
Two new publications by the Carmelite Friars

Fl-aħħar jiem, Patri Charlò Camilleri u Patri Glen Attard ippublikaw żewġ kotba ġodda.

L-ewwel ktieb hu Monastikon bl-isem ta’ Vinea Carmeli: Carmelite Priories and their Churches in Malta (Horizons, 2020, 142 paġna). F’din il-pubblikazzjoni, iż-żewġ letturi fil-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija fl-Università ta’ Malta, flimkien mas-Sinjura Rita Vella Brincat, alumna tal-istess Fakultà, jesploraw it-twaqqif tal-kunventi Karmelitani matul is-sekli, u t-teżori artistiċi li jinsabu fil-knejjes tagħhom… Read more »

“Fratelli tutti”: summary of Pope Francis’s social encyclical

World Youth Day Opening Ceremony, 24 January 2019  (Vatican Media)

What are the great ideals but also the tangible ways to advance for those who wish to build a more just and fraternal world in their ordinary relationships, in social life, politics and institutions? This is mainly the question that “Fratelli tutti” is intended to answer: the Pope describes it as a “Social Encyclical” (6) which borrows the title of the “Admonitions” of Saint Francis of Assisi, who used these words to “address his brothers and sisters and proposed to them a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel” (1)… Read more »

Pope signs new Encyclical “Fratelli tutti” on St Francis’s tomb in Assisi

Pope Francis went on Saturday to Assisi for the fifth time during his pontificate. There he signed his new Encyclical Fratelli tutti, before the tomb of St Francis of Assisi, after celebrating Holy Mass.

The Encyclical on fraternity and social friendship was inspired by St Francis, as was the Pope’s second Encyclical, Laudato si’, on the care of our common home, published five years ago… Read more »

Publication of the Fifth Edition of the Bible

Standard and Compact Edition

The Malta Bible Society would like to announce that the Fifth Edition of the Bible in Maltese, that has been revised according to the latest studies by Maltese bible scholars, is available for purchase. The Bible, that should guide the formation of every Christian, is being published on the 60th anniversary since the foundation of the Malta Bible Society.

This fifth edition has been published in three different formats: a standard edition (€38), a compact edition (€30) and a special edition (€45)… Read more »

Praying the rosary during the month of October

Hija x-xewqa tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna li matul ix-xahar ta’ Ottubru jingħad kuljum ir-rużarju quddiem Ġesù Sagramentat espost fil-knejjes fejn tinżamm l-Ewkaristija u wara tingħata l-Barka Sagramentali.

Naturalment, hu importanti li f’dan ukoll kulħadd isegwi l-miżuri preżenti għall-ħarsien tal-ħajja u tas-saħħa ta’ kulħadd, b’mod partikulari s-sanitisation, id-distanza soċjali u l-użu tal-maskra jew visor.

Tkun ħaġa sabiħa wkoll li matul dan ix-xahar tingħad, b’ħeġġa u devozzjoni, it-talba tar-rużarju fil-familja… Read more »

400 priests have died from Covid-19: “Stories of heroes that have helped us keep hope alive”

The Catholic Churches in Europe suffered serious losses as a result of the pandemic: 400 priests and elderly religious died during the darkest months of the Coronavirus outbreak in Europe, sowing sickness and death. The estimated death toll is contained in a comprehensive report compiled by the Council of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE), providing an overview of the Church’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic… Read more »

Characteristics of a Catholic school

Message by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi to new educators in Church schools

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Bi tħejjija għall‑ftuħ tas‑sena skolastika 2020‑2021, l‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi ltaqa’ mal‑edukaturi l‑ġodda fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja waqt seminar online organizzat mis‑Segretarjat għall‑Edukazzjoni Nisranija. Aktar minn 150 edukatur ġdid bdew jaħdmu fl‑iskejjel tal‑Knisja f’din is‑sena skolastika l‑ġdida.

Fil-messaġġ tiegħu l-Isqof irringrazzja lill-edukaturi talli għażlu li jgħallmu fi skola tal-Knisja u stedinhom biex jieħdu dejjem bis-serjetà l-formazzjoni kontinwa (ongoing education), b’mod partikolari f’dak kollu li jiddistingwi l-iskola Kattolika u l-etos tagħha… Read more »

Pope at Audience: ‘Make love go viral in the light of faith’

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In recent weeks we have reflected together, in the light of the Gospel, on how to heal the world that is suffering from a malaise that the pandemic has highlighted and accentuated. The malaise was already there: the pandemic highlighted it more, it accentuated it. We have walked the paths of dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity, paths that are essential to promote human dignity and the common good… Read more »

Why the archangels are more than just messengers from God

On September 29th, the Church celebrates the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. These are the “super angels” — the swiftest of them all. Like all angels, they are sent by God to the people: “Praise the Lord, you his angels, who mightily execute his word and obey his command.”

The archangels are the first of the spiritual creatures who proclaim how incredible God is… Read more »

Wild bird conservation regulations 2020

  Submission of the Interdiocesan Environment Commission

Il-kummenti tal‑Kummissjoni Interdjoċesana Ambjent (KA) bħala parti mill‑proċess ta’ konsultazzjoni tal-Ministeru għal Għawdex, dwar il-qafas li jippermetti deroga għal riċerka fuq seba’ speċi tal-għasafar tal-għana sabiex tiġi stabbilità l-popolazzjoni ta’ referenza ta’ Malta.

Il‑kunċett wara l‑proposta

Il‑KA taqbel mal‑kunċett li n‑nassaba jkunu direttament involuti fi proġetti xjentifiċi li jkabbru l‑għarfien dwar l‑għasafar u l‑imġiba tagħhom. Jekk ippjanat u maħdum sew, dan jista’ jkun pass fid‑direzzjoni t‑tajba sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni dejjiema u sostenibbli għall‑kwistjoni tal‑insib f’pajjiżna… Read more »