
Provincial Chapter of the Maltese Carmelite Province

The Maltese Carmelite Province gathered on Monday 15th November 2021, to celebrate its Provincial Chapter. The Prior General of the Order, Fr Míċéal O’Neill, has delegated Fr Conrad Mutizamhepo to preside at the Chapter. Fr Richard Byrne, General Councillor for Europe, is assisting the General Delegate. The Provincial Chapter, held every three years, is the highest governing body of the Province. Besides electing the Prior Provincial and his council, the Chapter evaluates the previous triennium, and discerns and plans the way ahead for the following triennium… Read more »

The Convent of St Augustine is transformed into a Community Interpretation Center

Ritratt: DOI – Kian Bugeja

Il-Kunvent ta’ Santu Wistin fil-Belt Valletta se jinbidel f’Ċentru ta’ Interpretazzjoni tal-Komunità. Il-proġett ta’ restawr f’dan il-kunvent wasal fl-aħħar fażi tiegħu.

Il-proġett se jiswa total ta’ €2.3 miljun, li €1.5 miljun minnhom ġejjin mill-Fondi Ewropej għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali. Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi żar dawn ix-xogħlijiet u spjega li dan il-proġett qed jitmexxa mill-Fondazzjoni Soċjokulturali Ambjentali Agustinjana (FSKAA). 

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari qal li permezz ta’ dawn il-fondi l-wirt kulturali tal-gżejjer Maltin qed ikun ikkonservat permezz tar-restawr li qed isir… Read more »

Diocesan celebration on the solemnity of Christ the King

The annual Diocesan Assembly is held again

Nhar il‑Ħadd li ġej, 21 ta’ Novembru 2021, il‑Knisja Kattolika ser tiċċelebra l‑festa liturġika ta’ Kristu Re. L‑Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna flimkien mal‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi qed jistiednu lill‑Insara jingħaqdu magħhom għal din iċ‑ċelebrazzjoni djoċesana.

Din tibda fil‑5:00 p.m. u ser issir fil‑Bażilika Minuri ta’ Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid, fejn tingħad it‑talba ta’ filgħaxija (l‑għasar). Qabel iċ‑ċelebrazzjoni ser ikun hemm servizz ta’ qrar u wara jkun hemm quddiesa… Read more »

Mgr Victor Grech awarded Active Ageing Award

Photo: DOI – OPR

Mgr Victor Grech was awarded the Award for Active Aging yesterday in a ceremony celebrating the work, commitment and dedication of senior citizens in Malta, with a total of five awards being presented this year.  

Mgr Grech founded Caritas Malta in 1984, with the aim of providing drug prevention and rehabilitation programmes. A year later he founded the first Therapeutic Community for those who abuse drugs in Malta and went on to open a home for the rehabilitation of prisoners suffering from drug problems. 

He was also one of the founders of Caritas Europa, serving also in the Board of Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Europa when they were established… Read more »

The work of Fr Arthur Vella in a new publication

Klabb Kotba Maltin għadha kif ippubblikat il-ktieb Arthur G. Vella – F’kollox inħobb u naqdi dwar il-Ġiżwita Arthur Vella S.J. (1930-2018), magħruf ma’ ħafna bħala ‘Turu’. Il-ktieb jiġbor 30 testimonjanza ta’ persuni li kienu jafuh mill-qrib u li Turu għamel differenza f’ħajjithom.  

Iżda l-għadd ta’ persuni li Turu għamel differenza f’ħajjithom hu ħafna akbar minn hekk. Matul ħajtu akkumpanja numru kbir ħafna ta’ saċerdoti, reliġjużi, koppji u lajċi, u għenhom f’deċiżjonijiet importanti u fil-mixjiet spiritwali tagħhom… Read more »

22 entities present position paper on the recreational use of cannabis to members of parliament

An appeal for a mature and researched debate

Twenty‑two entities presented a position paper on the recreational cannabis bill to members of parliament, expressing serious concern about the short and long term effects on society of the proposed legislation and calling for a serious, mature and researched debate on the subject. The proposed bill will be presented today for debate in Parliament.

All entities, many of which work with children and young people, strongly believe that as currently presented, the bill will have a negative effect in normalising drug use while failing to protect both society and drug users… Read more »

More than 1,800 vacant places for students in Church schools

Church schools admission 2022 in Malta and Gozo

The Admission Regulations for Church Schools for the scholastic year 2022-2023 will be published on Tuesday 16th November 2021, and are available here. There will be a total of 1,848 vacant places for students (1,596 in Malta and 252 in Gozo). All applications will be accepted online. Applications for ‘Criteria 1’ are to be submitted between the 23rd November and 2nd December 2021… Read more »

30 youths participate in YouthEARN

ŻAK young leaders organised YouthEARNwas on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th November for 30 youths aged between 15 and 18 years, coming from different localities around Malta.

This project, financed through the Achievers’ Scheme granted by the Ministry for Equality, Research and Innovation, provided the young people with the opportunity to partake in adventurous activities, such as abseiling, archery, teambuilding activities and camping and also participate in a number of creative workshops such as art and drama… Read more »

World Youth Day in Parishes

At the end of Mass on the Solemnity of Christ the King on 22 November 2020, Pope Francis called for a relaunch of the celebration of WYD in the particular Churches. He announced that this celebration, which has been traditionally held on Palm Sunday, starting in 2021 will be held on the Sunday of the Solemnity of Christ the King.

Although MCYN would like to organise the celebration, it acknowledges the fact that it would be difficult to organise this on a diocesan level due to pandemic restrictions and the health risks involved… Read more »

Pope prays with the poor in Assisi: ‘May we always share our bread with those in need’

Pope Francis kicked off his Friday morning visit to the Italian town of Assisi with an unexpected visit to the Poor Clares Convent, where he met privately with the cloistered nuns serving the Church in prayer.

He then travelled to the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels, where a poor person presented him with the pilgrim’s staff and mantle, to show that all present were pilgrims in the town of St… Read more »