Monthly Archives: February 2013

Archbishop celebrates Mass at Samra chapel

On Saturday 23rd February 2013, the Archbishop celebrated mass at the Samra chapel and later met with people, as part of his Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s Parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Archbishop presides over the Parish Assembly in Ħamrun

On Monday 25th February 2013, the Archbishop presided over the Parish Assembly open for everyone, at the Little Sisters of the Poor Elderly Home, as part of his Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s Parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Archbishop meets young people in Ħamrun

On Friday 22nd February 2013, the Archbishop met with young teenagers and youths at the Catholic Action premises, as part of his Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s Parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Four new Candidates for the Priesthood

On Friday 1st March 2013, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. will preside over a concelebrated Mass during which four seminarians will ask the Church to accept them officially as candidates for their Ordination to the Diaconate and the Presbiterate. This celebration is being held at St.George’s Parish Church, Qormi at 6.30pm.

The four seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation, are Carlo Calleja from Stella Maris Parish, Sliema, Christopher Ellul from Christ the King Parish, Paola, Andrew Schembri  from St… Read more »

Benedict XVI will be ‘Pope emeritus’

Pope Benedict XVI's last weekly audience

Pope Benedict XVI has admitted he faced “choppy waters” during his eight years at the helm of the Roman Catholic Church, but says he was guided by God and felt his presence every day.

The Pope, 85, will retire on Thursday – the first pope to abdicate since Gregory XII in 1415.

Thousands of pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square in the Vatican for Pope Benedict’s final general audience… Read more »

Memorandum by Caritas Malta about poverty and social justice


  • Kull bniedem għandu jkollu aċċess għal dak li hu meħtieġ għall-iżvilupp sħiħ tiegħu.
  • Ix-xogħol huwa dritt u dmir ta’ kull bniedem.  Dan għandu jitħallas b’mod illi l-bniedem ikun jista’ jgħix kif jixraq, kemm hu kif ukoll dawk li jiddependu minnu.  Sempliċi ftehim personali bejn il-ħaddiem u min iħaddmu dwar l-ammont ta’ paga li tingħata mhux biżżejjed biex il-paga titqies bħala paga ġusta…
  • Read more »

Archbishop visits girls’ MUSEUM in Ħamrun

On Thursday 21st February 2013, the Archbishop met young girls attending for catechism at M.U.S.E.U.M. centre (female section) at Villambrosa road as part of his Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s Parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Archbishop visit Nuns of St. Joseph

On Wednesday 20th February 2013, the Archbishop visited the community of nuns at St. Joseph, Blata l-Bajda during his pastoral visit in St. Cajetan’s parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta. Tel: 21236723. Email: [email protected] Read more »

Memorandum from the Commission of Pastoral Activities amoung Workers



Il-Kummissjoni Pastorali fid-Dinja tax-Xogħol (KPDX), f’dan iż-żmien li f’Malta qegħdin noqorbu biex nagħżlu min se jmexxi pajjiżna għall-ħames snin li ġejjin, tixtieq twassal il-punti li fuqhom irriflettiet l-istess kummissjoni matul dawn l-aħħar snin.

Dawn il-proposti l-Kummissjoni qiegħda tippreżentahom lil dawk il-partiti li qegħdin jippreżentaw irwieħhom għall-Elezzjoni li ġejja. Huma punti li ħarġu minn laqgħat u seminars li orġanizzajna mal-imsieħba soċjali u mal-istess ħaddiema… Read more »