
The Archbishop inaugurates the painting on St Laurence’s Church dome in Vittoriosa

  The Collegiate Church of St Laurence, Birgu

Il-Ħadd 1 ta’ Awwissu 2021, l-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna ppresjeda l-akkademja mużikali li saret fl-inawgurazzjoni tal-proġett ta’ tisbiħ tal-koppla tal-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ San Lawrenz fil-Birgu.

Il-koppla tal-knisja Kolleġġjata ta’ San Lawrenz fil-Birgu nbniet fl-1954, wara li dik antika ġġarrfet kawża tal-attakk fuq HMS Illustrious f’Jannar 1941. Tħalliet fuq il-ġebla sakemm l-Arċipriet preżenti, il-Kan. Dun Karm Busuttil, flimkien mal-Kapitlu tal-Kolleġġjata, daħlu għall-proġett tal-pittura, id-dekorazzjoni u l-induratura tagħha… Read more »

The Foundation of the Jesuits’ Church established

L-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi flimkien mal‑Ministru għall‑Wirt Nazzjonali, l‑Arti u l‑Gvern Lokali Jose Herrera ppresedew għall‑iffirmar tat‑twaqqif tal‑Fondazzjoni tal‑Knisja tal‑Ġiżwiti.

Il‑Knisja taċ‑Ċirkonċiżjoni tal‑Mulej, magħrufa bħala l‑Knisja tal‑Ġiżwiti, hija waħda mill‑eqdem knejjes fil‑Belt Valletta, u waħda mill‑akbar fl‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. Il‑Knisja kienet oriġinarjament inbniet bejn l‑1593 u l‑1609 mill‑Ordni tal‑Ġiżwiti. Il‑Knisja tinkludi xogħlijiet ta’ arti ta’ Mattia Preti, Giovanni Battista Caracciolo, Stefano Erardi u Alessio Erardi fost oħrajn, u l‑artal titulari huwa magħmul minn Filippo Paladini… Read more »

The Apostolate Statues at St John’s Co-Cathedral

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

The set of silver statues that once belonged to St John’s Co-Cathedral were returned to the Church and placed on the high altar for which they were made. The statues will be displayed until 31st July to mark the 20-year anniversary of the Foundation.

Cynthia de Giorgio, CEO and Curator, said: “This occasion would be a unique opportunity to see the statues in their original context… Read more »

Holy Mass & Rosary –26th July, 9:30am

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

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Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

Wealth in abundance – Bishop Galea-Curmi

  The Parish Church of the Annunciation, Balzan

L-omelija tal-Isqof Joseph Galea-Curmi

Li kieku dan il-miraklu Ġesù għamlu llum, bil-mezzi ta’ komunikazzjoni li għandna, kien ikun wieħed mill-iktar li jissemma ma’ kulħadd u kullimkien – kif jista’ jkun li b’ħames ħobżiet u żewġ ħutiet titma’ ħamest elef ruħ? Kien jiġri, bħalma kultant ġara fi żmien Ġesù, li ħafna jieqfu fuq dak li jistagħġbu bih – miraklu, xi ħaġa kbira – imma mbagħad jitilfu dak li hu l-iktar importanti u essenzjali… Read more »

“I am with you always”

Message by Pope Francis on the first World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Dear Grandfathers and Grandmothers,

Dear Elderly Friends,

“I am with you always” (Mt 28:20): this is the promise the Lord made to his disciples before he ascended into heaven. They are the words that he repeats to you today, dear grandfathers and grandmothers, dear elderly friends.  “I am with you always” are also the words that I, as Bishop of Rome and an elderly person like yourselves, would like to address to you on this first World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly… Read more »

New lighting system for the Archbishop’s Curia façade

Following the rehabilitation works of the main façade of the Archbishop’s Curia in Floriana, a new lighting system was inaugurated. This coincided with the feast of St Calcedonius which is being celebrated today (24th July), whose remains are found in the Curia chapel. The restoration of the side façade on Triq Oliver Friggieri (formerly Triq l-Argotti) was also inaugurated.

Overlooking St Calcedonius Square, the building with a wide main frontage, formerly known as Casa della Madonna di Manresa, was originally a one-storey retreat house with a height limit of 24 palmi, as decreed by the Order of the Knights in 1744… Read more »

The completion of the oratory restoration project at St John’s Co-Cathedral and the opening of the Caravaggio Wing

The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation inaugurated the completion of the restorative works in the oratory and the opening of the Caravaggio Wing, at St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta.

The inaugural event was held on Wednesday 21st July 2021, and addressed by the H.G. the Archbishop of Malta, Charles Jude Scicluna, Hon. José Herrera, Minister for Cultural Heritage, the Arts and Local Government; Hon. Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi, Parliament Secretary for European Funds, and Prof… Read more »

Pope Francis saddened by the loss of life in Iraq

“His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the loss of life in the explosion at the Al-Wuhailat market in Baghdad”.

This was how the telegram sent by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin on behalf of Pope Francis to the Apostolic Nuncio in Iraq, Archbishop Mitja Leskovar, began.

The telegram continued: “He sends condolences to the families and friends of those who have died, entrusting their souls to the mercy of Almighty God”… Read more »