
Holy Mass & Rosary – 28 October, 9:30am

  Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

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Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Holy Mass on All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day

Nhar il-Ħadd, l‑1 ta’ Novembru 2020, fid-9:30 a.m., l‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna ser jiċċelebra quddiesa fil‑festa tal‑Qaddisin Kollha, fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta. Waqt il-quddiesa tliet seminaristi fil‑ħames sena ta’ preparazzjoni fis‑Seminarju, ser jitolbu lill‑Arċisqof biex jaċċettahom uffiċjalment bħala kandidati għall‑Ordinazzjoni Djakonali u Saċerdotali.

It-Tnejn, 2 ta’ Novembru, fid-9:30 a.m., fit‑Tifkira tal‑Mejtin Kollha, l‑Arċisqof ser jiċċelebra quddiesa fil‑Knisja taċ‑Ċimiterju tal‑Addolorata, Raħal Ġdid, b’suffraġju għal ruħ il-mejtin kollha, b’mod partikolari l‑vittmi tal‑COVID‑19… Read more »

New cardinals come from all corners of the earth

They come from Africa, Asia (Brunei and the Philippines), North and South America, and Europe. In addition, there is a particular accent on the sons of St Francis during the year in which the Encyclical “Fratelli tutti” was published.

Short biographies of the 13 new cardinals Pope Francis announced on Sunday:

Bishop Mario Grech – General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops Cardinal-elect Mario Grech – General Secretary of the Synod of Bishops

Bishop Mario Grech was born in Qala (Malta), in the Diocese of Gozo on 20 February 1957… Read more »

Pope announces a consistory for the creation of 13 new cardinals

On 28 November, there will be 13 new additions to the College of Cardinals: 9 are under 80 years of age, among them is the Guardian of Sacro Convento in Assisi, Father Mauro Gambetti.

The Church will have thirteen new Cardinals. Nine of them are younger than 80 and therefore, have the right to participate in a future conclave. Four others are older than 80 years of age… Read more »

The case for saving Palazzo Carafa

Article by Michael Pace Ross, Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta

Palazzo Di Carafa, Old Bakery Street, Valletta

It is clear from recent press reports that the restoration project proposed for Palazzo Carafa, in Valletta has been misrepresented by some and misunderstood by many.

Facts have been replaced by conjecture and the overarching objective of this important initiative by the Archdiocese of Malta has been lost in the ensuing mist.

Knowing and appreciating the history of Palazzo Carafa is fundamental to facilitating one’s understanding of the issue… Read more »

COMECE on Covid-19 vaccines: “vulnerable people and health workers should come first”

“Future Covid-19 vaccines should be available, affordable and accessible, especially for elderly people, ill persons and health workers”. This is one of the messages sent to the EU and its Member States by the Assembly of the COMECE Working Group on Ethics Read more », which gathered in video conference on Thursday 1 October 2020 to exchange on the “Ethical challenges of Europe in times of the Covid-19 pandemic”…

10 powerful quotes from Pope John Paul II to fill you with hope

With COVID-19 fatigue setting in, uncertainty about the future, and frustration about not being able to see our loved ones and get back to life as we knew it, many of us may be feeling a little low.

Thankfully, today is the feast of the much-loved Polish pontiff, St. John Paul II, and the occasion provides us an opportunity to consider his wisdom. In his homilies, encyclicals, and books, John Paul II was quick to point out that in tough times there is always light, and with that light, there is hope. So look to the wise words of this great modern saint to motivate you and help you through these turbulent times… Read more »

Holy See and China renew Provisional Agreement for 2 years

The Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China regarding the appointment of Bishops was signed in Beijing on September 22, 2018. That Agreement expires today since it went into effect one month later, with the term of two years ad experimentum. As this date drew near, the two parties evaluated various aspects of the Agreement’s application, and through an official exchange of Note Verbali, have agreed to prolong the term for another two years, until October 22, 2022… Read more »

Pope signs Rome 2020 Appeal for Peace

Pope Francis and religious leaders of the major world religions gathered in Rome on Tuesday 20 October for an international and interreligious Meeting for Peace organized by the Community of Saint Egidio.

Present at the Meeting in Rome’s Capitoline Square, were also political leaders who symbolically received a text of the 2020 Appeal for Peace.

The 2020 Appeal for Peace

Gathered in Rome, in “the spirit of Assisi”, and spiritually united to believers worldwide and to all men and women of good will, we have prayed alongside one another to invoke upon our world the gift of peace.  We have called to mind the wounds of humanity, we are united with the silent prayers of so many of our suffering brothers and sisters, all too often nameless and unheard.  We now solemnly commit ourselves to make our own and to propose to the leaders of nations and the citizens of the world this Appeal for Peace… Read more »

Presentation of the new Directory for Catechesis

Online meeting from the European Bishops' Conferences

The meeting of the CCEE Catechesis Section, which was held by videoconference on the morning of Wednesday 14 October 2020, had as its theme the presentation of the new Universal Directory for Catechesis.

27 Bishops and National Directors, responsible for the catechesis of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe, met online to reflect on the effects and challenges that the new Directory will bring to pastoral realities throughout Europe… Read more »