“I have seen the Lord”

This was the announcement which Mary Magdalene made to the apostles on that day two thousand years ago.  It was the most common way in which people transmitted news to one another: by word of mouth!

The Risen Christ made use of other means.  As the Risen One, he did not depend only upon the apostles to transmit this news on to one another.  As the Risen One, he passed on this news himself.  St Paul recounts several appearances of the Risen Lord, the first being to Cephas (see 1 Cor 15, 5-8).

Even in today’s modern world, it remains necessary that this message of hope and joy continues to be transmitted, and this, in the most efficient and beautiful manner possible.  I give thanks to God and also to our Diocese because, besides the traditional methods of passing on messages, today we are also using many wonderful ways which modern technology has put at our disposal, in particular, the website maltadiocese.org

It is appropriate that this message reaches one and all because it is a source of much hope.  Besides, it is appropriate that it should be transmitted in a most convincing and beautiful way, since this was the way it was originally given to Mary Magdalene, through the appearance of the Risen Christ in person!

While imparting the blessings of the Risen Christ on all those people who enter this site, may I take the opportunity to thank all those who strive to maintain it.  May the Holy Spirit continue to imbue them with that same enthusiasm which the apostles felt  when they announced the Risen Christ.  HALLELUJAH

+ Paul Cremona OP
Archbishop of Malta