
COMECE calls on the EU to keep fighting human trafficking

Statement by the Secretary General of COMECE on the eve of the EU Anti-Trafficking Day

Trafficking in persons and other contemporary forms of enslavement are a worldwide problem that needs to be taken seriously by the international community. It represents one of the most dramatic manifestations of the commercialization of the other, a crime that disfigures both the victims as well as those who carry it out, and a source of shame for humanitythat our authorities and societies must no longer tolerate, as Pope Francis has emphasized… Read more »

Visit by the Broadcasting Authority to Archbishop Scicluna

On the occasion of the 59th anniversary since the setting up of the Broadcasting Authority, the Chairman of the Authority, Mr Fank V. Farrugia together with the Chief Executive, Dr Joanna Spiteri and Board Members met the Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna during a cordial meeting held on 15th October 2020, at the Curia in Floriana.

During the meeting they talked about the situation of the stations and broadcasting and about the role of the regulator in a society where the media is constantly developing… Read more »

Four new publications in Maltese

Is-Soċjetà tad-Duttrina Nistranija, permezz ta’ Pubblikazzjoni Preca, ippubblikat dawn il-kotba li jistgħu jkunu utli għall-ħajja spiritwali u l-ministeru pastorali.

It-tentazzjoni u d-dixxerniment hu ktieb tat-teologu Ċilen Segundo Galilea li oriġinarjament kien ippublikat fl-1991. Għandu jinteressa lil dawk impenjati fil-Knisja għax jispjega b’mod prattiku u attwali kif nistgħu niddistingwu bejn it-tqanqil tal-Ispirtu s-Santu u dak li hu biss falsità.

Mingħajru ma nistgħu tagħmlu xejn: inkunu missjunarji fid-dinja tal-lum hu ktieb-intervista tal-Papa Franġisku mal-ġurnalista Taljan Gianni Valenti li oriġinarjament kien ippublikat fl-2019… Read more »

Pope Francis: in mission with Jesus, the ‘Father’s Missionary’

Pope Francis's message for World Mission Day 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I wish to express my gratitude to God for the commitment with which the Church throughout the world carried out the Extraordinary Missionary Month last October. I am convinced that it stimulated missionary conversion in many communities on the path indicated by the theme: “Baptized and Sent: the Church of Christ on Mission in the World”… Read more »

European funds for the restoration of the dome of Żurrieq parish church

Fil‑ġimgħat li ġejjin se jibda r‑restawr minn barra tal‑koppla tal‑knisja arċipretali ta’ Santa Katarina fiż‑Żurrieq. Dan il‑proġett, li ser isir b’kofinanzjament ta’ 80% minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea, ser jiswa €70,000. Id‑dettalji tal‑proġett tħabbru dalgħodu mis‑Segretarju Parlamentari għall‑Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, mis‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross u mill‑Arċipriet taż‑Żurrieq Dun Karm Mercieca.

Waqt il‑konferenza tal‑aħbarijiet ġie spjegat li matul ix‑xogħol ta’ restawr se titnaddaf il‑ġebla tal‑koppla u jinbidel il‑ġebel li ġarrab l‑akbar ħsara, se jitneħħa l‑membrane u jiġi rrestawrat id‑deffun, u se jiġu rrestawrati wkoll l‑aperturi tal‑injam… Read more »

Archbishop Scicluna shows appreciation for Infrastructure Malta’s collaboration with the Church

 L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna apprezza l-ħidma li qed issir minn Infrastructure Malta mal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta permezz ta’ xogħlijiet ta’ manutenzjoni u tisbiħ, fosthom bit-tħawwil ta’ siġar, fi spazji oħrajn miftuħa mmexxija mill-Knisja f’diversi lokalitajiet. 

Waqt żjara fil-ġonna tad-Dar tal-Kleru f’Birkirkara, fejn qed jitħawlu 1,400 siġra minn Infrastructure Malta, l-Arċisqof sostna li s-siġar imħawlin huma pulmun ta’ arja nadifa mhux biss għas-saċerdoti anzjani residenti fid-Dar tal-Kleru iżda wkoll għar-residenti ta’ Birkirkara… Read more »

The fifth edition of the Bible in Maltese is launched

L‑Għaqda Biblika Maltija nediet il‑ħames edizzjoni tal‑Bibbja bil‑Malti riveduta skont l‑aħħar studji mill‑Biblisti Maltin. Il‑Bibbja, li għandha sservi ta’ gwida għall‑formazzjoni ta’ kull Nisrani, qed tiġi ppublikata fis‑60 anniversarju mit‑twaqqif tal‑Għaqda Biblika Maltija.

It‑tnedija tal‑Bibbja bil‑Malti ġiet ippreżentata lill‑Isqfijiet waqt laqgħa tal‑Konferenza Episkopali Maltija fil‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof il‑Furjana.

Fil‑messaġġ tiegħu, l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna qal li minkejja l‑messaġġ tal‑Bibbja ma jinbidilx, huwa essenzjali li minn żmien għal żmien jiġi aġġornat il‑lingwaġġ li bih tkun inkitbet sabiex nifhmu u nersqu aktar lejn il‑Kelma tal‑Mulej… Read more »

Church Schools safeguard the right to education for all

With reference to the aggressive stance taken today by the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) against Church Schools, Church authorities: 

1. will continue to ensure that the health and safety of educators, students and staff in all Church schools remains paramount, in adherence to the guidelines issued by Public Health Authorities. 

2. remain committed to continue providing over 17,000 students with the right to their education, despite the challenging situations being faced. 

3… Read more »

A road which will wreak havoc on the natural and architectural heritage and threaten the livelihood of the farming community

Joint statement by the Catholic Cultural Heritage Commission and the Interdiocesan Environment Commission


The Catholic Cultural Heritage Commission (KPKK) and the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA) are seriously concerned about a new road in Ħad‑Dingli which is planned to link Daħla tas‑Sienja with Sqaq il‑MUSEUM.

It is indeed ironic that Infrastructure Malta undertook the work on this street just after the public consultation stage of the draft Rural Policy and Design Guidance 2020, which is supposed to support farmers in their agricultural activities… Read more »

On safeguarding our rural heritage and protecting the farming community

Submission to the Planning Authority by the Interdiocesan Environment Commission

In its submission as part of a consultation exercise related to the draft Rural Policy and Design Guidance 2020 the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA) insists that the draft policy on its own is not enough to protect the countryside from undesirable development and to safeguard a thriving farming community.

In the submissions, it put forward during the 2019 consultation exercise related to the same subject[i], the KA had called for the publication of data which would help assess the outcomes of present policies that would inform in a public manner amendments to such policies… Read more »