Yearly Archives: 2012

Pope announces Concistory for the creation of new cardinals


Pope Benedict XVI has announced a consistory for the creation of six new Cardinals. To the joy of pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square for the weekly audience with the Holy Father, he made his announcement at the end of his catechesis. The new cardinals come from three continents: America, Africa and Asia.

This is Benedict XVI’s fifth consistory, and with the consistory of November 24 he will have created 90 cardinals… Read more »

Vatican approves Oct. 22 as US memorial for Blessed John Paul II

Blessed John Paul II

A new liturgical memorial — Oct. 22 — has been approved for Blessed John Paul II by the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. The U.S. Conference for Catholic Bishops announced Oct. 19 that the congregation had approved the “optional memorial” for the late pope in the calendar for U.S. dioceses. The U.S. bishops last November approved the date for the memorial, which is the anniversary of his inauguration as pope in 1978… Read more »

A New Website for the Secular Carmelite Order in Malta

L-Ordni Sekulari Karmelitan Tereżjan għadhom kemm introduċew is-website ġdida tagħhom:

Tajjeb li tinfurmaw ruħkom aktar dwar din l-ispirtwalita’ Tereżjana bħala lajċi fi ħdan il-Knisja. Din l-ordni għandha komunitajiet f’Birkirakara, Bormla, Ta’ Xbiex u x-Xagħra Għawdex. Għal aktar informzzjoni jista’ jibgħat fuq l-email address tagħhom li huwa [email protected]. Read more »

New resource pack for Pastoral Leaders

Is-Segretarjat tal-Katekeżi għadu kemm ħareġ l-ewwel Faxxiklu: Ngħid li Jiena Nemmen!

Din ir-riżorsa kateketika tista’ tintuża’ ma’ kull kategorija ta’ ħidmiet pastorali; imma hija l-aktar indirrizzata għall-Operaturi Pastorali li jaħdmu mal-Adolexxenti u Żghażagħ minn tlettax-il sena ‘l fuq u żgħażagħ minn tmintax-il sena ’l fuq.

Dan il-faxxiklu se jkun għall-bejgħ mill-Uffiċċji tas-Segretarjat minn nhar it-Tlieta 23 ta’ Ottubru, ’l quddiem… Read more »

‘The Door of Faith’ at the place of work

During this year of Faith, as promoted by Pope Benedict XVI, the Pastoral Commission for Work (PCW)  desires to convey to the employees at their place of work, some reflections with regards to the document that was issued by the Pope himself called ‘Porta Fidei’ meaning the ‘The Door of Faith’.

When speaking about actual work, many times one discusses all its aspects involving the worker, rather than the impact it has on one’s faith.  … Read more »

Archbishop celebrates mass at St. Liberata’s church

On Sunday 21st October 2012, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. celebrated mass at St.Liberata’s Capuchin church as part of his pastoral visit in Kalkara. Afterwards the Archbishop met with the community who participated in the mass.

CLICK HERE to view more photos of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit in Kalkara.

Click on the photo to enlarge… Read more »

Archbishop meets Kalkara civil society

On Sunday 21st October 2012, Archbishop Paul Cremona O.P. met members of Civil Society of Kalkara as part of his pastoral visit to the parish.

CLICK HERE to view more photos of the Archbishop’s Pastoral Visit in Kalkara.

Click on the photos to enlarge… Read more »

Pilgrims evacuated from Lourdes shrine

Hundreds of Roman Catholic pilgrims have been evacuated from the sanctuary of Lourdes in France after heavy flooding in the area.

The Gave de Pau river burst its banks after days of rain, flooding campsites around the shrine and parts of the southern city itself.

Lourdes is famous for what many Roman Catholics believe was a vision of the Virgin Mary by a local girl in 1858… Read more »