The Archbishop blessing a Maltese patient

Archbishop Charles Scicluna concluded a two-day pastoral visit to London, where he met with Maltese patients who are currently receiving treatment in the United Kingdom.

During his visit, the Archbishop visited and prayed with Maltese patients at King’s College Hospital and the Royal Marsden Hospital, where he also met a Maltese nurse. The Archbishop gave patients, their families, and even hospital workers, rosary beads, for Our Lady to bring them comfort and hope.

The Archbishop also visited Maltese residents at Puttinu House in Sutton, where he celebrated Mass with them, and encouraged patients and their families to support one another, especially during times of suffering. During the Mass, he prayed for a Maltese couple who had recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. “Everything in this world comes to an end, but love has the last word and lasts forever,” said the Archbishop. He expressed gratitude for the work of Puttinu Cares and the volunteers assisting Maltese patients receiving specialised care.

During these two days, the Archbishop celebrated another Mass in which patients, their relatives, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Augustinians participated. Conventual Franciscan Fathers Mario Sant and Joseph Formosa concelebrated Mass. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Maltese Province of the Conventual Franciscan Friars’ mission to provide moral and spiritual support to the Maltese community requiring treatment in the United Kingdom.

The Archbishop celebrating Mass at Puttinu House