
Pope at Angelus: ‘a true Christian chooses good over evil every day’

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In my land we say: “A good face in bad weather”. With this “good face” I tell you: good morning!

With His preaching on the Kingdom of God, Jesus opposes a religiosity that does not involve human life, that does not question the conscience and its responsibility in the face of good and evil… Read more »

UK Bishops on ethical concerns of potential Covid-19 vaccine

The Bishops Conference of England and Wales releases a statement on the development of a vaccine against COVID-19

A laboratory technician on COVID-19 vaccine

Since the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, thousands of people have either fallen ill or lost their lives to this virulent virus. Medical services have also been stretched to their limits. Hopes are being pinned on the development of a vaccine to protect society from the disease.

Ethical issues

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Department of Social Justice of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales looks at the ethical issues surrounding the development and distribution of a vaccine… Read more »

Opening of Church Schools postponed

Statement by the Secretariat for Catholic Education

The Ministry for Education and Employment today announced that in State Schools, educators will be returning on the 28th of September and compulsory school-aged students, that is students attending primary and secondary schools, will return from the 7th till the 14th October. The Secretariat for Catholic Education also received a request from the Malta Union of Teachers to follow the same direction.

Therefore, it has been decided that educators working in Church Schools are to return at their respective school on the dates previously established by each school… Read more »

The Seminary Vocations Centre celebrates the closure of its pastoral year

  Seminary Vocations Centre, Tal-Virtù, Rabat

F’għeluq is-sena pastorali taċ-Ċentru Vokazzjonijiet tas-Seminarju, is-seminaristi organizzaw attivitajiet differenti għall-adolexxenti u ż-żgħażagħ, li saru fis-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof, tal-Virtù.

L-attivitajiet intemmu b’laqgħa ta’ diskussjoni mal-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna li matulha ż-żgħażagħ iddiskutew temi attwali li jolqtuhom fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum, fosthom il-fidi llum, il-valur tal-ħajja u kif nagħrfu s-sejħa ta’ Alla.

Wara din id-diskussjoni l-Arċisqof iċċelebra quddiesa fil-ġonna tas-Seminarju li fiha ħadu sehem il-ġenituri taż-żgħażagħ u l-adolexxenti… Read more »

Home for refugee single mothers inaugurated

L‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna inawgura r‑residenza Blessed Gerard li bdiet tilqa’ ommijiet refuġjati li qed irabbu weħidhom lil uliedhom. Il‑proġett twettaq mill‑Maltese Cross Corps u l-Malteser International tal-Ġermanja b’ħidma mal‑Kummissjoni Emigranti.

Ir‑residenza, li tinsab fi Gwardamanġa, tilqa’ fiha tliet familji li għandhom kmamar individwali u faċilitajiet oħra komuni fosthom kamra tal‑ikel, kċina u play area. L‑għan tal‑proġett hu li jipprovdi akkomodazzjoni u ħtiġijiet bażiċi oħra, u jgħinhom jintegraw u jkunu indipendenti… Read more »

Pope: ‘The only way out of the current crisis is altogether’

Dear Brothers and Sisters, it does not seem that the weather is that great, but I wish you a good morning all the same!

To emerge better from a crisis like the current one, which is a health crisis and is, at the same time, a social, political and economic crisis, every one of us is called to assume responsibility for our own part, that is, to share the responsibility… Read more »

“Euthanasia is a crime against human life, incurable does not mean end of care”

On Tuesday, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith announced the publication of a Letter approved by Pope Francis on 25 June and entitled Samaritanus bonus (“The Good Samaritan”): On the Care of Persons in the Critical and Terminal Phases of Life”. It bears 14 July as its publication date, in honor of St Camillus de Lellis, the patron saint of the sick, hospitals, nurses, and physicians… Read more »

Restoration works on Ħal Balzan parish church inaugurated

Tlesta xogħol ta’ restawr tal‑Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Marija Annunzjata f’Ħal Balzan, xogħol li sar b’investiment ta’ ftit aktar minn €122,000 b’kofinanzjament minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. Dan il‑proġett ġie inawgurat dalgħodu mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi u mis‑Segretarju Parlamentari għall‑Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Preżenti wkoll għall‑konferenza tal‑aħbarijiet kien hemm is‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross.

Permezz ta’ dan il‑proġett li għalih ikkontribwixxa wkoll il‑poplu ta’ Ħal Balzan, twettaq xogħol ta’ restawr fuq il‑kappelluntal‑Kurċifiss, il‑ħitan tas‑sagristija minn barra, u l‑kampnar… Read more »

Cleaning up the environment and our conscience to truly protect the world

Statement by the Interdiocesan Environment Commission

Waqt attività ta’ tindif li saret dalgħodu fuq il‑Bajja tal‑Għadira, il‑Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent (KA) qalet li ħadd ma jieħu gost jiġbor skart li ħalla ħaddieħor, u għalhekk il‑Kummissjoni tħoss li attivitajiet bħal dawn għandhom iħeġġuna biex nagħmlu eżami tal‑kuxjenza fuq il‑ħarsien tal‑ħolqien.

Iċ‑Chairperson tal‑Kummissjoni Ambjent, Mario Camenzuli, wera x‑xewqa li bis‑sehem ta’ kulħadd naslu f’sitwazzjoni fejn dawn il‑clean‑ups ma jkunx hemm għalfejn isiru… Read more »