Monthly Archives: February 2013

Daily Gospel – 27th February

Mattew 20, 17-28

Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, and on the road he took the Twelve aside by themselves and said to them, ‘Look, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man is about to be handed over to the chief priests and scribes. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the gentiles to be mocked and scourged and crucified; and on the third day he will be raised up again.’ Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came with her sons to make a request of him, and bowed low;  and he said to her, ‘What is it you want?’ She said to him, ‘Promise that these two sons of mine may sit one at your right hand and the other at your left in your kingdom.’  Jesus answered, ‘You do not know what you are asking… Read more »

Memorandum from the Commission of Pastoral Activities amoung Workers



Il-Kummissjoni Pastorali fid-Dinja tax-Xogħol (KPDX), f’dan iż-żmien li f’Malta qegħdin noqorbu biex nagħżlu min se jmexxi pajjiżna għall-ħames snin li ġejjin, tixtieq twassal il-punti li fuqhom irriflettiet l-istess kummissjoni matul dawn l-aħħar snin.

Dawn il-proposti l-Kummissjoni qiegħda tippreżentahom lil dawk il-partiti li qegħdin jippreżentaw irwieħhom għall-Elezzjoni li ġejja. Huma punti li ħarġu minn laqgħat u seminars li orġanizzajna mal-imsieħba soċjali u mal-istess ħaddiema… Read more »

Daily Gospel – 26th February

Mattew 23,1-12

Then addressing the crowds and his disciples Jesus said, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees occupy the chair of Moses. You must therefore do and observe what they tell you; but do not be guided by what they do, since they do not practise what they preach. They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on people’s shoulders, but will they lift a finger to move them? … Read more »

Vatican: Motu proprio reaffirms cardinals’ prerogative for start of conclave

Conclave in Sistine Chapel

Conclave can begin before March 15th, but this very much depends on the Congregation of Cardinals, electors and non electors, who will only be convoked to their first meeting as of March 1st. And individual cardinals can decide not to participate in conclave on health grounds or for other serious reasons, but must communicate their non-participation to the Holy See… Read more »

Pope accepts Cardinal O’Brien’s resignation

Cardinal O'Brien

Here is the statement by Cardinal Keith O’Brien regarding the announcement that Pope Benedict XVI has accepted his resignation today as Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh.

“Approaching the age of seventy-five and at times in indifferent health, I tendered my resignation as Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh to Pope Benedict XVI some months ago.  I was happy to know that he accepted my resignation ‘nunc pro tunc’ – (now – but to take effect later) on 13 November 2012.  … Read more »

Archbishop meets various commissions at St. Cajetan’s Parish in Ħamrun

During the Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s Parish in Ħamrun, the Archbishop discussed pastoral issues with different parish commissions, amoungst them were:

  • the Commission of Preaching the Word and all the catechists on Thursday 7th February,
  • the Parish Pastoral Council, the Synod Implementation Commission, and the Economic Council on 18th February;
  • the Liturgical Commission and Ministers of Evangelisation on 19th February;
  • and the Diakonia Commission, the Family Commission and Leading Couples on the 21st of February 2013…
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Memorandum by Cana Movement and the Diocesan Commission for the family


  1. Il-Kummissjoni Djoċesana Familja u l-Moviment ta’ Kana jemmnu bis-sħiħ li l-familja mibnija fuq iż-żwieġ dejjiemi bejn raġel u mara toffri l-aktar stabbiltà u għalhekk huwa fl-aħjar interess tal-ulied u tas-soċjetà. Familji b’saħħithom jagħmlu soċjetà b’saħħitha u l-Istat għalhekk għandu l-obbligu li jsaħħaħ il-familja.
  2. Socjetà li tassew tagħraf il-kontribut tal-familja bħala patrimonju naturali u soċjali għandha tiddefendi bl-aktar mod ċar il-familja u tagħmel għażla preferenzjali favur iż-żwieġ dejjiemi bejn mara u raġel u dan mhux biss b’dikjarazzjonijiet, imma b’politika effettiva favur iż-żwieġ u l-familja…
  3. Read more »

Archbishop visits the children and nuns of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

On Monday 18th February 2013, the Archbishop met the catechetical centre at the Sisters of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and later he met the community of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as part of his Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »

Archbishop meets members of civil society in Ħamrun

On Sunday 17th February 2013, the Archbishop met with members of civil society at the Oratory, as part of his Pastoral Visit at St. Cajetan’s parish in Ħamrun.

The photos of the Archbishop’s events may be purchased from PHOTOCITY, Valletta… Read more »