Monthly Archives: May 2022

Parliament has a duty to pass laws which are an expression of reason, order and the common good – The Archbishop

Mass at the inauguration of the fourteenth Legislature

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Homily by Archbishop Charles Jude Scicluna

Brothers and sisters, “let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honour. Do not lag in zeal; be ardent in spirit; serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope; be patient in affliction; persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; pursue hospitality to strangers… Read more »

It brings nothing but blessings – Bishop Galea-Curmi

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

L-omelija tal-Isqof Joseph Galea-Curmi

“Min jiekol ġismi u jixrob demmi għandu l-ħajja ta’ dejjem, u jiena nqajmu mill-imwiet fl-aħħar jum”. Dan hu l-kliem li qal Ġesù lil-Lhud fl-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann. Kliem ċar u dirett. Il-Lhud fehmu li qed jgħid xi ħaġa kbira, imma ma setgħux jifhmu eżattament x’qed jgħid; għalhekk tlewmu bejniethom, u bdew jgħidu: “Kif jista’ dan jagħtina ġismu biex nikluh?”

Għal din id-domanda tagħhom, Ġesù jirrepeti, darba darbtejn, bi kliem diffferenti, u jerġa’ jgħid l-istess ħaġa… Read more »

The Gospel of the day: 7th May

Readings of the day

First Reading: Acts 9:31-42
Psalm: 115 (116):12-13,14-15,16-17

Gospel: John 6:60-69

In those days, when many of Jesus’ disciples heard him speaking about the bread of life, they said, “This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” But Jesus, being aware that his disciples were complaining about it, said to them, “Does this offend you? Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless… Read more »

Live: Mass at the inauguration of the 14th legislature – 7th May, 9am

  St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta

Help the Archdiocese carry out its mission Donate »

Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

21 mothers receive help from Dar Tgħanniqa ta’ Omm

Auxiliary Bishop visits the premises in Mosta

L‑Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea‑Curmi żar ir‑residenza ‘Dar Tgħanniqa ta’ Omm’ fil‑Mosta, li tgħin ommijiet li minkejja d‑diffikultajiet li jiltaqgħu magħhom waqt it‑tqala jagħtu prijorità l‑ħajja tat‑tarbija fil‑ġuf. F’din id‑dar, li hija mmexxija mill‑Fondazzjoni Life Network, mal‑21 omm ingħataw l‑għajnuna f’dawn l‑aħħar tliet snin. F’dawn il‑jiem, ‘Dar Tgħanniqa ta’ Omm’ hi miftuħa sabiex kull min jixtieq jagħti donazzjoni u jara b’għajnejh l‑għajnuna li qed tingħata lil dawn l‑ommijiet u t‑trabi tagħhom… Read more »

Holy Mass & Rosary – 6th May 2022, 9:30am

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

Help the Archdiocese carry out its mission Donate »

Follow today’s Mass readings from here.

Prayer for Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things.
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart… Read more »

The Gospel of the day: 6th May

Readings of the day

First Reading: Acts 9:1-20
Psalm: 116 (117):1,2

Gospel: John 6:52-59

In those days, the Jews disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. 

Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and they died… Read more »

I urge you to come to the table prepared by Jesus – the Archbishop

  The Chapel of Our Lady of Manresa at the Archbishop's Curia, Floriana

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles Jude Scicluna

Dan l-Evanġelju jagħtina ħafna spunti ta’ riflessjoni. Il-kapitlu 6 ta’ San Ġwann li qegħdin naqraw dawn il-jiem, jitkellem dwar il-ħobż tal-ħajja li hu Ġesù stess fil-kelma tiegħu, fil-preżenza tiegħu fil-Knisja, permezz tal-ispirtu qaddis tiegħu imma wkoll fil-misteru kbir tal-ġisem u d-demm għażiż tiegħu fl-Ewkaristija.

Biss, minħabba s-sitwazzjoni preżenti u ċ-ċirkostanzi li ninsabu fihom, nixtieq nagħmel riflessjoni ċkejkna fuq il-kliem ta’ Ġesù dwar l-ikel tal-ġisem qaddis tiegħu.” Min jiekol ġismi jgħix għal dejjem… Read more »

A programme of activities for the feast of St George Preca 2022

  The Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Blata l-Bajda

A programme of activities by the Society of Christian Doctrine for the feast of St George Preca will start today. The programme will be held in the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal where the remains of this Maltese saint and founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine M.U.S.E.U.M. are found.

Thursday 5 to Saturday 7 May 2022
Adoration at 5pm. Triduum Mass at 6pm in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal at Blata l-Bajda… Read more »