
The Jubilee CCEE Assembly in Rome from 23 to 26 September 2021

This year, the Council of the European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) celebrates its 50th anniversary: it was established in March 1971 and subsequently approved by St Paul VI. To celebrate this jubilee event, the annual CCEE Plenary Assembly will take place in Rome from 23 to 26 September 2021 with the participation of the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences from across Europe.

Founded as a body of communion between the European Bishops’ Conferences, with the aim of promoting and safeguarding the good of the Church, for 50 years CCEE has been committed, according to its statutes, to “exercising collegiality in hierarchical communion cum et sub romano pontefice; a closer communication and co-operation between bishops and the bishops’ conferences of Europe in order to promote and inspire the work of new evangelisation; to contribute to the ecumenical dialogue for Christian unity; to offer an ecclesial witness in European society”… Read more »

Fundraising campaign for Afghanistan and Haiti victims

Caritas Malta calls for humanitarian response

Fuq talba tal‑Isqfijiet ta’ Malta u Għawdex, Caritas Malta f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Caritas Internationalis qed tappella għad‑donazzjonijiet ta’ flus b’risq il‑poplu tal‑Afganistan u dak tal-Ħaiti, li qed ibatu minħabba ċirkustanzi li għaddej minnhom pajjiżhom. F’dawn iż‑żewġ pajjiżi għadd kbir ta’ persuni qed jgħaddu minn ħafna tbatija u biża’ wara li tilfu djarhom u spiċċaw mingħajr ikel u affarijiet bażiċi sanitarji fost diffikultajiet oħra.

Fl‑Afganistan, eluf ta’ persuni qed jippruvaw jaħarbu minn pajjiżhom wara li t‑Talibani reġgħu ħadu kontroll tal‑pajjiż… Read more »

“Kull Pass Jgħodd” – 265km in aid of Fondazzjoni Sebħ

25 volunteers will walk the Camino de Santiago in aid of Fondazzjoni Sebħ

Għadd ta’ voluntiera mill-grupp Caminiamo l-ġimgħa d-dieħla se jagħmlu l-Pellegrinaġġ ta’ San Ġakbu magħruf bħala l-Camino de Santiago fi Spanja. Id-donazzjonijiet miġbura se jmorru b’risq l-entità tal-Knisja Fondazzjoni Sebħ, biex tkun tista’ tiftaħ ċentru terapewtiku f’Santa Venera li se jgħin lit-tfal, l-adolexxenti u n-nisa li joqgħodu f’waħda mir-residenzi tal-fondazzjoni.

Il-motto tal-pellegrinaġġ ta’ din is-sena hu ‘Kull Pass Jgħodd’ b’riferiment għall-mixja nnifisha kif ukoll għal kull pass żgħir ’il quddiem li jsir waqt it-terapija… Read more »

Inauguration of restoration work on two Francesco Zahra paintings

A project by the Foundation for Cultural Heritage co-financed by EU funds

Ġie inawgurat ix‑xogħol ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni fuq żewġ pitturi tal‑artist Malti Francesco Zahra, li jinsabu fil‑kor tal‑Bażilika Minuri ta’ Marija Bambina, l‑Isla. Dan il‑proġett sar mill‑Fondazzjoni għall‑Patrimonju Kulturali tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta, b’kofinanzjament ta’ 80% minn fondi tal‑Unjoni Ewropea. L‑inawgurazzjoni saret mill‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi u mis‑Segretarju Parlamentari għall‑Fondi Ewropej Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi. Preżenti wkoll is‑Segretarju Amministrattiv tal‑Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta Michael Pace Ross, u l‑Arċipriet Kan… Read more »

European Church leaders urge EU to protect the vulnerable in Afghanistan

In a joint statement released by CEC and COMECE, the two bodies representing European Churches and European Bishops call for solidarity with the people of Afghanistan and for support from European Union Member Nations.

As EU institutions are holding meetings on Afghanistan this week, European Churches turn to all political leaders, offering reflections and policy recommendations, urging them to prove that “EU values are not an empty rhetoric but are practical guiding principles that lead to actions based on ethical standards, beyond mere political or economic considerations.”

In their joint statement, Churches appeal to the international community to protect persons who are targets of oppression and whose lives are at risk, such as women, children, civil society actors, human rights defenders, journalists, artists and members of ethnic and sexual minorities, as well as Christians and other religious communities… Read more »

New premises and website for the Pastoral Information Institute

The Pastoral Formation Institute (PFI) launched a new website The site includes new features to help users access course information and apply online. The events page also features the ongoing work of the Institute which was founded in 2007 after the Diocesan Synod expressed the need of promoting the formation of Catholics in order to be empowered and to evangelize.

Besides launching the new website, the Pastoral Formation Institute moved to new offices at the Archbishop’s Curia, St Calcedonius Square, Floriana… Read more »

Bursaries of €2,000 for studies in theology and other pastoral fields

New diploma in the archival and cultural appreciation of ecclesiastical patrimony

For the 2021-2022 academic year, the Foundation for Theological Studies of the Archdiocese of Malta will be offering 10 bursaries, which will be distributed according to these criteria:

  • bursaries of €400 for those who apply for the Certificate in Safeguarding of Children and Young People
  • bursaries of €800 for those who apply for the Diploma in the Archival and Cultural appreciation of Ecclesiastical Patrimony and for the Diploma in Religious Studies
  • bursaries of €2,000 for those who apply for a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Theology (part-time) or for a Master of Arts in one of these fields: Bioethics, Matrimonial Canon Law, Environmental Ethics, Youth Ministry, Religious Studies, Theology, and Catholic School Leadership…
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Season of Creation 2021: Listening to the citizen’s voice

Statement by the Church Environment Commission

To celebrate the Season of Creation (1st September – 4th October), the Interdiocesan Environment Commission (KA) is offering some reflections that can help our country make the best choices to ensure a quality of life that truly suits us and our children.

The need for sincere and honest debates

History has shown that none of the main political parties can consider itself a champion of the environment… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Take time to reflect on how we live our faith

Catechesis on the Letter to the Galatians: 7. Foolish Galatians

Brothers and sisters, good morning!

We will continue the explanation of the Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians. This is not something new, this explanation, it is something mine: what we are studying is what Saint Paul says in a very serious conflict with the Galatians… Read more »

Dar tal-Providenza Diary 2022

Every year, Dar tal-Providenza prints a diary to be distributed to all households in Malta and Gozo. To have this done, it is not only needed to print the diary but also to have it inserted in an envelope before distribution. At the moment, an appreciable number of volunteers are helping in the insertion process, amongst them volunteers from the parishes of Attard, St. Joseph the Worker in Birkirkara, and Mellieħa… Read more »