Monthly Archives: November 2019

A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon


Diretturi:         Will Becher u Richard Phelan

Ilħna:               Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes, Amaiia Vitale, Kate Harbour, David Holt, Richard Webber, Simon Greenall u Emma Tate

Ħin tal-Film:    87 min

Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd


KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      U

Fil-belt ta’ Mossington, Farmer John, bidwi u l-kelb tiegħu, isibu UFO… Read more »

Terminator: Dark Fate


Direttur:          Tim Miller

Atturi:              Mackenzie Davis, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriekl Luna, Natalia Reyes, Tom Hopper, Cessandra Starr, Brett Azar, Diego Bonete u Steve Cree

Ħin tal-Film:    128 min

Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd

KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA:                 15

KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA:                      15       

Fis-sena 1998, tliet snin wara li Sarah Conner qerdet it-T-1000  u hekk fixklet il-qerda tal-umanità  minn Artificial Intelligence Skynet, flimkien ma’ binha John, kienet qegħda  fuq xtajta, meta bla qatt mistenni, jasal Terminator u joqtol kiesaħ u biered lil John… Read more »

Three seminarians instituted in the Acolyte Ministry

Nhar it-Tnejn 4 ta’ Novembru ta l-Ministeru tal-Akkolitat lil tliet seminaristi fis-seminajru tal-Arċisqof, Tal-Virtù, ir-Rabat. It-tliet seminaristi kienu Joshua Cortis mill-Parroċċa ta’ San Gejtanu l-Ħamrun u Roderick Baldacchino u Jean-Claude Schembri mill-Parroċċa taż-Żejtun.

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

Għeżież intom u tirċievu l-ministeru tal-Akkolitat, il-Knisja qiegħda tistedinkom biex titgħallmu tħejju l-mejda għażiża tal-Ewkaristija.

Ġesù meta indirizzana, u dan il-kliem għażiż qalu fl-aħħar ikla tiegħu mad-dixxipli, qalilna: “Ma nsejħilkomx qaddejja, insejħilkom ħbieb, għax kulma smajt mingħand Missieri, għarraftulkom” (Ġw 15:15)… Read more »

The Gospel of the day: 6th November

Readings of the day

First Reading: Rom 13, 8-10
Psalm: 111 (112), 1-2.4-5.9

Gospel: Lk 14, 25-33

Great crowds were travelling with Jesus, and he turned and addressed them, “If any one comes to me without hating his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple… Read more »

Another project by the Interdiocesan Environment Commission to promote integral ecology

The Interdiocesan Environment Commission has teamed up once again with the Maltese OFM Province of St Paul the Apostle and the Centre for Environmental Education and Research of the University of Malta in the organization of another course inspired by the spirit of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’.

The course ‘Mimicking Natural Ecosystems – Growing Food Sustainably’ was meant to be yet another tool in the rediscovery of a better quality of life through simple and archaic processes such as agriculture… Read more »

Counteracting Violence – The Archbishop

Message by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

Last Sunday’s disturbance at the Open Centre in Hal Far, and the events that followed, should serve as an opportune moment to pause for reflection.

I have the utmost respect for the work undertaken by personnel at Malta’s open centres, who I know do their best in extremely challenging circumstances. I also understand the frustration felt by African migrant residents who were forced to flee their homeland in search of a better life and are living in extremely difficult conditions… Read more »

The Holy Spirit: the source of all renewal – The Auxiliary Bishop

Messaġġ waqt il-Konferenza Nazzjonali Annwali tat-Tiġdid Kariżmatiku

  Is-Sala Sr Nemesia, l-Iskola Sekondarja Immakulata Kunċizzjoni fil-Kulleġġ St Jeanne Antide, Ħal Tarxien

Messaġġ mill-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea-Curmi

Nixtieq nirringrazzjakom u ngħidilkom kelma ta’ sapport u inkoraġġiment. Intom għandkom missjoni importanti fil-Knisja f’Malta. Bil-preżenza tagħkom u bit-talb tagħkom, tistgħu tagħtu kontribut sabiħ għat-tiġdid tal-Knisja – tiġdid li dejjem jiġi mill-Ispirtu s-Santu.

It-tema ta’ din il-Konferenza Nazzjonali hi: Veni Creator Spiritus. Nixtieq nagħmel tliet talbiet lill-Ispirtu s-Santu u naqsam dawn it-talbiet magħkom.


Nitlob lill-Ispirtu s-Santu biex jagħtina l-qawwa li nkunu nsara li ma nibżgħux nistqarru l-fidi tagħna, u ma nistħux nidhru li aħna nsara… Read more »

Blessed be the wood of the cross from where truth flows – The Archbishop

Quddiesa Solenni ta’ Radd il-Ħajr għall-Ordinazzjoni Episkopali tal-Arċisqof Antoine Camilleri

  Il-Knisja Arċipretali ta’ Stella Maris, Tas-Sliema

L-omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna

“Kull ħin imbierek l-Mulej, tifħiru dejjem fuq fommi. Bil-Mulej tiftaħar ruħi, jisimgħu l-fqajrin u jifirħu” (S 33: 2-3). Għażiż – x’se naqbad ngħidlek? Għax jien dejjem Fr Antoine nafek. X’qed tgħidulu – Arċisqof Antoine? Ma naħsibx. Ippermettili ngħidlek Fr Antoine, it-titlu nafuh. L-ewwel nett nifirħu miegħek. Tridx inċapcpulu? Aħna issa ċapċapnielek u ħa nċapċaphielek jien ukoll.

Aħna ltqajna biex miegħek bi spirtu ta’ fidi – iż-żgħażagħ tal-lum jgħidu: ‘ta’ vera’ – nitolbu dan is-Salm u we mean itRead more »

The Pope and mission: “Without Jesus we can do nothing”

At the end of the Extraordinary Missionary Month, we are providing a few extracts from the book-length interview of Gianni Valente from Fides News Agency with Pope Francis, in which the Pope emphasizes that “Either the Church evangelizes or she is not Church”. The book, published by Libreria Edictrice Vaticana and Edizioni San Paolo will be available in bookstores as of November 5th.

“The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus”… Read more »