
The Archbishop on the Pope’s visit to Malta: ‘a message of reconciliation’

Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta describes an upcoming meeting of Bishops and Mayors of the Mediterranean in Florence as an opportunity for dialogue aimed at promoting harmony and justice amid the challenges facing countries surrounding the Mare Nostrum.

Pope Francis is scheduled to meet with the Bishops and Mayors of important cities of the Mediterranean on the last day of a 3-day meeting, which takes place on 23 – 27 February in Florence, Italy… Read more »

Donation of a book library to the San Blas Therapeutic Community

Il-Komunità Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta, li ilha tagħti appoġġ lil Caritas Malta għal dawn l-aħħar ħames snin, tat b’donazzjoni 200 ktieb lir-residenti tal-programm tan-nisa flimkien ma’ xkaffar apposta u mejda. Din segwiet donazzjoni li saret ftit taż-żmien ilu meta ngħataw kotba lir-residenza tal-irġiel f’San Blas.

Is-Sur Anthony Gatt, Direttur ta’ Caritas Malta, irringrazzja lil Imam Atif u l-Komunità Ahmadiyya għal dan il-ġest. Faħħar l-inizjattivi li jsiru biex jgħinu lill-komunitajiet ta’ Caritas Malta… Read more »

The Pope modifies the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

The offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Pope Francis has promulgated a motu proprio titled ‘Fidem servare’ modifying the organizational chart of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by separating the responsibilities of the doctrinal and disciplinary sections.

By means of a motu proprio entitled Fidem servare (“preserving the faith”; cf. 2 Tim… Read more »

International Epilepsy Day celebrated in 130 countries

St Valentine, is not only known as the patron saint of marriage and love, he is also known as the patron saint for epilepsy. Some attribute this to the name ‘Valentine’ being similar to the German word for “fallen,” as many types of seizures could cause a person to fall. Others say that a bishop named Valentine healed a Roman orator’s son from a seizure… Read more »

The feast of St Paul’s Shipwreck celebrated by the Maltese in Rome

  The Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina

L-Ambaxxata ta’ Malta f’Ruma, l-Italja, stiednet lill-komunità ta’ Maltin u Għawdxin f’Ruma biex jiċċelebraw is-solennità tan-Nawfraġju tal-Appostlu Missierna San Pawl nhar il-Ġimgħa, 11 ta’ Frar 2022.

Il-quddiesa, immexxija minn Mons. Maximilian Grech, saret fil-Knisja ta’ Santa Marija in Traspontina. Għaliha attendew l-Ambaxxatur ta’ Malta, is-Sur Carmel Vassallo u s-sinjura tiegħu flimkien mal-ħaddiema tal-Ambaxxata, kif ukoll numru mdaqqas ta’ Maltin, barranin, u saċerdoti u reliġjużi li bħalissa qegħdin joffru s-servizzi tagħhom lill-parroċċi ta’ Ruma u l-Vatikan… Read more »

Conference highlights migration challenges in Mediterranean

A conference organized Thursday by the Italian Bishops ahead of a meeting of Mayors and Bishops of the Mediterranean region (23–27 February) highlights the joint efforts between Church and civil authorities to combat the challenge of migration in countries bordering the Mediterranean.

The meeting of the Bishops and Mayors of the Mediterranean region will be held from 23 – 27 February in Florence, ending with a visit of Pope Francis on the last day… Read more »

New website for Lasallian schools in Malta

La Salle Malta has launched a new website with the aim of giving detailed information about the work of the Lasallian network in Malta while linking to the wider Lasallian network worldwide.

La Salle Malta is the network of Lasallian Colleges in Malta, De La Salle College and Stella Maris College. These two colleges incorporate six schools serving students following primary and secondary level education going up to the post-secondary Sixth form level… Read more »

Apostolic Journey by Pope Francis to Malta

  The Collegiate Parish Church of St Paul's Shipwreck, Valletta

Accepting the invitation of the President of the Republic of Malta, the civil authorities and the Catholic Church of the country, His Holiness Pope Francis will make an Apostolic Journey to Malta from 2 to 3 April 2022.

The Pope will visit Valletta, Rabat, Floriana and Ħal Far, and the island of Gozo. The programme and further details of the journey will be published at a later stage… Read more »

Pope at Audience: Faith in resurrection helps us face death without fear

  The Vatican

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

In last week’s catechesis, again inspired by Saint Joseph, we reflected on the meaning of the communion of saints. And leading on from this, today I would like to explore the special devotion the Christian people have always had for Saint Joseph as the patron saint of the good death. A devotion born of the thought that Joseph died cared for by the Virgin Mary and Jesus, before leaving the house of Nazareth… Read more »

Dun Ġorġ żarmat fi kliem

  The Auditorium of the Mother House of MUSEUM, Blata l-Bajda

On Friday 11 February 2022, at 6pm, Joseph Buttigieg will be giving a public lecture entitled, ‘Dun Ġorġ żarmat fi kliem: L-analiżi lessikali bħala għodda ta’ interpretazzjoni’ (Dun Ġorġ broken down into words: lexical analysis as a method of interpretation).

This lecture, which is being organised jointly by the Department of Maltese at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Malta and the Society of Christian Doctrine (MUSEUM), is based on the research Buttigieg carried out for his Masters dissertation in Maltese Linguistics, under the supervision of Dr Michael Spagnol… Read more »