
Church Schools Entry 2020-2021

Choice of School

The Church Schools Admissions Office can be reached on [email protected]

The Waiting Lists will be updated from time to time.

Choice of School Year
Form 1 GirlsChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 11/06/2020
Form 1 BoysChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 15/06/2020
Year 1 GirlsChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 15/07/2020
Waiting List – 16/06/2020
Waiting List – 15/06/2020
Year 1 BoysChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 19/06/2020
Waiting List – 14/06/2020
Kinder 2 GirlsChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 15/06/2020
Kinder 2 BoysChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 23/06/2020
Kinder 1 BoysChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 04/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 17/06/2020
Kinder 1 GirlsChoicesWaiting List – 28/09/2020
Waiting List – 21/08/2020
Waiting List – 14/07/2020
Waiting List – 17/06/2020

Click here to obtain information on Church Schools available for each entry level

  • 20th April 2020 – The Secretariat for Catholic Education announces the new dates when the choice of a church school will be held, for the academic year starting in September 2020. The choice of school will be held at a studio and will be transmitted live on www.church.mt  Since people cannot be present due to the COVID-19 restrictions, a notary will be present to certify the entire process. Click here for more details about the live transmission.
  • 6th April 2020 – The Church Schools Admissions Office is planning to hold the Choice of School exercise in May and has already prepared a schedule of dates to this effect. This schedule has not been published yet, as the situation may change and the Choice of School exercise might be cancelled. The dates will be published on 20th April 2020.
  • 31st March 2020 – The Church Schools Admissions Office is announcing a new schedule for the Church Schools admission ballots. All ballots will be streamed live on www.church.mt from a studio with the least possible people, which means no parents will be allowed to attend, due to the restrictions which are currently in place as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. A notary will be present throughout the ballot process. The video of the ballots will remain available online for future reference. The results will also be published the day after the ballot has taken place, on the Church Schools website on www.church.mt.


  • 25th March 2020 – All Church Schools ballots are being postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak and the restrictions which are currently in place. The first ballots that are being postponed are the Participation Ballots for girls and boys for admission into Form 1, and the Participation Ballot for girls for admission into Year 1. These ballots were going to be held tomorrow, Thursday 26 March 2020. Ballots planned for April are also being rescheduled.
    The Church Schools Admissions Office is currently closed but staff are working remotely. Any queries may be sent on [email protected] or on mobile number 7999 0224.

  • 18th March 2020 – The Church Schools’ Admissions Office is closed but employees are working remotely from home and can be reached on [email protected]. Please note that all receipts will be received by mail in due time. As much as possible, ballot dates will remain as published. Any changes will be notified on this page.

  • 26th February 2020 – Information about first criteria applicants for St Albert the Great, is now available for Kinder 1 and Kinder 2.

  • 4th February 2020 – Regulations for Asylum Seekers.

  • 30th January 2020 – Information about first criteria applicants and how many vacancies are still available, is now available at each level.


  • 15th November 2019 – DĦUL FL-ISKEJJEL TAL-KNISJA FL-2020.

The process of Church Schools Entry in Malta determines the admission of children at Kindergarten 1 and 2, at Year 1 Primary, at Form 1 and include Serious Cases. Church Schools Entry is linked to the year of birth.

For regulations and more information click on the relevant level.

The information provided for each level is updated periodically to provide further information as required, for this reason you are encouraged to visit this page regularly.

Application process details


Detailed information is found in the Regulations for Admissions into Church Schools, Malta. These Regulations can be obtained either from Church Schools or by accessing the links above.


Children from Church Homes / Children of Employees in the Same School / Siblings / Transfers /Exempted from attendance / Children from Church Schools without Continuity and Children of Employees in Another School (Para. 1a-1ġ)

  • in schools serving as centres:
    the Archbishop’s Seminary Rabat, St Angela School Zabbar, OR St Michael’s School St. Venera

    Monday 25 (surnames A-C),
    Tuesday 26 (surnames D-M) and
    Wednesday 27 November 2019 (surnames N-Z), from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Declaration from respective school 20/21/22 November 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 The form can also be downloaded from here.


