
Pope at Angelus: look at life starting from the heart

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Buongiorno!

The Gospel for today’s liturgy shows a few scribes and Pharisees amazed by Jesus’ attitude. They are scandalized because his disciples pick up food without first performing the traditional ritual ablutions. They think among themselves “This way of doing things is contrary to the religious practice” (cf. Mk 7:2-5).

We too can ask ourselves: why do Jesus and his disciples disregard these traditions? … Read more »

Pope Francis calls for prayer, fasting for Afghanistan

“I am following the situation in Afghanistan with great concern,” Pope Francis said on Sunday, adding, “I share in the suffering of those who mourn for the people who lost their lives in the suicide attacks last Thursday, and of those who are seeking help and protection.”

Almost two hundred people were killed in the suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport last week, and thousands of people are still waiting desperately to flee to the country as the Taliban takes control of the war-torn nation… Read more »

Two 17th century chapels in Ħal Għargħur restored

Projects by the Foundation for Cultural Heritage co-financed by EU funds

Il-Kappella taż-Żellieqa

Tlesta x‑xogħol ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni fuq żewġ kappelli ddedikati lil Marija Assunta, magħrufa bħala ‘taż‑Żellieqa’ u ‘ta’ Bernarda’, żewġ kappelli tas‑seklu 17 li jinsabu f’Ħal Għargħur. Dan sar mill-Fondazzjoni għall-Patrimonju Kulturali tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, b’kofinanzjament ta’ 80% minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. Il‑proġetti ġew inawgurati mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi u mis‑Segretarju Parlamentari għall‑Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Preżenti wkoll is‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross, u l‑kappillan Dun Christopher Galea… Read more »

The Archbishop inaugurates art collection at Mdina Cathedral Museum

The art collection is open to the general public as of today

L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna inawgura kollezzjoni ġdida ta’ opri tal‑arti fil‑Mużew tal‑Katidral tal‑Imdina. Din ingħatat b’donazzjoni minn Dr John Bugeja Caruana biex titgawda mill-pubbliku. Il‑kollezzjoni, li tinsab fis‑Sala Nobile tal‑mużew, tinkludi pitturi, għamara, għadd ta’ muniti antiki u artifatti oħra taċ‑ċeramika u tal‑fidda. Il‑pitturi jinkludu xogħlijiet ta’ Mattia Preti, Antoine Favray, Francesco Zahra u oħrajn, waqt li l‑kollezzjoni tal‑għamara hija waħda mill‑ifjen f’Malta.

Fil‑messaġġ tiegħu waqt l-inawgurazzjoni, l‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna rringrazzja lil
Dr Bugeja Caruana tal‑ġenerożità u l‑fiduċja kbira tiegħu li jgħaddi dan il‑patrimonju artistiku lill‑Knisja sabiex jitgawda mill‑pubbliku Malti u mit‑turisti… Read more »

Caritas Malta brings together various services under one roof

Dan l-aħħar xahar, Caritas Malta ġabret diversi servizzi tagħha fil-komunitá  taħt saqaf wieħed, binja aċċessibbli li tinsab fi Triq Mountbatten, il-Ħamrun.

Din il-binja msejħa Caritas Community Centre, illum tospita dawk is-servizzi kollha li Caritas Malta ilha għal għexieren ta’ snin tikkoordina mill-Head Office  tagħha li kien jinsab fil-Kurja tal-Arċisqof fil-Furjana.

Servizzi soċjali, preventivi, riċerka u ta’ koordinament

  1. Servizz ta’ ‘counselling’ u ‘social work’ lil individwi u familji li jfittxu l-għajnuna…
  2. Read more »

Budapest prepares to receive Pope Francis at International Eucharistic Congress

Pope Francis will soon embark on the Papal plane for the first time in six months to visit Hungary and Slovakia. His first stop: the International Eucharistic Congress in Budapest. 

In a meeting at the Vatican, the President of Hungary, János Áder, personally invited the Pope to Budapest to attend the Congress, where the President will be one of the main speakers. 

Secretary General, 52nd International Eucharistic Congress
“The President of the Republic invited the Pope… Read more »

Original writings of Fr Alfred Gatt donated to the Malta Diocesan Archives

L-Isqof Joseph Galea Curmi u Rev. Dr Nicholas Joseph Doublet bħala l-Arkivista Djoċesan tal-Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, irċevew mingħand is-Sur Joseph Zammit, b’ donazzjoni, kollezzjoni ta’ kitbiet oriġinali u diversi materjal ieħor ta’ Dun Alfred Gatt, saċerdot mill-Belt Valletta, miet b’ fama ta’ qdusija, u huwa magħruf għad-devozjoni kbira li kellu lejn il-wiċċ ta’ Kristu, devozzjoni li għada ħajja sal-ġurnata tal-lum. Dun Alfred Gatt twieled fit-12 ta’ Jannar 1873 u miet fis-26 ta’ Marzu 1937… Read more »

Vacant places for boys in Form 1

Statement by the Secretariat for Catholic Education

The Church Schools Admissions Board informs the general public that it has four vacant places in Form 1 for boys who have a statement for shared support. Three vacant places are available at St Elias College in Santa Venera and one place at Stella Maris College in Gżira. These vacant places will be filled according to the Admissions Regulations Serious Cases and according to the details below… Read more »

Pope Francis urges people to get vaccinated against Covid-19

The Pope has joined his voice to those of Bishops across North and South America to urge people to get jabbed against Covid-19.

In a video message produced in conjunction with the Ad Council, Pope Francis praised the work of researchers and scientists in producing safe and effective Covid-19 vaccines.

“Thanks to God’s grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from Covid-19,” he said in the video released on Wednesday… Read more »