Monthly Archives: July 2016

Pope Francis at Angelus: Panama to host WYD 2019

  • Pope Francis on Sunday announced that Panama is to host the 2019 edition of World Youth Day. He made the announcement at the conclusion of the closing Mass for WYD Krakow 2016, just ahead of the Angelus prayer: At the conclusion of this celebration, I join all of you in thanking God, the Father of infinite mercy, for allowing us to experience this World Youth Day.  I thank Cardinal Dziwisz and Cardinal Ryłko for their kind words and especially for the work and prayer with which they have prepared for this event.  I also thank all those who have contributed to its successful outcome.  Also, a big word of thanks goes to you, dear young people!  You filled Krakow with the contagious enthusiasm of your faith.  Saint John Paul II has rejoiced from heaven, and he will help you spread the joy of the Gospel everywhere…
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Pope to young people: ‘Mercy has a youthful face’

  • Pope Francis reached out to over a million young people gathered at Krakow’s Blonia Park on Thursday urging them to share God’s merciful love. He was speaking during awelcome ceremony for young people attending the 31st World Youth Day in a giant park near Krakow. Despite persistent rain at Blonia meadows, nothing could dampen the spirits of the over 1 million World Youth Day pilgrims who had gathered to be with Pope Francis…
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  • Direttur: Steven Spielberg                           Atturi: Mark Rylance, Ruby Barnhill, Penelope Wilton, Jemaine Clement, Rebecca Hall, Rafe Spall u Bill Hader Ħin tal-Film: 117 min Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd.   KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA: PG KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA: PG   Sophie, tifla ta’ għaxar snin, tgħix ġewwa orfanatrofju f’Londra. Lejla waħda, tqum matul il-lejl u kif tħares barra mit-tieqa, tilmaħ ġgant. Il-ġgant jaħtaf lil Sophie u jeħodha fil-Pajjiż tal-Iġganti. Hemm jispjegalha li kien importanti ħafna għaliha li tibqa’ tgħix hemm għal għomorha minnħabba l-fatt li hi kienet ntebħet bih u hu ma riedx li ħaddieħor isir jaf bih.  Il-ġgant jintroduċi lilu nnifsu bħala Big Friendly Giant (fil-qosor BFG)…
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Star Trek Beyond

  • *** Direttur: Justin Lin Atturi:  John Cho, Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin u Idris Elba. Ħin tal-Film: 122 min Maħruġ minn KRS Releasing Ltd.   KLASSIFIKA TAĊ-ĊENSURA: 12A KLASSIFIKA TAL-KNISJA: 12   Tlett snin waqt il-vjaġġ li USS Enterprise kienet qegħda twettaq, il-Kaptan Krill jiddeċiedi li jagħmlu żjara qasira fuq il-bażi Yorktown biex ifornu l-vettura b’ikel u xorb waqt li l-kru jieħdu ftit ġranet ta’ vaganza…
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Pope Francis: “Gossip is the terrorism of words”

  • As Pope Francis continues his papal visit to Poland, he answered the questions of three young people on Wednesday evening, who are participating in World Youth Day. The first girl recounted how by chance she had not been on the train which was involved in the horrific crash earlier this month. She asked Pope Francis how she can return to normality and overcome the fear she now feels…
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Impressions of Pope Francis’s first steps on Polish soil

  • Pope Francis has arrived in Poland at the start of a five-day apostolic journey. It’s his 15th pastoral visit abroad and features many highlights including participation in the 31st World Youth Day taking place in Krakow, where he will lead a ‘Via Crucis’,celebrate the closing Mass and meet with some of the tens of thousands of young people from across the globe in various occasions…
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WYD volunteers keep busy ahead of Pope’s arrival to Krakow

  • Volunteers are keeping busy as the 31st World Youth Day gets underway in Poland. Vatican Radio’s very own Lydia O’Kane is in Krakow, and shares with us her perspective of the atmosphere on the ground. “It’s all hands on deck at the headquarters of the World Youth Day organising committee in the heart of Krakow. Staff and volunteers have been working day and night to ensure that everything goes to plan and nothing is left to chance…
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WYD 2016: Watch ‘live’ on YouTube the events by Pope Francis in Poland

  • Wednesday 27th of July 2016: Arrival of Pope Francis at John Paul II International Airport, at 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday 27th of July 2016: Welcome Ceremony for Pope Francis at Wawel Royal Castle, Krakow, at 5:00 p.m.​  
  • Wednesday 27th of July 2016: Pope Francis’s meeting with Polish bishops at Wawel Cathedral, at 6:30 p.m. The event will be followed by silent prayer at the Tomb of St Stanislaus, where the relics of St John Paul II are also displayed, veneration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel behind the altar and an address by the Pope…
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Pope Francis horrified by ‘barbarous’ attack on French Church

  • Pope Francis is horrified and shocked by an attack in a church in Rouen, in northern France, where a priest was slain and another hostage was seriously wounded. A statement released by Fr Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office said: “we are particularly shocked because this horrible violence took place in a Church, in which God’s love is announced, with the barbarous killing of a priest and the involvement of the faithful”…
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“L-imħabba tagħna trid tkun konkreta, mhux biss bil-kliem” – L-Arċisqof

L-Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil-festa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, fiż-Żurrieq

  • Il‑Ħadd 24 ta’ Lulju 2016, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra Quddiesa Pontifikali fil‑festa tal‑Madonna tal‑Karmnu, fil‑Knisja Parrokkjali, iż‑Żurrieq. Wara l-Arċisqof iltaqa’ man-nies u żar ukoll l-Għaqda Karmelitana Banda Queen Victoria, fl-istess raħal.    Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna
  • Knisja Parrokkjali, Iż-Żurrieq 24 ta’ Lulju 2016   “Fjur tal-Karmelu, dielja bil-frott mghobbija, dija tas-sema”. Dawn il-kliem mis-sekwenza antika fit-tifkira solenni u fil-liturġija tal-Ordni tal-Karmelu, jagħtuna t-tifsira wkoll ta’ dak li l-għolja tal-Karmelu kienet fi żmien għall-poplu ta’ Alla, hi llum u nawguraw li tibqa’…
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