2.1 Serious Cases – First Criteria:

Children from Church Homes / Children of Employees in the Same School / Siblings / Transfers /Exempted from attendance / Children from Church Schools without Continuity and Children of Emoloyees in Another School (Para. 1a-1ġ)

  • Phone in for an appointment on 2590 6309/ 2590 6306:
    Wednesday 20, Thursday 21 and Friday 22 November 2019 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
    Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from A-C are to phone on Wednesday 20 November;
    Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from D-M are to phone on Thursday 21 November;
    Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from N-Z are to phone on Friday 22 November.

Declaration from respective school 20/21/22 November 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 The form can also be downloaded from here.

Applications by appointment: The Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana from the 25 to the 27 November 2019


Late Applications of Criteria 1 (Para. 1 a-ġ):

  • at the Archbishop’s Curia on Tuesday 17 December 2019 between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Documentation Required

1. Documents to be presented on application:

a. Catholics and other Christians are to present the Baptism Certificate.
b. Abstract of Birth Certificate from the Public Registry.
c. ID Card of the mother and/or father. A photo copy of ID Cards is not requested.
d. 1 passport-size photo of the applicant.
e. The Declaration re Data Protection and Privacy signed by the parents or guardian. The form may be downloaded from here.
f. The Declaration for Educational Programme filled by the Head of School indicating if the applicant requires assistance, particularly if he/ she needs the support of an L.S.E.
This Declaration may be downloaded from here
This Declaration is not applicable for Kinder 1.
ġ. The filling of the application by one parent, or a representative of the parents, indicates that the parents agree about the application.
The application results invalid if one parent disagrees or is uninformed and has not given his/ her consent.
g. Separated parents should present the most recent document that defines the children’s custody and their educational responsibility.
The signature of both parents on the application form is necessary when the Courts have decided that the care and custody is joint and when both parents have legal rights re the education of their children. In such cases the relative legal document is to be presented.
Besides the documents enlisted in Para. 1a-ġ, the following documents per criterion are also required:
għ. If applying according to the Criterion for Children from Church Homes: A Declaration on the appropriate form signed by the Director of the Home to show that the child is a resident in the Church Home. This Declaration is to be made on the same day of the application. The preferred choice of school is also to be indicated.
The Declaration may be downloaded from here
h. If applying according to the Siblings Criterion:
i. The Birth Certificate from the Public Registry of the other sibling/s already attending a Church School;
ii. A photocopy of the identity cards of both parents; and
iii. A Declaration on the appropriate form filled in and signed by the Head of School where the other sibling attends. This Declaration is to be collected from the school on Wednesday 20, Thursday 21 and Friday 22 November 2019 between 9:00 and noon.
The Declaration may also be downloaded from here
iv. In the case of adopted or fostered children, a certificate from the Agency concerned declaring the adoption or the fostering of the child.
ħ. If applying according to the Criterion of children of employees in the same school, transfers, School without Continuity or children of employees in another school:
A Declaration on the appropriate form, filled and signed by the Head of School.
This Declaration is to be collected from the school on Wednesday 20, Thursday 21 and Friday 22 November 2019 between 9:00 and noon and the Declaration may also be downloaded from here
On the same days, the employees of the Secretariat for Catholic Education may collect the Declaration filled and signed by the Delegate for Catholic Education.
i. Applicants with a Statement of Needs that reads “Learner’s needs are to be met by Class Teacher” are to present the Statement of Needs and the most recent psycho-educational report.
j. If applying under Criteria Serious Cases:
i. A written explanation about the case
ii. Relevant certificates including the end-of-year result if available
iii. The Statement of Needs issued by the Statementing Moderating Panel and IEP
When the case has not been concluded with the Statementing Moderating Panel of the Department of Education, a copy of the application to the Statementing Board, or a report by an educational psychologist detailing the needs of the boy/girl, is to be presented
iv. The Statement of Needs, for applicants whose statementing is in process, has to be forwarded to the Admissions Office once this is received from the Statementing Board.


