
The Dominicans Celebrate the Jubilee of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Ritratt: Wikicommons

Id-Dumnikani tal-Birgu se jiċċelebraw l-għeluq tal-Ġublew ta’ San Tumas t’Akwinu fi tmiem Jannar.

L-ewwel ċelebrazzjoni hija nhar it-Tnejn 27 ta’ Jannar, fejn se tiġi organizzata l-Aquinas Lecture; diskussjoni fuq it-teoloġija b’indirizz mir-Rev. Dr. Alan J. Adami OP STh.D. Din se ssir fil-kunvent tad-Dumnikani tal-Birgu fis-7pm.

It-tieni ċelebrazzjoni hija nhar it-Tlieta 28 ta’ Jannar fil-Knisja tal-Lunzjata u San Duminku tal-Birgu, fejn f’jum il-festa ta’ San Tumas t’Akwinu se ssir ċelebrazzjoni tal-għeluq tal-Ġublew… Read more »

Archbishop appoints new Delegate for Catholic Education

Photo: Fr Mark Ellul, the new Delegate for Catholic Education

Archbishop Charles Scicluna, as President of the Maltese Episcopal Conference, has appointed Fr Mark Ellul as the new Delegate for Catholic Education to assist the Episcopal Conference in the Church’s work on education. Fr Mark’s appointment reflects the Church’s renewed commitment to strengthening Catholic education in Malta and Gozo. He is currently Head of The Archbishop’s Seminary School in Rabat… Read more »

125th-anniversary celebrations of St Rita of Cascia’s canonisation

Ritratt: Ian Noel Pace – Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta

Il-Provinċja Agostinjana Maltija se tiċċelebra l-125 sena mill-kanonizzazzjoni tal-qaddisa Agostinjana Santa Rita mil-Papa Ljun XIII fis-sena tal-Ġublew il-Kbir tal-1900. Santa Rita hi qaddisa popolari għall-interċessjoni tagħha quddiem Alla fil-każijiet l-aktar diffiċli u li jidhru impossibli. Fid-diversi stati ta’ ħajjitha, Santa Rita kienet mara b’fiduċja kbira fil-Mulej, fl-eżempju tagħha ta’ tama u paċi, bħala żagħżugħa, mara miżżewwġa, omm, armla u anke reliġjuża… Read more »

New edition of ‘L-Ewwel Bibbja Tiegħi’

As part of the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the recently published ‘L-Ewwel Bibbja Tiegħi’ is being promoted to introduce children to the timeless wisdom and values of Bible stories.

Published by the Malta Bible Foundation, this Maltese adaptation of ‘The Beginner’s Bible’ presents stories carefully tailored for young readers. First released in 1989, The Beginner’s Bible has earned classic status, with over 25 million copies sold worldwide in various languages… Read more »

Jubilee with Christian Brethren during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

2024 Diocesan Ecumenical Service

Christians from across the world are currently celebrating the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which will last until Saturday 25th January 2025. In Malta, the Jubilee with Christian brethren from other Churches will be celebrated a day earlier, during the customary Diocesan Ecumenical Service. Archbishop Charles Scicluna will lead the celebration, while the homily will be delivered by Metropolitan Kyrillos of Melite, Exarch in Malta of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople… Read more »

ŻAK Centre in Żurrieq renovated

Along the years, the Catholic Action property in Żurrieq suffered some damages and was in dire need of maintenance. An extensive renovation was carried out in order to transform it into a safe space adequate to serve its mission; working with youth.

Therefore the Maltese Catholic Action was granted funds for a €30,000 project entitled: Reviving a safe space for youth formation and development in Żurrieq through infrastructural investment… Read more »

9 young women profess as Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

"The joyful faces of the sisters drew me to this holy life."

Sorijiet Ulied il-Qalb ta’ Ġesù

Fil-Knisja ta’ San Gejtanu fil-Ħamrun nhar is-Sibt filgħaxija disa’ tfajliet mill-Indja, Kenja, Tanzania u l-Uganda professaw mal-Ordni tas-Sorijiet t’Ulied il-Qalb ta’ Ġesù, li wara li għamlu perjodu ta’ studju u servizz f’Malta.

Il-kongegrazzjoni bdiet fl-1903 minn Tereża Nuzzo u fl-1948 Sr Pauline Farrugia kienet l-ewwel soru li marret il-Kenja, u f’dak il-punt bdew bil-vokazzjonijiet internazzjonali għax għall-bidu l-kongegrazzjoni kienet biss f’Malta għaldaqstant issa qed tara l-frott tal-evanġelizzazzjoni tagħha… Read more »

“Many foreign adults are seeking baptism” – Marsascala Parish Priest

Around 1,000 people attended the feast of Santo Niño

Il-Kappillan ta’ Wied il-Għajn Fr Luke Cutajar stqarr li fil-parroċċa tagħhom qed ikun hemm ħafna adulti barranin li qed ifittxu li jiskopru aktar dwar il-fidi tagħhom u jitgħammdu fosthom Ċiniżi, Filippini u Pakistani. Oħrajn jirċievu s-sagrament tal-Griżma f’età kbira.

Hu qal dan meta kien qed jieħu sehem fil-programm What’s On Newsbook li jixxandar mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa wara l-bullettin tal-12pm fuq RTK103.

Din kienet is-seba’ darba li ġiet iċċelebrata l-festa ta’ Santo Niño f’Wied il-Għajn… Read more »

Pope at Angelus: Where we are lacking, the Lord responds abundantly

  Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City

Dear brothers and sisters, happy Sunday!

The Gospel of today’s liturgy (Jn 2:1-11) tells us about Jesus’ first sign, when He turns water into wine during a wedding feast in Cana, in Galilee. It is an account that foreshadows and encapsulates the whole of Jesus’ mission: on the day of the coming of the Messiah – so said the prophets – the Lord will prepare “a feast of … choice wines” (Is 25:6) and “the mountains shall drip with the juice of grapes” (Am 9:13); Jesus is the Bridegroom who brings the “good wine”… Read more »

Hospice Malta opens St Michael Hospice, a palliative care complex that champions life and dignity

St Michael Hospice in Santa Venera was inaugurated today, enabling Hospice Malta to expand its dedicated palliative services to over 1,500 patients annually, while continuing to uphold its fundamental values of care, compassion and dignity.

This is a milestone for Hospice Malta, which first opened its doors in 1989, and will enhance palliative care in Malta through its expanded community services, improved facilities, for day therapy and inpatient services, as well as educational facilities… Read more »