The Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo reaffirm the decision to disassociate themselves from Komunità Ġesù Salvatur. This follows the work carried out by a Church commission which heard the experiences of all those who offered to meet up with the commission, including the leaders of the Community. The Church commission was led by Mgr Hector Scerri, theologian and President of the Doctrinal Commission within the Maltese Episcopal Conference.
During a five-month investigation it was observed that, the Community gives a wrong and confused interpretation of Church teachings, an erroneous interpretation of scriptural texts, and an attitude that hurts those who are passing through challenging situations in life.
The Church commission concluded that irrespective of the spiritual good that could have been done by the Community over the years, one could never justify the alleged psychological and spiritual abuse perpetrated within this community. With the help of several experts, it has been confirmed that the Komunità Ġesù Salvatur demonstrates the sociological characteristics of a closed and rigid community which causes harm to many persons, even if a number of people joined the community in good faith.
Therefore, by means of a decree (below) issued by the Maltese Episcopal Conference, the Bishops of Malta and Gozo determined that priests and religious are not allowed to participate in meetings organised by the Komunità Ġesù Salvatur; that such meetings cannot be held in churches of chapels or in any other property belonging to the Archdiocese of Malta, the Diocese of Gozo, religious orders and ecclesial lay associations; and that laypersons should not attend activities organised by Komunità Ġesù Salvatur.
When taking all factors into consideration and in order to help the persons who could have been affected adversely, the Church is offering free support services by professionals. Those who would like to receive this support are invited to call on the helpline 25906510 (during office hours) or send an email on