
Pope Francis: Promoting a culture of life

Message by Pope Francis for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Pope Francis meets Maltese people with disability

Dear brothers and sisters,
This year’s celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is an occasion to express my closeness to those experiencing situations of particular difficulty during the crisis caused by the pandemic. All of us are in the same boat in the midst of a turbulent sea that can frighten us. Yet in this same boat, some of us are struggling more; among them are persons with serious disabilities… Read more »

Holy Mass & Rosary – 3 December, 9:30am

  Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Pope at Audience: God blesses us despite our sins

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today we will reflect on an essential dimension of prayer: blessing. We are continuing the reflections on prayer. In the creation accounts (see Gn 1-2), God continually blesses life, always. He blesses the animals (1:22), He blesses the man and the woman (1:28), finally, He blesses the Sabbath, the day of rest and the enjoyment of all of creation (2:3)… Read more »

Another ‘Festa ta’ Ġenerożità’ ina id of Id-Dar Tal-Providenza on New Year’s Day

This New Year’s day ‘Festa ta’ Ġenerożità’ will be held very differently in order to safeguard the safety of its residents and workers but because of the COVID-19 pandemic is the most important one ever organised. In order to be in line with the directives issued by the Health authorities, the event will be broadcast from the We studios in Qormi. Only those answering the telephones and invited guests will be allowed in… Read more »

New premises for Malta Guide Dogs Foundation thanks to the Archdiocese of Malta

The Archbishop inaugurates and blesses the new premises

  The office of the Malta Guide Dogs Foundation, Santa Venera

L-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna inawgura uffiċċju ġdid tal-Malta Guide Dogs Foundation (MGDF) nhar it-Tnejn 30 ta’ Diċembru. L-uffiċċju ngħata mill-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta lill-fundazzjoni għal snin bla kera, wara li din tilfet l-uffiċċju li kellha qabel minħabba li għadda għand operatur privat. Min-naħa tagħha l-fondazzjoni rranġat il-post bil-għajnuna ta’ numru ta’ sponsors u l-post issa fih mejda fejn jista’ jiltaqa’ l-bord, żewġ skrivaniji, kċina żgħira u kamra tal-banju… Read more »

Cardinal Grech celebrates Mass at St Peter’s Basilica

Cardinal Mario Grech, today Monday, 30 November 2020, presided a concelebrated mass on the altar of the Chair in St Peter’s Basilica. The assembly consisted of lay people, sisters and priests from Malta and Gozo.

Cardinal Grech said that Jesus’ gaze on St Andrew was also cast on him last Saturday when Pope Francis appointed him as a cardinal in the service of the Universal Church… Read more »

Pope urges new cardinals to stay on the Lord’s road

The consistory in the Vatican to create 13 new cardinals, 28 November 2020  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis on Saturday held the 7th ordinary public consistory of his pontificate to create 13 new cardinals who come from 8 nations of the world.  He shared a reflection before bestowing on them the cardinal’s birretta (red hat), the ring and the title. 

He commented on a passage from Mark’s Gospel where Jesus speaks about his humiliation, passion, death and resurrection while approaching Jerusalem.  Meanwhile, James and John urge Jesus for a place of privilege when He is in glory.  But Jesus tells the two brothers they must first be ready to suffer and be a servant of others like the Son of Man.   

The Pope said that the road to Jerusalem is the road of life and salvation, which is travelled with Christ and which leads to the paschal mystery of Jesus… Read more »

Pope Francis appoints Rev. Ivan Camilleri as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto

Pope Francis has appointed Fr. Ivan Camilleri as auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Following his episcopal ordination, the new bishop will join three auxiliary bishops currently assisting the Archbishop of Toronto, Cardinal Thomas Collins, in serving the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Bishop-designate Camilleri commented on the appointment from the Holy Father:

“I am very humbled by the trust that Pope Francis and Cardinal Collins have placed in me to serve the Archdiocese of Toronto in this ministry… Read more »