
The inauguration of restoration works on the dome of St Helen’s Basilica

Tlesta l‑proġett ta’ konservazzjoni u restawr tat‑tmien pitturi fuq il‑ġebla tal‑koppla tal‑Bażilika Minuri ta’ Sant’Elena f’Birkirkara. Dan il‑proġett sar b’investiment ta’ €162,000, li 80% minnhom kienu kofinanzjati minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. Il‑proġett ġie inawgurat illum mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi u mis‑Segretarju Parlamentari għall‑Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Preżenti wkoll is‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross, u l‑Prepostu Mons. Paul Vella.

Ix‑xogħol ta’ restawr fuq il‑pitturi tal‑artist Taljan Virginio Monti sar wara studju tekniku dettaljat… Read more »

WHO/UNICEF: Childhood vaccinations hindered by Covid-19 pandemic

An estimated 23 million children missed out on basic vaccines through routine immunization services last year, a figure representing 3.7 million more than in 2019, say the UN Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization.

Many of these children – up to 17 million – likely did not receive any vaccine throughout the year, resulting in the exacerbation of already present inequalities in access to vaccines… Read more »

New norms regarding the use of 1962 Roman Missal

After consulting the bishops throughout the world, Pope Francis has decided to modify the norms regulating the use of the 1962 missal granted 14 years ago by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, as the “extraordinary form of the Roman Rite”. The Pope has published the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes, dated 16 July 2021, regarding the use of the Roman liturgy prior to 1970… Read more »

Pope Francis released from hospital

The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, has confirmed that the Holy Father was discharged from Agostino Gemelli Hospital shortly after 10.30 this morning. 

In responding to questions from journalists, he noted that “Before returning to the Vatican, the Pope went to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major where, before the icon of the Virgin Mary Salus Populi Romani, he expressed his gratitude for the success of his surgery and offered a prayer for all the sick, especially those he had met during his stay in hospital… Read more »

Pope Francis visits patients in pediatric oncology ward

The Holy See Press Office noted that on Tuesday afternoon Pope Francis visited with young patients at the pediatric oncology ward of the hospital. The department is located on the same floor where the Pope is recovering from his surgery just over a week ago.  Read more »

Family associations at the service of the Church and the common good

Agreement between the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe and CCEE

With the signature of Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Council of the European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), and of Atty. Vincenzo Bassi, President of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the two organisations to formalise the cooperation already in place.

“Pastors and families are called to be together” – affirmed Card… Read more »

New archpriest for Mdina parish

Aktar ritratti:

L‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna ħatar lil Dun Mario Tong bħala arċipriet tal‑parroċċa tal-Konverżjoni ta’ San Pawl, l‑Imdina.

Dun Mario Tong twieled fid‑29 ta’ April 1953. Huwa ħa l‑formazzjoni tiegħu fis‑Seminarju u ġie ordnat saċerdot fid‑19 ta’ Ġunju 1977.

Beda l‑ħidma pastorali tiegħu fid‑Djoċesi ta’ Ġibiltà fejn għal diversi snin serva fil‑Katidral ta’ Santa Marija Inkurunata, fil-parroċċa ta’ San Ġużepp Ħaddiem, u kien ukoll il‑kappillan tal‑isptar ġenerali ta’ Ġibiltà… Read more »

‘Dying To Live – Stories From Refugees On The Road To Freedom’

A book launch organised by Justice & Peace Commission, JRS and Migrants Commission

  The Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

“No one wants to leave home, but life forces you.” These were the poignant words by one of the refugees whose experience features in the book ‘Dying to Live’ by Danielle Vella, journalist and director of the International Reconciliation Program for the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). The book was launched during an event hosted by Archbishop Charles Scicluna at the Curia in Floriana, during which the author herself as well Daniel Jude Okoeguale, an asylum seeker residing in Malta, were interviewed… Read more »

Pope recovering normally; Sunday ‘Angelus’ from hospital

Pope Francis “spent a quiet day”, Thursday, with “normal clinical progress”. “He continued to eat regularly and continued his scheduled treatment,” Matteo Bruni, the director of the Holy See Press Office, said in a brief statement on Friday. 

The Holy Father is recovering normally after a scheduled surgery for “diverticular stenosis of the colon” on Sunday at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital. 

In his update on the Pope’s convalescence, Bruni said he “walked in the corridor and resumed his work, alternating it with moments of reading texts”.  Thursday afternoon, “he celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel of his private apartment” in the hospital, “attended by all those assisting him during his hospitalization”… Read more »

Pope recovering normally, shows closeness to hospitalised children

Pope Francis is recovering well after intestinal surgery he underwent on Sunday at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital, Matteo Bruni, the director of the Holy See Press office, said in his update on the Pope on Thursday.  It was a “quiet day for the Pope” and his chest-abdomen CT scan was negative

“His Holiness Pope Francis spent a quiet day, eating and moving around independently on his own,” Bruni said.  “In the afternoon he wanted to show his paternal closeness to the little patients of the nearby Pediatric Oncology and Child Neurosurgery ward, sending them his affectionate greeting.”

However, Bruni said that the Pope had a slight fever Wednesday evening.  Thursday morning, the Holy Father  “underwent routine microbiological tests and a chest-abdomen CT scan, which was negative”… Read more »