Jesus “has accomplished His mission, giving life, spilling His blood for the forgiveness sins.” In order to be His disciples, Pope Francis said, we in turn must “imitate Him, expending our life unreservedly for love of God and neighbour.”

Source – Vatican News Read more »

The Gozo Diocese thanks the Lord for the episcopal ministry of Bishop Mario Grech

Il-Knisja f’Għawdex ilbieraħ il-Ħamis, 27 ta’ Awwissu 2020, raddet ħajr lil Alla għall-ħmistax-il sena tal-ministeru tal-E.T. Mons. Mario Grech bħala Isqof ta’ Għawdex. Huwa kien ġie kkonsagrat minn idejn il-predeċessur tiegħu l-mibki Nikol Ġ. Cauchi fit-22 ta’ Jannar 2006. F’Ottubru li għadda l-Papa Franġisku sejjaħlu biex ikun is-Segretarju Ġenerali tas-Sinodu tal-Isqfijiet f’Ruma, uffiċċju li Mons. Grech issa jidħol fih uffiċjalment mill-bidu ta’ Settembru.

Fil-Konċelebrazzjoni Solenni ta’ Radd il-Ħajr, li nżammet fir-Rotunda Parrokkjali ta’ San Ġwann Battista, ix-Xewkija, ħadu sehem ukoll l-Isqfijiet Anton Teuma ta’ Għawdex, Charles J… Read more »

Four adults and a young child baptised

  The Parish Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, St Paul's Bay

On Tuesday 25th August 2020, Archbishop Charles Scicluna baptised four adults and a young child, at the Parish Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in St Paul’s Bay. The newly baptised included a mother and her daughter. The Archbishop welcomed them in the Catholic Church and said that through the grace of baptism they have become adopted children of God whom we can call our Father… Read more »

Season of Creation: Jubilee for the Earth

In a joint statement, the presidents of the CCEE and the CEC invite the faithful to take part in the Season of Creation, encouraging them to celebrate the richness of the Christian faith as an expression to protect our common home.

From 1 September to 4 October, Christians all over the world celebrate the Season of Creation, as well as the Day of Creation on 1 September… Read more »

Pope Francis: We are stewards called to share earth’s fruits with everyone

Pope Francis focuses his weekly General Audience on the importance of equality and sharing of goods in order to reflect God’s love for us and for Creation during this time of trial caused by the pandemic.

Pope Francis opened his catechesis on Wednesday by inviting the faithful to “welcome the gift of hope that comes from Christ”, especially during the pandemic, in which “many risk losing hope”… Read more »

Pope Francis prays for victims of Covid-19

Dear brothers and sisters, good day!

This Sunday’s Gospel reading (see Mt 16:13-20) presents the moment in which Peter professes his faith in Jesus as Messiah and Son of God. The Apostle’s confession is provoked by Jesus Himself, who wishes to lead His disciples to take the decisive step in their relationship with Him. Indeed, the entirety of Jesus’s journey with those who follow Him, especially with the Twelve, is one of educating their faith… Read more »

Bishop Anton Teuma: the ninth Bishop of the Gozo Diocese

Il-Ġimgħa 21 ta’ Awwissu 2020, meta l-Knisja Kattolika kienet qed tiċċelebra t-Tifkira liturġika ta’ wieħed mill-akbar papiet tagħha, San Piju X, fir-Rotunda ta’ San Ġwann Battista, ix-Xewkija, fil-5.30pm, inżammet il-Konsagrazzjoni Episkopali ta’ Dun Anton Teuma, id-disa’ Isqof tad-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex.

L-Isqof Konsagrant ewlieni kien Mons. Mario Grech, issa Isqof emeritu ta’ Għawdex, li kien akkumpanjat min-Nunzju Appostoliku Alessandro D’Errico u mill-Arċisqof ta’ Malta Charles J… Read more »

Pope calls for ‘freeing’ the Virgin Mary from the devotion of the Mafia

Read more »Pope Francis is helped by Mons. Leonardo Sapienza as he lays a bunch of flowers in front of the house of Rev. Pino Puglisi, in Palermo, Italy, Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018. Pope Francis is paying tribute in Sicily to a priest who worked to keep youths away from the Mafia and was slain by mobsters. Francis has flown to the Mediterranean island on the 25th anniversary of the assassination in Palermo of the Rev…

Pope at Audience: Healing the world is an opportunity to build something better

Dear brothers and sisters, good day!

The pandemic has exposed the plight of the poor and the great inequality that reigns in the world. And the virus, while it does not distinguish between people, has found, in its devastating path, great inequalities and discrimination. And it has exacerbated them!

The response to the pandemic is therefore dual. On the one hand, it is essential to find a cure for this small but terrible virus, which has brought the whole world to its knees… Read more »

Stella Maris Parish Museum opens to the general public

The Stella Maris Exhibition Rooms will be inaugurated on Sunday 23rd August 2020, after the 10:30am Solemn Mass on the occasion of the feast of Stella Maris. The parish museum is situated at 50, High Street, Tas-Sliema, adjacent to Stella Maris Parish Church.

Since Stella Maris was the first parish in Tas-Sliema, there are some interesting items being exhibited pertaining to the history of Tas-Sliema.  The main focus is the parish itself, as well as the love of the parishioners for their church and for the priests who ministered to them… Read more »