Yearly Archives: 2015

Archbishop Auza addresses UN Security Council

  • Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, addressed the UN Security Council on Thursday. His address was directed to the Council’s open debate on “Peace and Security Challenges facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS)”, drawing heavily on Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato si’. 

    Please find below Archbishop Auza’s full address:

    Intervention of H.E…

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Calendar for the Jubilee of Mercy

  • The Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization has published a calendar of “Great Events with Pope Francis” which will take place during the upcoming Jubilee of Mercy.

    The Jubilee will begin Tuesday 8 December, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, with the opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica. The following Sunday, 13 December, the Third Sunday of Advent, Holy Doors will be opened at the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran and in Cathedrals around the world…

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Mission Impossible Rogue Nation

  • ***** Direttur: Christopher McQuarrie Atturi: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Sean Harris u Alec Baldwin Ħin tal-Film: 131 min. Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12A Klassifika tal-Knisja: 12 Il-Impossible Mission Force (IMF) taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Ethan Hunt jinfiltraw l-ajruport ta’ Minsk ġewwa Belarus. L-għan tagħhom u l-missjoni delikata li kellhom kienet li jwaqqfu l-konsinja ta’ armi kemikali perikolużi li jitilqu minn hemm…
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Slow West

  • ** Direttur: John Maclean Atturi: Michael Fassbender, Kondi Smit-McPhee, Ben Mendelsohn, Caren Pistorius, Rory McCann Ħin tal-Film: 84 minuta Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15 Klassifika tal-Knisja: 18 Jay Cavendish, żagħżugħ Skoċċiż.  jinsab fuq vjaġġ lejn il-Punent tal-Amerika, jfittex lil maħbuba tiegħu Rose Ross. Fil-vjaġġ jiltaqa’ ma’ ħafna avventuri fosthom grupp ta’ uffiċjali tal-Unjoni  jiġru wara membru ta’ abbitanti li kienu jgħixu fl-Amerika qabel ma ġew l- Ewropej u okkupaw l-art…
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Cardinal O’Malley denounces work of Planned Parenthood

  • Cardinal Seán O’Malley, OFM Cap., archbishop of Boston and chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), responded on Wednesday to recent videos showing leaders from Planned Parenthood discussing the provision of fetal organs, tissues, and body parts from their abortion clinics. Pope Francis, he said, “has called abortion the product of a “widespread mentality of profit, the throwaway culture, which has today enslaved the hearts and minds of so many.” Cardinal O’Malley went on to describe abortion as “a direct attack on human life in its most vulnerable condition.” The videos, he said, also reveal “the now standard practice of obtaining fetal organs and tissues through abortion.” Both actions, he continued, “fail to respect the humanity and dignity of human life.” Cardinal O’Malley also drew attention to the Church’s post-abortion healing ministry Project Rachel, which welcomes “all persons… with compassion and assistance.” Project Rachel offers confidential and non-judgmental help to persons who are traumatized by their involvement with abortion…
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Inside Out

  • ***** Direttur: Pete Docter Ilħna: Amy Poeher, Phyllis Smith, Bill Hader, Lewis Black, Mandy Kaling, Richard Kind, Kaitlyn Dias, Diane Lane u Kyle MacLachlan Ħin tal-Film: 94 min. Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: U Klassifika tal-Knisja: PG Riley hi tifla mwielda ġewwa Minnesota u f’ moħħha hemm ħames manifestazzjonjiet emozzjonali bl-isem ta’: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust u Anger. Dawn jieħdu l-ħajja,  jgħixu fil-moħħ konxju ta’ Riley li hu magħruf bħala l-Kwartier Ġenerali fejn jiġu nfluwenzati l-azzjonijiet u l-memorja ta’ Riley  permezz ta’ console li kien jikkontrolla kollox…
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Knock Knock

  • ***

    Direttur: Eli Roth

    Atturi: Keanu Reeves, Lorenza Izzo, Ana de Armas, Ignacia Allamand, Aaron Burns u Colleen Camp

    Ħin tal-Film: 99 min. Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 15 Klassifika tal-Knisja: 18 Evan Webber, perit u miżżewweg, minħabba x-xoghol fuq proġett li kellu jwettaq,  isib ruħhu waħdu fid-dar hekk kif martu u wliedu jmorru għat-tmiem –il ġimgħa għal btala qasira…

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Church in England and Wales focuses on ‘Cherishing Life – Accepting Death’

  • ‘Cherishing Life – Accepting Death’: that’s the theme of the 2015 Day for Life initiative, celebrated by the Catholic Church in England and Wales on Sunday July 26th. Pope Francis this week sent a letter of support for the event, giving his blessing to  all those “working in any way for the promotion of the dignity of every human person, from the moment of conception until natural death.” Over 300.000 postcards will be distributed in Catholic parishes around the country, while the website provides prayers, reflections, information and other resources to help guide individuals and families through difficult end-of-life decisions…
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Cardinal Rylko sends message for World Youth Day 2016

  • Polish Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, has sent a message looking ahead to the next World Youth Day which will take place in Krakow from July 26th to 31st 2016. Pope Francis is scheduled to attend the event that will be focused on the theme from the Beatitudes: ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy’.  Taking place in the context of the Jubilee Year of Mercy which begins on December 8th this year, the Krakow event follows on from the last World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro where Pope Francis told young people to read the Beatitudes because, he said, it “will do you good”…
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