Monthly Archives: October 2015

“Make sure that as deacons of the Church, you apply the balm that gives relief wherever you see a wound” – The Archbishop to the seven new deacons

  • On Friday 30th October 2015, six seminarians and a Conventual Franciscan friar were ordained deacons by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, during a celebration of Mass at St Sebastian’s Parish Church, Ħal Qormi.

    The following were ordained deacons: Friar Allister Marija Aquilina OFM Conv.; Rev. Sergio Fenech and Rev. Mark Mallia Pawley from St Sebastian’s Parish Church, Ħal Qormi; Rev…

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Liturgical Celebrations led by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna during the month of November 2015

  • Nhar il-Ħadd l-1 ta’ Novembru 2015, fid-9:15 a.m., Monsinjur Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil-festa tal-Qaddisin kollha, fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Fil-11:00 a.m. Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa b’suffraġju għall-membri mejtin tal-Kulleġġ St Edwards, il-Birgu. Fl-4:30 p.m. Monsinjur Arċisqof jamministra s-sagrament tal-Griżma tal-Isqof lill-adoloxxenti fil-Parroċċa ta’ Ħad Dingli.

    Nhar it-Tnejn 2 ta’ Novembru, fit-8:30 a.m., Monsinjur Arċisqof jiċċelebra Quddiesa fil-festa tal-Għid tal-Imwiet, fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta…

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Financial Results for 2014

  • The Archbishop’s Curia has published its financial results for the financial year for 2014. These results include information about income and expenditure for that year.

    Click here for to download the financial results for 2014. 

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Pope: God can only love and not condemn

  • Pope Francis says God can only love and not condemn and that love is His weakness and our victory. He said we are so closely bound to God’s love that nothing can sever us from it. That was the message at the heart of the Pope’s homily delivered on Thursday (29th October) at the Santa Marta residence.

    Taking his cue from St Paul’s letter to the Romans, Pope Francis’s homily was a reflection on God’s unwavering love for us and how no person, or power or thing can separate us from this love…

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The Archbishop celebrates Mass on the occasion of the Canonisation of Louis u Zélie Martin

  • Nhar il-Ħamis 22 t’Ottubru 2015, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra Quddiesa fl-okkażjoni tal-Kanonizzazzjoni ta’ Louis u Zélie Martin, fis-Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża Birkirkara.

    Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

    Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża, B’Kara

    22 ta’ Ottubru 2015

    “Agħmlu dak li jgħidilkom hu” (Ġw 2, 5). Il-parir ta’ Sidtna Marija, omm Ġesù lill-qaddejja huwa wkoll l-aħħar kliem li l-Vanġeli jagħtuna minn fomm Sidtna Marija…

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Presentation of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress

  • On Tuesday 27th October 2015, in the Holy See Press Office a press conference was held to present the 51st International Eucharistic Congress, to take place in Cebu, Philippines from 24 to 31 January 2016 on the theme “Christ in you, our Hope of glory; the Eucharist, source and goal of mission”. The speakers were Archbishop Jose S. Palma of Cebu, Philippines, Archbishop Piero Marini, Italy, president of the Committee for the International Eucharistic Congresses, and Fr…

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The Archbishop celebrates Mass on the occasion of the Canonisation of Louis u Zélie Martin

  • Nhar il-Ħamis 22 t’Ottubru 2015, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ċċelebra Quddiesa fl-okkażjoni tal-Kanonizzazzjoni ta’ Louis u Zélie Martin, fis-Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża Birkirkara.

    Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna

  • Santwarju ta’ Santa Tereża, B’Kara

    22 ta’ Ottubru 2015

    “Agħmlu dak li jgħidilkom hu” (Ġw 2, 5). Il-parir ta’ Sidtna Marija, omm Ġesù lill-qaddejja huwa wkoll l-aħħar kliem li l-Vanġeli jagħtuna minn fomm Sidtna Marija…

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Clarification about the criteria of refugee children in need of an LSA

  • B’referenza għall-artiklu “Diskriminazzjoni ma’ Studenti Refuġjati”, ippublikat nhar il-Ħadd 18 ta’ Ottubru 2015, fil-ġurnal “It-Torċa”, is-Segretarjat għall-Edukazzjoni Nisranija jixtieq jikkjarifika dan li ġej.

    Fl-applikazzjonijiet għad-dhul fl-iskejjel tal-Knisja ma ssir l-ebda distinzjoni bejn tfal Maltin, barranin u dawk refuġjati. Dan ifisser li tfal refuġjati nkluż dawk li jew huma jew xi ħadd mill-ġenituri tagħhom qed ifittxu ażil, dejjem setgħu japplikaw taħt il-kriterju “applikanti ohra”…

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Pope: prayers for earthquake victims in Afghanistan

  • Pope Francis has expressed his sorrow at “the tragic loss of life in Afghanistan and Pakistan as a result of the earthquake in the region.” The Pope’s remarks were conveyed in a telegram from Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, addressed to Archbishop Ghaleb Moussa Abdalla Bader, the Apostolic Nuncio to Pakistan.

    Below, please find the full text of the telegram:

    His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the tragic loss of life in Afghanistan and Pakistan as a result of the earthquake in the region…

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Book Launch in honor of Rev. Professor George Grima

    • On Saturday 31st October 2015, at 10:00 a.m., The Faculty of Theology and the Foundation for Theological Studies are launching a publication ‘The Quest for Authenticity and Human Dignity’, edited by Rev. Professor Emmanuel Agius, Dean of the Faculty of Theology, and Rev. Professor Hector Scerri, Deputy Dean and Foundation Director.

      The 500-page volume consists of a collection of 26 essays – on a variety of themes: Scripture, bioethics, moral theology, systematic theology, political history, sacred art, philosophy – in honour of Rev…

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