
Easter to Pentecost Reflections – Seventh Sunday of Easter

Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter by Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi

Gospel: Lk 24:46-53

Jesus said to his disciples, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.  … Read more »

Life Network: New IVF amendments do not secure healthy babies

Statement by Life Network Malta

Government’s proposal to introduce embryo selection in the IVF procedure is nothing short of eugenics, as such methods do not deliver a “healthy baby” but provide a tool to enable the selection of which baby will live and which baby will be frozen in perpetuity.

Every embryo created through an IVF cycle is a distinct human being.  Under the proposed procedure every embryo will be tested for possible monogenic disorders… Read more »

Pope to lead Rosary for peace in Ukraine and end to wars worldwide

Pope Francis, in connection with international shrines worldwide, will lead a Rosary for peace from the Basilica of St Mary Major on 31 May for those suffering the ongoing war in Ukraine and other wars around the world.

Pope Francis will lead a Rosary for peace as a sign of hope for those suffering from the ongoing war in Ukraine and wars around the world… Read more »

Forsaken – an art exhibition inspired by poetry

  Caritas Community Centre, Ħamrun

Wara sentejn Caritas Malta se ttella’ wirja ta’ arti ispirata mill-poeżija ta’ Michael Boffa. Matul il-wirja se jitnieda wkoll il-ktieb tal-poeżiji Forsaken, li jġorr l-istess isem tal-wirja u li jinkludi x-xogħlijiet artistiċi abbinati mal-poeżiji ta’ Boffa.

Il-poeżiji ta’ Boffa nkitbu f’mumenti diffiċli li kien għaddej minnhom u jirriflettu l-emozzjonijiet li kien qed iħoss f’dak iż-żmien. Dawn il-poeżiji, 30 b’kollox, ingħaddew f’idejn 10 artisti u kull poeżija ġiet interpretata f’xogħol ispirat mill-istess poeżija… Read more »

Malta’s first hospice complex heading steadily towards completion

Works on Malta’s first hospice complex for palliative care services are nearly complete. The project is expected to become fully operational by end 2023. The Board of Governors and Chief Executive Officer of the National Development and Social Fund (NDSF) visited the premises and witnessed the extensive works that have been completed over the past months.

Located in the former Adelaide Cini Institute in Santa Venera, the 11,000sqm complex was previously owned by the Church but was formally handed over to Hospice Malta in 2019Read more »

Public Lecture: The world is a sea – Catholics and the Mediterranean during the pontificate of Pius XII

Lecture and seminar organised by the Archdiocese of Malta & the University of Malta

The Malta Diocesan Archives will be holding a public lecture entitled “The Holy See and its international relations during the pontificate of Pius XII” to commemorate the opening of the Diocesan Archive relative to the pontificate of Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) and the episcopate of Archbishop Michael Gonzi. 

The guest speaker is Rev. Prof. Roberto Regoli, professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome… Read more »

Watch: New social accommodation for vulnerable individuals, families

The Malta Catholic Action inaugurated its new residence program in Balzan earlier this week.

Dar Regina Pacis, which will welcome vulnerable individuals and families, was blessed on its opening by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi.

In his message, Mgr Galea-Curmi emphasized the importance of such services in our country whilst encouraging the Catholic Church in Malta to keep playing an active role in matters pertaining to social work amongst those most vulnerable in our society… Read more »

The book ‘Naqqaxtek fuq il-pali ta’ jdejja’ is launched

The book ‘Naqqaxtek fuq il-pali ta’ jdejja’ was launched by Drachma Parents, a support group for parents of LGBTI+ persons, on Tuesday, 17 May 2022, as part of the commemorations of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. The name of the book is taken from the Book of Prophet Isaiah (Is. 49:16) – ‘I have engraved you on the palms of my hands’… Read more »