Monthly Archives: February 2015

Pope Francis and members from the Roman Curia reflect on superficial religiosity

  • Pope Francis and the Roman Curia are in the middle of their weeklong Spiritual Exercises in Ariccia, outside Rome. 

    According to L’Osservatore Romano, the retreat master, Carmelite Father Bruno Secondin, has shared reflections with the Curia on the prophet Elias. In his reflection, Fr Secondin compared the worship of the false idols in Elias’ time with a modern-day religiosity that is interested in the superficial and in measures of faith “according to statistics.” He called the participants to authentic and “audacious” worship. 

    The Pope and the Curia will conclude their Spiritual Exercises on Friday…

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Bishop Charles J. Scicluna blesses the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Valletta

  • Nhar il-25 ta’ Frar 2015, l-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, Amministratur Appostoliku, bierek mill-ġdid il-knisja ta’ Santa Marija Madalena, fi triq il-Merkanti, l-Belt Valletta. 

  • L-Omelija tal-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna fil-Quddiesa tat-tberik tal-Knisja ta’ Santa Marija Madalena
  • Knisja ta’ Santa Marija Maddalena, il-Belt Valletta
    25 ta’ Frar 2015

    Inġbarna biex niċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija f’din il-Knisja antika ħafna u niċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija wara ħafna snin li din kienet tintuża bħala Knisja…

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The Gospel of the day: 26th February

    • Saint Matthew 7:7-12

      Jesus said to his disciples: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which one of you would hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf of bread, or a snake when he asks for a fish? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him. Do to others whatever you would have them do to you…

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Homily by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna on the occasion of the blessing of the church of St Mary Magdalene

  • Knisja ta’ Santa Marija Maddalena, il-Belt Valletta

    25 ta’ Frar 2015

    Inġbarna biex niċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija f’din il-Knisja antika ħafna u niċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija wara ħafna snin li din kienet tintuża bħala Knisja. Hija ħaġa sabiħa li dan il-post li twieled għall-qima, u biex ninġabru bħala poplu ta’ Alla jerġa’ jilqagħna għall-istess raġuni.

    Meta wieħed jara minn xiex għadda dan il-post u x’ra matul is-sekli, jinduna li donnu l-istorja ta’ persuna ħajja li tgħaddi minn mumenti ta’ glorja u ta’ inqas glorja…

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Pope Francis declares Armenian saint Doctor of the Church

    • Pope Francis has declared Armenian poet and monk, Saint Gregory of Narek, a Doctor of the Universal Church.  Meeting with Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of Saints on Saturday ahead of his departure for Aricca on Lenten retreat, the Pope confirmed the proposal put forward by the Plenary Session of the Congregation to confer the title of Doctor of the Universal Church on the 10th century saint…

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Il-Vanġelu tal-jum: 25 ta’ Frar

  • San Luqa 11: 29-32  Meta l-folla tan-nies żdiedet, Ġesù qabad u qal: “Nisel ħażin huwa dan in-nisel! Irid sinjal! Imma ebda sinjal ma jingħatalu ħlief is-sinjal ta’ Ġona. Għax bħalma Ġona sar sinjal għan-nies ta’ Ninwè, hekk isir Bin il-bniedem għal dan in-nisel.  F’jum il-ħaqq, is-sultana tan-nofsinhar għad tqum man-nies ta’ dan in-nisel u tikkundannahom, għax hi ġiet mit-truf ta’ l-art biex tisma’ l-għerf ta’ Salamun; u araw li hawnhekk hawn min hu aqwa minn Salamun! …
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The Women in Black: Angel of Death

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    Direttur: Tom Harper
    Atturi: Phoebe Fox, Jeremy Irvine, Helen McCrory
    Ħin: 98 minuti
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

    Waqt il-bombardament ta’ Londra fl-1941 l-awtoritajiet Ingliżi ddeċidew li jevakwaw lit-tfal u jeħduhom fil-kampanja l-bogħod mill-belt. Grupp ta’ tmin t-itfal, inkluż Edward, tifel li għadu kif spiċċa orfni meta bomba waqet fuq id-dar tagħhom u qatlet lil-ġenituri tiegħu u li t-trawma ta’ dan għamlitu mutu, jitilqu bit-train lejn it-tramuntana ta’ l-Ingilterra taħt il-kura ta’ l-għalliema Eve Parkins u l-kap ta’ l-iskola Jean Hogg…

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    Direttur: David Koepp
    Atturi: Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor
    Ħin: 106 minuta
    Klassifika taċ-Ċensura: 12A
    Klassifika tal-Knisja: 15

    Mortdecai, negozjant ta’ l-arti dħuli u brikkun ikollu jiġri madwar id-dinja, armat biss bil-wiċċ ħelu tiegħu u l-faxxinu speċjali li għandu, biex isib pittura ta’ Goya misruqa li jingħad li fiha l-kodiċi ta’ kont tal-bank mimli bid-deheb tan-Nażi…

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The Gospel of the day: 24th February

    • Saint Matthew 6:7-15 Jesus said to his disciples: “In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him. This is how you are to pray:

      Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,

      your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven…

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