Monthly Archives: December 2012

Auxiliary Bishop visits Maria Assunta Secondary School

On Monday 17th December 2012, Auxiliary Bishop Mgr Charles J. Scicluna celebrated the Christmas Mass at San Ġorġ Preca College, Maria Assumpta Girls Secondary school in Ħamrun.

This was the Bishop’s first pastoral visit in a school.

The bishop was given a cake from the Home Economics class student and a hand-crafted memento by the Art and Lace class students… Read more »

Pope receives Palestinian President

Pope with Palestinian President

In the Vatican Apostolic Palace Pope Benedict XVI received in audience Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority. Mr. Abbas subsequently went on to meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B., accompanied by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States.
In a press release, the Holy See’s Press Office said “the cordial discussions made reference to the recent Resolution approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations by which Palestine was recognised as a Non-member Observer State of the aforementioned Organisation… Read more »

Feast of Generosity in aid of Id-Dar Tal-Providenza

The activity that is held annually to raise funds for id-Dar tal-Providenza will this year be called Festa ta’ Ġenerożita’ (Feast of Generosity). This was announced by Fr Martin Micallef, Director of the Home who said: “We’re doing this because on January 1st all Maltese and Gozitans alike will begin the new year by showing who and what they really are: a generous nation, a nation that can indeed practice solidarity.”

Fr Martin mentioned four main reasons for this feast of generosity towards id-Dar tal-Providenza… Read more »

Archbishop’s message on the Prayer Vigil of the feast of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

Il-Katidral tal- Mdina

7 ta’ Diċembru 2012

Ħuti, din hija sena tal-fidi u l-Papa Benedittu qed jistedinna lkoll biex, kull wieħed u waħda minna jagħmel qabża ta’ fidi jiġifieri jsaħħaħ il-fidi tiegħu, jiġifieri jgħix fid-dawl ta’ dak li aħna ma narawx imma, kif jgħid S. Pawl, nittamaw fih permezz tal-fidi tagħna.

Hu xieraq li llum kemm għaliex hija festa kif ukoll għaliex aħna qegħdin miġburin madwar radju li huwa msemmi għal Sidtna Marija, tajjeb li nieħdu lil Sidtna Marija bħala dik li tmexxina fil-fidi tagħna… Read more »

Archbishop’s message to Persons with Disability

Garden of Eden Hall, iż-Żurrieq

4 ta’ Diċembru 2012

Fis-Salm Responsorjali għadna kemm smajna li Alla l-Imbierek iħobb ħafna lil dawk li qegħdin ibatu: dawk li huma morda, dawk li huma fqar u dawk li huma b’xi diżabbilitá. U Alla l-Imbierek mhux biss kiteb bħalma smajna jinqara llum b’mod daqshekk sabih, imma Alla l-Imbierek bagħat lil Ġesù fil-Milied biex jurina dan… Read more »

‘God not as distant but with us’

Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass on Sunday at the parish church of St. Patrick at Colle Prenestino, on the eastern outskirts of Rome. In his homily, the Holy Father spoke of the certainty we have in faith that the Lord is present, regardless of how circumstance might appear to give cause for mistrust, sadness, and even despair. The presence of the Lord is by itself enough to brighten and gladden hearts… Read more »

A thanksgiving mass to end the Mission of Mgr Tommaso Caputo as Apostolic Nuncio in Malta

Nhar il-Ħadd 16 ta’ Diċċembru 2012, l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu l-Arċisqof Tommaso Caputo iċċelebra Quddiesa ta’ radd il-ħajr, fil-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta, fi tmiem il-missjoni diplomatika tiegħu f’Malta bħala Nunzju Appostoliku tas-Santa Sede.

Fl-10 ta’ Novembru li għadda, il-Qdusija Tiegħu il-Papa Benedittu XVI ħatar lil Mons. Caputo bħala Arċisqof tal-belt ta’ Pompei u Delegat Pontifiċju għas-Santwarju tal-Imqaddsa Verġni Marija tar-Rużarju ta’ Pompei… Read more »

December 17-23


10.15 a.m. The Archbishop presides over a Curia senior staff meeting, at the Curia.

6.30 p.m. The Archbishop attends for a farewell reception on the occasion of the ending service of Mgr Tommaso Caputo as Apostolic Nuncio for Malta. Reception will be held at the Apostolic Nunciature at Tal-Virtù, in Rabat.


09.30 a.m. The Archbishop celebrates Christmas Mass for children coming from State Schools, at St… Read more »