Monthly Archives: January 2017

US Bishops decry Trump’s orders to construct wall on border

  • The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has released a statement decrying President Trump’s orders to construct a wall at the US/Mexico border and to increase immigrant detention and deportation.

    Actions, the statement says, that put immigrants’ lives needlessly in harm’s way, tear families apart and spark fear in communities. 

    Reacting to the US President’s executive orders to build the wall, Bishop Joe Vasquez, Chair of the Committee of Migration and Bishop of the Diocese of Austin, points out that its construction “will only make migrants, especially vulnerable women and children, more susceptible to traffickers and smugglers”…

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“You know for sure that you are attached to Jesus the Vine if you are a true Son or Daughter of the Pope” – The Archbishop

The Archbishop celebrates Mass on the Feast of the Conversion of Paul the Apostle, Birkirkara

  • Nhar l-Erbgħa 25 ta’ Jannar 2017, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna iċċelebra l-Festa tal-Konverżjoni tal-Appostlu Missierna San Pawl, fil-Knisja ta’ San Pawl, Birkirkara.    Omelija tal-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja ta’ San Pawl, Birkirkara
    25 ta’ Jannar 2017

    “Sawl, Sawl, għaliex qiegħed tippersegwitani?” (Atti 9, 4). Dawn kienu l-ewwel kelmiet li Sawlu, Pawlu, sema’ minn fomm il-Mulej, l-ewwel kelmiet ta’ esperjenza li hu kellu jirrakonta diversi drabi, tant li fit-Testment il-Ġdid għandna tliet rakkonti ta’ dan l-avveniment, tnejn fl-Atti tal-Appostli, wieħed ukoll f’waħda mill-Ittri ta’ San Pawl, u kienet esperjenza li mmarkat ukoll ir-riflessjoni profonda tal-appostlu Missierna…

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Pope at Vespers urges Christians to pray, proclaim and serve together

  • Authentic reconciliation between Christians will only be achieved when we can acknowledge each other’s gifts and learn from one another with humility. That was Pope Francis’ message to representatives of all the different Christian Churches gathered in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls on Wednesday afternoon. The Pope was leading Vespers for the solemnity of the Conversion of St Paul and the close of the annual week of prayer for Christian unity…

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Pope Francis invites believers to trust in God’s providential care

  • Pope Francis has invited believers to trust in God’s providential care while doing everything in their power to respond to the challenges that come their way.

    The Pope was addressing pilgrims gathered in the Paul VI Hall for the Wednesday weekly General Audience.

    Please find below the English synopsis of the Pope’s catechesis: 

    Dear Brothers and Sisters:  In our continuing catechesis on Christian hope, we turn today to the story of Judith…

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Message for World Day of Communications: Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time

  • The Vatican has released Pope Francis’ Message for the 51st World Day of Social Communications. The theme of this year’s message is “Fear not, for I am with you”: Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time. The World Day of Social Communications is celebrated in almost all countries on the Sunday before Pentecost. The message is being issued on  24 January, the feast of St…

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Pope: Mafia expression of the culture of death that is opposed to Gospel

  • “The Mafia is an expression of the culture of death that is opposed to the Gospel.” Those were Pope Francis’ words to members of the Italian National Antimafia and Antiterrorism Directorate who he received on Monday in the Vatican.

    Meeting with the Italian National Antimafia and Antiterrorism directorate in the Vatican on Monday, Pope Francis expressed his appreciation for the difficult and risky work they do in the fight against organized crime and terrorism…

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The Archbishop meets with deaf persons

  • On Sunday 22nd January 2017, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna met with deaf persons, and had the opportunity to hear about their difficulties, their wishes and aspirations in order to feel included and partecipatory as full active members in the life of the Church. In his reactive comments, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna requested the Deaf People Association Malta to make contact with the Seminary so that seminarians would be appraised on the realities facing deaf persons and enourage them to learn the Maltese Sign Language…
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Pope Francis: the wonders of the priesthood of Christ

  • The great wonders of the priesthood of Christ, who offered Himself, once for all, for the forgiveness of sins; and who now intercedes for us before the Father; and who will return to bring us with Him: those are the three stages of the priesthood of Christ highlighted by Pope Francis during his homily at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta…

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xXx: Return of Xander Cage

  • ****

    Direttur: D. J. Caruso

    Atturi: Vin Diesel, Donnie Yen, Deepika Padukone, Kris Wu, Ruby Rose, Tony Jaa, Nina Dobrev, Toni Collette u Samuel l. Jackson

    Ħin tal-Film: 91 min

    Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd.



    Xander Cage jiddeċiedi li joħroġ mill-iżolament li kien daħal fih xi ftit snin ilu, għaliex fuq talba tas-CIA, ħass il-ħtieġa li jinvolvi ruħu f’qagħda serja li nħolqot meta arma li kienet tidher li setgħet tagħmel ħafna ħsara, kienet insterqet b’mod vjolenti…

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L-Orizzont continues to disseminate false accusations about the Church

  • Il‑Kurja tal‑Arċisqof tesprimi d‑diżappunt tagħha għall‑attakki inġusti bbażati fuq akkużi foloz li ‘l‑Orizzont’, il‑ġurnal tal‑General Workers Union, qiegħed jippersisti bihom fil‑konfront tal‑Arċisqof u tal‑Knisja f’Malta. Dawn l‑attakki huma bbażati fuq allegazzjonijiet foloz. Fost dawn, fil‑ġurnal ‘l‑Orizzont’ tal‑bieraħ u tal‑lum, kien hemm allegazzjoni għal kollox mhux vera dwar impjegata fl‑Ufficcju Missjunarju. Dan l‑Uffiċċju, li ma jiffurmax parti mill‑Kurja iżda minn organizzazzjoni internazzjonali li hija awtonoma u li taqa’ direttament taħt il‑Papa, se jkun qed jieħu passi legali fil‑konfront tal‑ġurnal…

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