Detailed information is found in the Regulations for Admissions into Church Schools, Malta. These Regulations can be obtained either from Church Schools or by accessing the links above.

  • applications will be filled on Monday 3, Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 February 2020 between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 in one of the schools shown hereunder and according to the level of entry

Applications for Kindergarten 1: Born in the year 2017 and
Applications for Kindergarten 2: Born in the year 2016
in one of the following Schools on
Monday 3, Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 February 2020 between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00:

Is-Seminarju – Rabat St. Aloysius College Primary – Balzan
St. Joseph – Paola St. Angela – Żabbar

Applications for Year 1: Born in the year 2015 and
Applications for Form 1: Born in the year 2009
in one of the following Schools on
Monday 3, Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 February 2020 between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00:

De La Salle College – Vittoriosa St Paul’s Missionary College – Rabat St Michael – St Venera

Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from A-C are to apply on Monday 3 February;
Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from D-M are to apply on Tuesday 4 February;
Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from N-Z are to apply on Wednesday 5 February.

Serious Cases – Third Criteria: Other Applicants
  • Phone in for an appointment on 2590 6309/ 2590 6306:
    from Tuesday 28 January to Thursday 30 January 2020 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from A-C are to phone on Tuesday 28 January;
Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from D-M are to phone on Wednesday 29 January;
Applicants whose surname starts with a letter from N-Z are to phone on Thursday 30 January;
Applications by appointment: The Archbishop’s Curia, Floriana, 3/4/5 February 2020


Late Applications of Other Applicants :

  • at the Archbishop’s Curia or St Michael’s School, Cannon Road Santa Venera on Thursday 27 February 2020 between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
  • at the Archbishop’s Curia on Thursday 27 February 2020 between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for Serious Cases Other Applicants.
Documentation Required

1. Documents to be presented on application:

a. Catholics and other Christians are to present the Baptism Certificate.
b. Abstract of Birth Certificate from the Public Registry.
c. ID Card of the mother and/or father. A photo copy of ID Cards is not requested.
d. 1 passport-size photo of the applicant.
e. The Declaration re Data Protection and Privacy signed by the parents or guardian.
The form may be downloaded from here.
f. The Declaration Educational Programme filled by the Head of School indicating if the applicant requires assistance, particularly if he/ she needs the support of an L.S.E.
This Declaration may be downloaded from here
This Declaration is not applicable for Kinder 1.
ġ. The filling of the application by one parent, or a representative of the parents, indicates that the parents agree about the application.
The application results invalid if one parent disagrees or is uninformed and has not given his/ her consent.
g. Separated parents should present the most recent document that defines the children’s custody and their educational responsibility.
The signature of both parents on the application form is necessary when the Courts have decided that the care and custody is joint and when both parents have legal rights re the education of their children. In such cases the relative legal document is to be presented.
Applicants with a Statement of Needs that reads “Learner’s needs are to be met by Class Teacher” are to present the Statement of Needs and the most recent psycho-educational report.
If applying under Criteria Serious Cases:
i. A written explanation about the case
ii. Relevant certificates including the end-of-year result if available
iii. The Statement of Needs issued by the Statementing Moderating Panel and IEP
When the case has not been concluded with the Statementing Moderating Panel of the Department of Education, a copy of the application to the Statementing Board, or a report by an educational psychologist detailing the needs of the boy/girl, is to be presented
iv. The Statement of Needs, for applicants whose statementing is in process, has to be forwarded to the Admissions Office once this is received from the Statementing Board.

Like the Archdiocese of Malta’s Facebook page and register to the Archdiocese of Malta’s newsletter to keep yourself informed about the process of Church School Entry.

Church Sixth Form Entry 2020-2021

Click here for more details regarding the application process for entry into Church Sixth Forms.

For more information call:
De La Salle College – 21826447 / 23974205
St Aloysius College – 22793257

Or send an email on the following address: [email protected]