Monthly Archives: February 2017

“Every Catholic cannot escape the fact that in certain circumstances he would be ‘a sign that is spoken against” – The Archbishop

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna visits students and staff at the University of Malta

  • Nhar it-Tlieta 28 ta’ Frar 2017, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna żar l-Università ta’ Malta, Tal-Qroqq. Huwa ġie milqugħ mill-Uffiċċjali tal-Università u tac-Chaplaincy, quddiem il-Kappella, u wara żar il-Librerija tal-Università fejn iltaqa’ mal-istaff. L-Arċisqof sab l-okkażjoni li jiltaqa’ mal-istudenti u l-istaff mill-Fakultà tal-Liġi u mill-Fakultà tat-Teoloġija. Huwa żar u ltaqa’ mat-tfal tal-Playschool fl-Università, u wara ċċelebra Quddiesa fil-Kappella St Thomas More…

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The Season of Lent

  • Għada, l‑Erbgħa l‑1 ta’ Marzu 2017, il‑Knisja tagħti bidu għar‑Randan Imqaddes: erbgħin jum ta’ talb u penitenza bi tħejjija għaċ‑ċelebrazzjoni tal‑Passjoni, il‑Mewt u l‑Qawmien mill‑mewt ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu.

    L‑Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna, mal‑Kapitlu tal‑Katidral, ser jerġa’ jibda jiċċelebra l‑Quddiesa Stazzjonali ta’ Ras ir‑Randan fil‑Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il‑Belt Valletta, fis‑6:30 p.m. Il‑Quddiesa, bis‑sehem tal‑Maestro u l‑Coro di Cappella l‑ġdid, tinkludi t‑tberik u t‑tqegħid tal‑irmied…

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Hidden Figures

  • **** 

    Direttur: Theodore Melfi

    Atturi: Taraji P. Henson, Octovia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst u Jim Parsons

    Ħin tal-Film: 127 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd.



    Fl-1961, Katherine Goble, matematika, taħdem bħala “komputer” ġewwa Langley Research Center f’Hampton, Virginia…

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John Wick: Chapter 2

  • *** 

    Direttur: Chad Stahelski

    Atturi: Keanu Reeves, Common, Laurence Fishburne, Riccardo Scarmarcio, Ruby Rose, John Leguizamo, Ian McShane u Lance Reddick

    Ħin tal-Film: 122 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd.



    Xi ġranet wara ġrajjiet li kienu seħħew,  John Wick, issa li jinsab irtirat, isib il-karozza 1969 Boss 429 Mustang li kienet insterqet ġewwa ħanut li s-sid tiegħu kien AbramTarasov, ħu Viggo u ż-żiju ta’ Iosef, l-avversarji prinċipali fl-ewwel film li ħareg fl-2014…

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Pope Francis: greetings to Rabbi Skorka, Jewish delegation

  • Pope Francis on Thursday received a group of Rabbis led by Rabbi Abraham Skorka – the Holy Father’s long-time friend from his native Argentina – on the occasion of their presentation to him of a new edition of the Torah.

    Greeting of His Holiness Pope Francis
    to a Delegation of Jewish Leaders
    for the Presentation of a New Edition of the Torah
    23 February 2017

    Dear Friends,

    I offer a warm welcome to all of you, who have come to present me with a new and precious edition of the Torah.  I thank Rabbi Abraham Skorka, brother and friend, for his kind words, and I am very grateful to all of you for this thoughtful gesture, which brings us together today around the Torah as the Lord’s gift, his revelation, his word…

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The President of the Ecumenical Commission participates in a historic meeting in Rome

  • Il-Ħadd 26 ta’ Frar 2017, il-President tal-Kummissjoni Ekumenika Djoċesana, Dun Hector Scerri, ħa sehem waqt il-laqgħa storika f’Ruma meta l-Papa Franġisku żar il-parroċċa Anglikana, All Saints, fl-okkażjoni tal-200 sena mill-bidu tagħha. Għall-laqgħa kien hemm folla kbira li ħadet sehem fit-talb, il-kant u ġesti simboliċi qawwija, fosthom it-tberik ta’ ikona mill-Papa biex din tintuża għad-devozzjoni tal-Insara f’din il-parroċċa…

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“We pray to the Lord to live our lives as honest people” – The Archbishop

The Archbishop celebrates Mass with Tan-Nigret community in Rabat

  • Nhar is-Sibt 25 ta’ Frar 2017, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra Quddiesa mal-komunità tan-Nigret, ir-Rabat.

  • Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Ċentru Pastorali San Luqa, Tan-Nigret
    25 ta’ Frar 2017

    Il-Mulej qed jgħidilna li hemm bżonn nixtarru, mhux qed jgħidilna biex noqgħodu fuq il-mejda tal-ikel b’idejna marbuta l-ġurnata kollha u l-ikel jaqa’ mis-sema; mhux qed jgħidilna biex il-ġenituri li għandhom l-uliedhom joqgħodu b’idejhom marbuta u jiġi xi Father Christmas iħabbat fuq il-bieb iġib il-ħwejjeġ għal uliedhom, imma qed jgħidilna xi ħaġa forsi iżjed importanti…

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Pope: Catholics and Anglicans, brothers and sisters in Christ

  • Pope Francis on Sunday visited the Anglican Parish of All Saints in Rome. Speaking at the Church the Pope said, “today, with gratitude to God, we recognize one another as we truly are: brothers and sisters in Christ, through our common baptism.  As friends and pilgrims we wish to walk the path together, to follow our Lord Jesus Christ together.”

    Find below the English translation of the Pope’s words

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    I wish to thank you for your gracious invitation to celebrate this parish anniversary with you.  More than two hundred years have passed since the first public Anglican liturgy was held in Rome for a group of English residents in this part of the city.  A great deal has changed in Rome and in the world since then.  In the course of these two centuries, much has also changed between Anglicans and Catholics, who in the past viewed each other with suspicion and hostility.  Today, with gratitude to God, we recognize one another as we truly are: brothers and sisters in Christ, through our common baptism.  As friends and pilgrims we wish to walk the path together, to follow our Lord Jesus Christ together. 

    You have invited me to bless the new icon of Christ the Saviour…

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  • Ġentilment ninfurmawkom li l-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Marzu 2017, il-Kurja tal-Arċisqof inkluż l-Uffiċċju Żwiġijiet, u l-Uffiċċji tal-Caritas, il-Furjana, u t-Tribunal Ekkleżjastiku, il-Belt Valletta, ser jagħlqu filgħodu minħabba l-irtir tar-Randan. Il-Kurja terġa tiftaħ fl-4:00 p.m.

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Pope: Parish priests called to support married couples

  • On Saturday morning in the Vatican, Pope Francis met with parish priests participating in a training course dealing with annulment procedures and other legal issues surrounding marriage.

    The course was organized by the Roman Rota, the highest appellate tribunal of the Church.

    Referring to the proposals of the Synod of Bishops on “Marriage and the Family”, and his subsequent Apostolic Exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia”, the Pope praised this study initiative saying it  is the parish priest who is in daily contact with families and is called to concretely apply the  appropriate juridical norms…

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